16: Gone Wrong Pt. III

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" I don't really wanna try 

and change your mind

If you can't find a way to love me,

 it's alright "

Mandag, 11:02

After talking with her friend, Eva's day was full of school assignments and papers. She had only one subject left, but her backpack already felt heavier as she was carrying few pages of homework that was due to the end of the week.

At first, she had some trouble concentrating, because Sana's words kept ringing in her ears, but when her teachers called her out over three times on drifting off, she did her best to watch boring, white chalk move squeakily on the blackboard.

Her eyes fell on the seat next to her, which was empty.

Spanish felt weird without Noora. She was usually the one to save her from the wrath of their teacher, who for some reason, liked to pick her to read the homework out loud.

Eva was never good in languages. She could communicate quite well in English, even though she understood more of it than she could say herself, but Spanish was a whole different story.

Unlike Noora, who had spent a lot of time living in the heart of Spain, Madrid, before coming to study at Nissen.

Two months, thirteen days and seven hours.

That's how long they haven't spoken to each other. And she missed her. Even something as stupid as that spanish lesson was a reminder of her.

Eva wasn't angry anymore. If they were to get back in touch, she was almost sure things would get back to normal. To the way it was before.

But they were both too proud to reach out first.

There were countless amount of times that Eva almost pressed the green button, that she almost sent that message she typed in saying 'I'm sorry'.

And she was actually so worried. How was Noora doing in London? Was her relationship with William good? Did she make any friends?

The topic of their friendship came up few times with the girls.

But each time they tried to talk to her about it, she either got angry or changed the subject.

Redhead was pretty sure that only Vilde knew the real reason they stopped talking, but she was, for once, staying quiet about it.

Noora left.

She followed William to another country. And Eva simply didn't agree with her decision.

But when she informed her of her move two days before it actually happened, Kviig snapped and screamed out her exact thoughts about it.

She never liked William. Well, liked is a strong word, she simply thought he wasn't a good influence. But she respected her friends' choice and she knew that Noora was strong and independent.

At the same time, when she learned that she'd be moving to a different country for him, it seemed nothing like her. It was like Noora was going against everything she believed in for him.

But once some time passed, Eva began to understand her.

Love changes people and sometimes it makes them do, what seems to others, irrational things, when in mind of the person in love, it is the most logical thing in the whole world.

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