Lucid Dreaming Layers

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There are several lucid dreaming layers. I'm not sure how many there are exactly, but I'm going to cover the first five, since I don't have information yet on layer six and above.

Layer One: Layer one dreams are normal dreams. You're not lucid and you have no control. These are the dreams most people have.

Layer Two: I had this one described to me as "questioning" by a reader.  This is the state between semi-lucid and normal dreaming.  You may know subconsciously that you're dreaming and can control it, but it may still seem realistic, like a normal dream would.  This can make you doubt that you're dreaming and lose your lucidity, so if you think you're dreaming, push through it!

Layer Three: Layer three dreams are semi-lucid dreams. Basically, you're on the edge of being lucid. You may notice that something is off, but you aren't fully aware yet.

Layer Four: This is where you hit full lucidity. You have some degree of control, but people at layer three usually do low-level stuff (such as flying or having sex with everyone) that will excite them and wake them up. You're not really doing anything profound yet, just going with the feel of lucid dreaming.

Layer Five: At layer five and above, you need to be taking some degree of caution. At layer five, you receive the power to interact directly with your subconscious (you can get here from layer three by using stabilization techniques, such as rubbing your hands together or spinning around). This is often when people start using their dreams to practice life skills or to conquer fears. You can learn a lot about yourself at this layer if you open yourself up to the dream, but I can't guarantee that it won't be frightening. If you think you're at layer five, but you're struggling to break through to your subconscious, using dream commands (shouting out loud at the dream) is probably your best bet. You can ask your subconscious questions by using dream commands, or tell it to surprise you, and it probably will catch you off-guard. Just be open to it, though. It's your subconscious- you have nothing to hide from it, and you couldn't hide anything from it if you wanted to, anyways, so you might as well go with it. This is the layer that people aim for if they're serious about lucid dreaming (which I'm hoping you are, if you're reading this).

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