The Flying Reality Check

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Well, BrookeDumbledore introduced me to a reality check I've never heard of.  I looked it up, and sure enough, it does exist.  It's called the jumping/flying reality check, and manifests a few different ways.

1) Jump into the air.  If you float back down, you're dreaming, if gravity remains normal, you're awake.
2) If you're half-asleep or not sure if you're asleep, try levitating above your bed.  If you levitate... well, you're dreaming, of course.
3) If you're driving, pull up on the steering wheel.  The car should start flying upwards if you're dreaming.
3b) If you're a passenger, or not in a car (ex: bike, skateboard, bus, etc), try to make it fly.  If it flies, you're dreaming.  Unless, y'know, it's an airplane.

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