Reality Checks

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This is something that all lucid dreamers will want to do, just to be sure, but DILD users will do these the most.  Reality checks are essentially tricks to tell you that you're dreaming.  So, I've decided to list some off.

1) Look at the clock.  If you look at the clock, look away, then quickly look back, the time will change drastically if you're dreaming.  If the time doesn't change drastically (if you're doing it fast enough, it should change by a minute at the absolute maximum), you're in reality (I've tested this reality check, it has worked every time so far).

2) Pinch your nose.  If you pinch your nose and are able to breathe, you're dreaming.  If you can't breathe, you're awake... and should probably let go of your nose.

3) Poke your palm.  If you're dreaming, your finger will go right through your other hand.  If not, you'll just be poking your hand.

4) Look at your hands.  Since people don't pay much attention to their hands, it's easy to develop a sixth finger on one hand or to lose a finger on one hand while you're in a dream.  So, if this is the reality check you're using, count your fingers.  If you have 10, you're awake.  If you have 9 or 11 or some other number, you're dreaming- unless you've had a finger amputated, in which case, I apologize sincerely.

I'm pretty sure there's a fifth one, but I can't remember it off the top of my head.  Also, make sure to use multiple reality checks so that your dreams don't eventually adapt to them.

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