Your Dream Self

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Your dream self isn't always going to act like you do in real life.  This may come in the form of a simple personality alteration, an appearance change, or even a whole new identity!  Either way, you want to take note of these differences between your real life and dream self.  This can be the first step to lucidity.

For me, my dream self is a lot calmer than how I act while I'm awake.  In a bad situation where I'd normally freak out, my dream self usually doesn't get scared so easily.  Taking notice of that often leads me to wonder if I'm dreaming, which leads to me doing a reality check, which leads to me becoming lucid.

The point is, be self-aware.  It's something lucid dreamers will excel at.  If you notice a change in your behavior or appearance, but don't know why it happened, do a reality check.  You may be dreaming.

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