Lucid Dreaming and Tulpamancy

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I've... been hesitant to address this. It sounds so absurd on paper, but this is apparently a thing that even has whole communities dedicated to it. So... tulpamancy is the creation of a thoughtform known as a tulpa. I doubt most of you are familiar with thoughtforms or tulpas, so I'll give a rundown before going into their connection to lucid dreaming.

Tulpas are beings created from your thoughts, hence the term "thoughtforms". Essentially, you sit down somewhere and meditate on the tulpa— what they look like, what they act like, and whatever else. This process of visualizing your tulpa is known as tulpaforcing. With a lot of repetition, you'll start to catch stray thoughts coming from this tulpa that you're now creating in your head. These thoughts will become more clear and more obvious over time, and you can essentially have telepathic conversations using mindvoice (you're using your mindvoice while you're reading this, since you're imagining how I sound or how you would sound reading it back without actually hearing it). Yeah, as I said, it sounds absurd. This can ultimately develop into "imposition," when you can hallucinate your tulpa's form/voice/scent/etc. at will. This is not a mental disorder, since it is entirely voluntary. So why would anyone want this? Some people just want them as companions, some people create them to help ward off mental disorders (apparently they can block hallucinations that come from schizophrenia, for example, or console tulpamancers/hosts suffering with depression). For me personally, I grew interested in them when HowtoLucid posted a video explaining their connection to lucid dreaming almost a year ago.

Tulpas are a part of your mind, which means they can share dreams with you. This also means they can tell you that you're dreaming or tell you to do a reality check. This is known as Tulpa-Induced Lucid Dreaming (TILD). Just like any other dream character, though, you can summon your tulpa into your dream if you're already lucid and they're not there. You can interact with them the same as any other dream character. I'm not sure if they have the godlike lucid dreamer powers that we would get, so if anyone has information on that, get back to me, since I've yet to find it. I do know, however, that tulpas can either be lucid or non-lucid at the start of a dream, just as people can. Even if the host is lucid, the tulpa doesn't always have to be, and vice versa. Basically, they'll act like a dream character that can develop their own lucidity.

Also, if anybody wants a tulpamancy guide, I'm willing to write one.

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