Chapter 2

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Skyslicer and I soon become fast friends, and slowly begin to build our trust for one another. We're training at the academy when I hear voices from below. I land my dragon and slide off his saddle as they draw closer, immediately recognizing the voice as the Chief's son, Hiccup.

"Hey! I just wanted to get a look at your dragon, Gobber's told us so much about you!" says the boy, sticking his hand out to shake mine.

"Sure! This is Skyslicer" I smile, glancing at the group he brought, and my heart skips a beat when I see the apprentice from weeks ago. As if on cue he pushes past his friends and grabs my hand out of Hiccup's, gripping it tenderly,

"I'm Snotlout! But you probably knew that already, given that I am the number one blacksmith on Berk!" he boasts, and I can practically feel his pride and self-confidence radiating off of him. His friends groan, and a stouter, taller viking approaches Skyslicer,

"Snotlout, you are an apprentice, and there's only ONE blacksmith on Berk and it's Gobber!" he chides and adds, "I'm Fishlegs, can I get a closer look at Skyslicer?"

I can immediately tell that he's the brains of the group, even a bit more so than Hiccup. I nod, as Snotlout lets go of my hand, "Shut it, Fishface!" he huffs, storming off as two twins come forward,

"I'm Tuffnut." says the boy.

"And I'm Ruffnut! You gotta excuse my brother's antic's, he's madly in love with you." the girl says, eyeing her brother mischeviously.

"I am not! I said I was madly in love with the dragon! Not her!" He says, thrusting a hand at Skyslicer. I fake a pouty expression and exclaim, putting the back of my hand to my forehead,

"Why Thor!? Why have you withheld his affections for me!?" I cry, earning laughs all around, and a small smile from Snotlout who was watching in the back of the group. Another girl comes closer and sticks her hand out to me,

"I'm Astrid." she declares and I can immediately tell that she's very precise and to the point, and definitely a fierce fighter, given the axe she carried.

"___, good to meet you all!" I say, looking around the group, loving the balance, and at times imbalance that happened between them. "I assume you all have dragons?" I ask, eager to see other dragons besides my Gnasher. Hiccup nods, and they call their separate dragons out. A Monstrous Nightmare, Gronckle, Zippleback, Night Fury, and a Deadly Nadder all land behind the group, each rider going to their dragon. I analyze the group and their relationships with the dragons, Snotlout having a loyalty to his Nightmare, that also served as a rivalry between rider and dragon. Fishlegs definitely treated his Gronckle more like a pet than a dragon, baby-talking to her and rubbing her belly. I smile at that, looking over to the twins and their Zippleback. It was clear that they each rode on one of the heads, flying the dragon together, as they did many other things. The Night Fury and Hiccup duo was common to see around Berk, his father, Stoick boasting about his son constantly and all the other things he accomplished. The duo was one a part of me envied, the two sides perfectly balanced and in-sync, but no doubt after years of hard work and patience. The Nadder and Astrid were much like Hiccup and the Night Fury in the fact that they were very much in-sync with each other, but Astrid's focus seemed more to be getting her and her dragon stronger, not more efficient.

I smile in awe as I go around and look at all the dragons, and each of the rider's going down the line, introducing them. Soon I learn their names are Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf and Belch, Toothless, and Stormfly. I let Skyslicer mingle with the other dragons as I talk with their riders,

"I've heard so much about all of you, with defeating Drago and all, now Dragon's Edge? I envy you all." I gush, probably oversharing a bit.

"Oh, there's nothing to envy, we just want to discover all the dragons, map out this place, and learn all we can!" Hiccup says noblely, and I hear Snotlout snickering with the twins in the background, making fun of Hiccup, which I assume is a regular thing. He rolls his eyes and adds, "Believe it or not they actually do serve a purpose and are great dragon their own ways, I guess."

I look over at the three of them, "I can tell" I say, suppressing a laugh. The group and I keep talking for hours, and I get to see what all of their dragons are made of, more than a few times gushing with Fishlegs about the stats of each animal.

"This has been so great meeting all of you, we should definitely all train together sometime" I say, walking back over to Skyslicer and resting my hand on his leg as I start to mount up. Hiccup nods and begins to say something before Snotlout interjects,

"Oh yeah, ___, we can definitely train whenever you want." he says, a smirk on his face and most definitely noticing my face get a bit pink, before Astrid knocks him upside the head with her fist, knocking him over. I almost feel bad for him as she says,

"Sure! You should visit Dragon's Edge sometime, I need the extra girl, haha..." and retreats back to Stormfly, nodding at Hiccup to give me the directions. We set up a date and for how long I'd stay, and I thank him, wishing I could stay at the Academy with the group a little longer. A part of me wants to stay with Snotlout longer, those beautiful eyes trained on me as I talk to Hiccup, with a little jealousy? I deem the last part a trick of the light as the sun dips toward the horizon.

"Heh, definitely, Astrid, but I still need to train with Skyslicer some more before I can make any long trips..." I admit, mounting my dragon and looking at everyone.

"I can train her!" volunteers Snotlout excitedly, to everyone's groan, as Tuff replies,

"She doesn't wanna train with you, mutton for brains!" rolling his eyes as his sister adds,

"Yeah, and, she's already really great with Skyslicer! That's such a cool name by the way." she says, making me smile sheepishly at her,

"Thanks, but I guess someone could help with my training, after all, I don't want to be teaching myself the wrong things." I admit, looking at Snotlout, and when I meet his eyes, there's a new look in them, of gratitude, not the playboy sweet-talker I'd been seeing. However, some part of me was certain that he didn't reel in many ladies with this charm, but definitely dished it out to whomever noticed. Hiccup nods after a moment's thought, looking at Astrid with worry.

"Ok, but just let us know if you run into any trouble." he says, looking at Snotlout warningly. Then, without much less conversation, the group, save for Snotlout and I, lift to the sky and toward the horizon, where I assumed was Dragon's Edge. Snotlout looks at me and says, with a different, softer voice from before,

"Thanks for helping out back there, they don't listen to me much..." he says with a bit of hurt in his voice. I nod, a small part of me wanting to yell at the group for being so awful to him, but then again, I barely know him, so I couldn't do anything drastic.

"Let's meet here, tomorrow morning before breakfast?" I ask, looking over at Snotlout from the saddle of my dragon.

"For sure, beautiful." He smirks and with a great flap of Hookfang's wings, the pair launch into the sky and toward their home on Berk, somewhere in the village. I smile to myself, a blush spreading on my face, but before I do anything, I hear a distant but triumphant cheer, "Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi, Oi, Oi!" This brings a giggle out of me before Skyslicer and I fly up and back to our home, a pink blush on my cheeks.

You'll Be the Death of Me (Snotlout x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now