Intermission & Modern!AU Snotlout x Reader

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  Hi guys! To all of you that have stuck with me thus far, thank you, hope this is up to par! And to all of you that just got here, welcome, hope you have a good time! So, i'm giving the story a lil intermission because I have a Modern!AU Snotlout one-shot I'd like to try. Yall will go for a drive! And see what happens! Seriously though, leave stuff in the discussion/comments! I'd love to hear from yall, good stuff, and stuff I can improve on! Don't be shy, i don't bite!

Bye for now, kiddos!


Finals week. I don't remember the last time I've had fun, the stress baring down on me like a ton of bricks. The polynomials swim in my math textbook, and I take a sip of my espresso, the drink having gone cold hours ago. The numbers focus for a moment before swimming again and i groan, rubbing my eyes and turning the page. My phone pings, and I can see the hearts my boyfriend put around his name jokingly, across the room, making a smile crackle onto my face. We haven't hung out as often, due to us taking exams and all. I don't get up, my math final taking up too much of my attention.

An hour or so passes, my time perception insanely skewed from the all the studying and various caffeinated drinks, a few more pings showing up in the process, drowned out in the flipping of pages. I hunker down until the only thing left in the world is me and my math textbook, the words bleeding and swimming on the page.

All at once I'm ripped out of my trance when I hear a blaring horn outside my window. I jump in my seat, my textbook falling out of my lap and the world comes into color again and I'm suddenly aware of everything all at once. Throwing my window open, and sticking my head out, my hair a disshevled mess, the t-shirt I wore wrinkled and stained, and scream, "SHUT IT PRICKS. I'VE GOT A CALC EXAM TOMORROW."

"Good to see you too, beautiful!" A voice I've missed calls from the driveway. Snotlout sat in a red convertible he lovingly named, "Hookfang". Apparently it was in style these days to name your car... I notice it's him and crumple to the edge of my window, realizing how tired I was, and a little frustrated that he didn't even look like he broke a sweat for this exam. My boyfriend was the type that didn't "have to study" to get high marks. I feel tired tears well up and fall onto the windowsill, certain I would fail. "Awh, come on, babe, no tears..." He coaxes gently and climbs out of his car and on top of my mom's, and onto the roof of our house, crawling over to my window as he'd done thousands of times before.

I move over, letting him in. My parents didn't really approve of us, something about a family disagreement generations back. I feel his strong arms pull me into his chest, God, he even smelled like new car. My sobbing subsides as he rubs my back, "I'm sorry..." I croak, my voice hoarse from the crying.

"'sall good," Snotlout says cooly, tilting my face up, no doubt red and splotchy. "Go wash your face, you'll feel better." he orders. I stand up shakily and head to the bathroom, washing my face with cold water. He was right, it made me feel more awake and alert, and less grimy. Drying my face off, I go back to him, and see my phone light up with a long paragraph under Snotlout's name, on the bed. "You can read that later, cuz we both know I suck ass at saying the lovey stuff out loud." my boyfriend says, waving his hand at it dismissively. "But now we have somewhere to be." he adds, climbing back out the window.

"What are you talking about? I have to study!" I say, but the thought of opening that book again nearly made me sick, and I follow him out, "Where are we going?" I ask, hopping off the roof, my mom's car, then into Snotlout's convertible. I was carful to not get anything dirty or scratched, as my boyfriend always told me:

"My top three most important things are as follows in order of importance: You, Hookfang, me."

I smile at the memory, as Snotlout replies with a smirk, "For a drive. You need it." I roll my eyes, looking up into his baby blue ones. I remember when I used to call him "baby blue" after his eyes, but quickly rolled around to "babe" and the general couple nicknames the more our relationship progressed.

"Where?" I ask, taking his hand after starting the ignition, a silver battle axe charm swinging from the rear-view mirror.

"Stop asking so many questions, ___" he says, a playful smirk on his face as he grabs my hand and pulls out of our driveway with extreme precision and speed, second only to Hiccup and Astrid, who both drove different cars. Hiccup's was a remodeled pick-up truck he crashed a few years back, and Astrid's is an electric one, light blue and easy to maneuver. We drive out of my neighborhood, and onto the highway. Before we know it we hit traffic, and it's awful. Smack in the middle of rush hour, the whole highway is at a standstill. Snotlout quickly grows fed up and lays on the horn, yelling at cars to hurry up. There was one way to fix Snotlout's road rage, and it's with a song. Specifically, Lipgloss by Lil Mama.

I start the song with a laugh, and turn up the volume as my boyfriend gives me a playful smirk and caves to the rhythm, moving his legs to the infectious beat. Soon we're both dancing, the car bobbing a little. Snotlout jams loudly, knowing all the lyrics. When I'd first found out, I'd scoffed and not believed Tuff when he told me. THE Snotlout Jorgenson's de-stress song was Lipgloss? I couldn't believe it, but truth be told, it worked like a charm every time.

Before we know it, we're moving again, both of us considerably more relaxed, our hands intertwined as we head down the highway, breaking off some roads and into the hills surrounding the valley we lived in. My ears pop as I look at the sunset and stretching, feeling a few bones crack satisfyingly as the top rolls down. We soon reach our destination, a cliff overlooking our town. After Snotlout parks, he beckons me over and I climb over the middle compartment, sitting in my boyfriend's lap, "what?" I ask, before he presses his mouth to mine, and I quickly lean in, holding the back of his neck, my fingers tangling in the black hair that flared out under the snapback he always wore. I feel hands around my waist, pulling me in closer as we go. Just as things heat up, I pull away with a gasp, feeling Snotlout's smirk on my jaw, "You needed that. You need to fuckin relax about that test, if anyone's gonna ace it, it'll be you." he says sincerely, pulling away and looking up at me. I nod, closing my eyes and pressing my forehead to his, our hands still locked together.

"Thanks, you're right." i admit, a tired smile breaking on my face.

"I know." he says as if it were obvious, a small laugh playing on his lips. We sit there for a little while longer enjoying each other's company, my worries slowly but surely melting away.

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