Chapter 8

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    We ascend the steps and split off to go to our respective huts. With Heather gone, I was planning on just spending my time on "my side" of the hut, but to Snotlout's persistent whining, I cave and bring my possessions up to his hut, the red S propped up by the door. The inside is messy and unkempt, but I can sense a method to the madness that only Snotlout and Hookfang could read. Stepping over stray socks and old tunics, I set my things down in a corner as Snotlout parades in, not aware of the mess.

"Welcome to my super cool abode, ___!" He says, and I smile, a bit confused,

"Isn't it 'humble' abode?" I ask, as Snotlout shakes his head.

"My hut is the best in the Archipelago! Everyone knows that..." he answers, shrugging, as Hookfang settles into his bed over in another corner of the room. I make a bold move and sit on Snotlout's bed, the yak fur and wood supporting my weight. Drawing my knees to my chest, I look over at the soot-haired boy with a small smile,

"Really, because it seems to be the messiest in the Archipelago..." I say teasingly and he shoves me, making us both laugh. My boyfriend sits next to me, pressing his lips to my cheek and without missing a beat I wrap my arms around him,

"Your friends are great, but, and don't let this go to your head," I say, knowing just that would happen, "but I feel like they take you for granted sometimes..." I say, replacing his helmet with my chin. I feel his cheeks grow warm and he's about to say something, before for once thinks better of it and holds his tongue. I hear a quiet, almost hesistant,

"Continue?" out of the boy in my arms and I oblige.

"You do do a lotta muttonhead things, I'll say...but you're still part of the team! Sure, you don't spew facts every minute like Fishlegs, but you are a monster in aerial combat. I remember seeing you guys defend Berk, and!" I gush, "I just think that as a team member, they've gotta show you a bit more respect. You, and the twins to be honest..." I sum up. I look down and Snotlout's cheek's are a bright pink, and he wouldn't meet my eyes. I squeeze playfully, "What? Can't face the music now that someone else is playing?" I ask, with a smile.

"N-no, it's just that I didn't realize how much I needed that..." Snotlout says quietly, his arms snaked around my waist. "But i dunno what muttonhead things you're talking about." he adds, lightening the mood slightly, making me laugh. We stay like this for a while, slowly making our way so that his head was on top of my chest, resting in the crook of my neck, my fingers threading lazily through the black strands.

"You're pretty great..." I hear him mumble offhandedly and I smile to myself, closing my eyes.

Her arms go slack around my shoulders and I look up, her ___ eyes closed. She did have a rough day, with all the beach stuff and almost drowning, but I did save her! Her face is so relaxed and seemingly at peace with everything, like a sculpture. Hookfang huffs at me with a knowing glare, "Shut up, Hookfang! I know I don't deserve her.." I whisper, glaring back at him as he rolls his eyes and sets his head down, konking out immediately. I take one last look at ___ before I curl up next to her again and fall asleep, my arms around her waist. I really didn't know how much I needed to hear that. Of course, I already knew all that stuff, but it felt different hearing it come from someone who meant it.

Slivers of light shine through the cracks in the door and onto my face, waking me up, pulling my arms up over my head and arching my back, letting out a groan before relaxing again. Snotlout's still asleep on top of me, and so is Hookfang, so I assume that everyone's taking it easy today. I start to get up, but feel my boyfriend's arms wrap around me tighter, a small groan sounding from him in the process. "Well g'morning yourself..." I say groggily and give up, flopping back down.

"Do that thing you were doing before..." Snotlout says quietly, half asleep.

I smirk, "What? I was doing a lotta things before?"

"The thing you were doing with my hair..." he adds, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I smile and start tangling my fingers in his hair once more, even braiding a few strands of it. After my work is done, I laugh,

"You look like Ruff..." He has two braids sticking out on either side of his head, much like the horns on his helmet.

He sits up and looks at me with playful shock, "Don't joke about that." he says, and I almost detect a hint of seriousness in his voice, making me giggle. I flick them, making the braided tufts bounce,

"You could be a secret Thorston triplet!" I laugh, as he gives me a playful glare, Hookfang "laughing" in the background.

"Oh yeah?" Snotlout says challengingly, turning me around and taking strands of my hair in his hands, weaving them together in some way, hoping it turned into a braid, "We'll see how you like it!" He says with a laugh, sticking his tongue out slightly in concentration. I smile to myself, relaxing into his touch. I could feel the "braid" tangling me hair, but he was always gentle when handling it that I couldn't be mad. After a few more minutes of Snotlout fumbling with my hair, he lets go with a proud sigh, "There! Now you look like Tuff!" In my hair are two crudely made longer braids, much like the Thorston twin the look was inspired by. I turn around, giggling, my nose crinkling in playful disgust.

"Noooooo!" I say in mock defeat, "Undo it!" I plead, my hands starting to work at the knots when Snotlout bats them away.

"Admit that I'm better looking than Tuff!" Snotlout demands, smirking. My eyes widen at him,

"Is that it?" I ask, honestly surprised that that was all it took. When he nods, I shrug my shoulders and admit, "You are, no doubt, wayy cuter than Tuff."

Snotlout blushes as he pushes my shoulder to turn me around, muttering, "I'm not cute..." his fingers surprisingly work away the knots easily, as if he had a method to messing up my hair. I unwind slightly, feeling his hands undo the knots with surprising speed and care, not letting me feel a bit of pain. I don't even have to look back to tell that Snotlout's face is at least a little bit pink, his hands a bit warmer as they work their way down my hair, returning it to it's bedheadish state. Turning around again, I don't bother turning my boyfriend, when the braids are just on the sides. They come undone easily, but I go slower on purpose to watch Snotlout's reaction, the little twitch of his right eye when i accidentally pull a strand too hard, or the still-groggy haze in his sky-blue eyes that makes happy Fireworms migrate to my belly.

When I'm done, I let my hand rest on top of his with a small smile, before leaning in and pressing my mouth to his. I'd never initiated a kiss before, up until now, always either being ambushed or pulled in. It felt nice to be in charge a bit, and I could tell that Snotlout enjoyed the slight change of pace, drawing me closer. When we pull away, all that's heard is Hookfang's quiet huffing in the background, and our own soft, but slightly labored breathing. "How'd you get so good at that?" my boyfriend wonders quietly, with a hint of laughter. I hesitate, remembering people I didn't want to remember, "previous partners..." I say quietly, our foreheads pressed together. I can tell Snotlout wants to ask me about why I hesitated, but he doesn't say anything, only intertwining our fingers, his thumb rubbing mine. Smiling gratefully, we change places, so that my head is resting on his shoulder, my body fitting his on one side. His stronger arms are around my waist as they often are and I close my eyes contently.

Hookfang huffs jealously, as Snotlout responds, "Oh shush you big baby, you'll get your share later..." I giggle and sigh quietly, content with where I am, and content with who I'm with.

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