Part 13

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Hey yall,, so would it be easier if I just, didn't name the chapters anything and just left them alone? Let me know what would be easier?


We sit Snotlout down in a far end of the cave, a few feet away from our flag, but still out of his reach. In one last attempt at salvation, "Help!!" he screams femininely. I roll my eyes before going back up next to Fishlegs where he sat, guarding near the mouth of the cave.

"Any news?" I ask, scanning the skies once again for our fearless leader.

"Not a thing, but I've heard them fly in close recently..." Fishlegs says, "I think the last time I heard them was when you brought Snotlout down... Any luck with their flag?"

"Astrid and Tuff are on it, and they're headed for the dome, we got some intel from Snotlout and Ruff that it's there, so-"

The sand in front of us goes up in a great cloud around us as something lands. I quickly start edging back towards the cave before I hear Toothless' plasma blast charge up, "It's Hiccup and Toothless! Watch the opening!" I yell to Fishlegs as I cover my eyes and mouth from the sand. From inside the cave I hear Snotlout cheering and shouting as footsteps run in. Fishlegs yells in protest at the footsteps and runs after them, so I focus on the one thing left to do, find Toothless. Every so often I see a purple glow charge up then fire in the sand, decreasing my visibility even more, so like a normal person wouldn't do, I run towards it in hopes of tagging the Nightfury. After aimlessly running around, following the sounds of Toothless' blasts, my hand touches the cool scales of the dragon's hide and I hear a defeated grunt sound from him as I lead him back into the cave. To my delight, Hiccup sits with Snotlout on a rock, as Fishlegs gives me a triumphant grin.

"You tried your best, bud..." Hiccup sighs, petting his snout. I smile and high-five Fishlegs as Toothless lays in the sand next to Hiccup. Almost as if on queue, we hear a bellowing victory cry come from up the hill. Fishlegs and I run out to see Tuffnut and Astrid carrying the banner triumphantly with Ruffnut tailing them. By the soot and dirt on their faces, it looked like my team had put in a lot of effort to get that flag here. I laugh and hug Astrid, grinning widely.

"How did you guys do it?" I ask, as our prisoners come out of the cave and reconcile with each other.

"It actually took a little-" Astrid explains, before being interrupted by Tuffnut,

"A lot of my planning, excuse you!" the twin objects before Astrid relents,

"It took some of Tuff's planning to get this, but it took a lot of my combat skills and teamwork to get it here." Astrid finishes. Fishlegs and I laugh, before the losing team, led by Hiccup joins us,

"Ok, ok, good game you guys..." he starts, "Now we know how valuable it is for us to work as a team, not just on our own. Obviously like ___'s, as we promised, the losing team makes dinner..." Hiccup sighs, as the rest of his team sulks.

"This game sucks!" says Ruffnut, as Tuffnut gives her a triumphant grin, then stomps off. Hiccup looks at Snotlout,

"I hope you know how to cook?" he says

"Of course I know how to cook! You think my mama only taught me to sew?" Snotlout asks, rolling his eyes, as if this was common knowledge. It was, to no one except Snotlout. He starts listing things he can cook, starting with roast yak, which he helped his mom make every Snoggletog.

"I think I'm feeling some roast yak...what do you think, Astrid?" I ask mischeviously, then she replies,

"Yea, I'm starving, some roast yak would reeeaaally hit the spot right now." Astrid adds. The boys roll their eyes,

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