Chapter 7

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The week goes by as normal, with no more interference from Heather. I'd actually earned an apology from her after I helped her out when she'd overexerted herself! But I didn't really get a chance to do anything else with her, as she had to go back to Berserker Island to help her brother with chiefly duties. Today, we were all down by the shore, the dragons sunning on a rock pile nearby, with us on the flaxen sand beach.

I lean back on my hands and dig my toes into the sand, turning my head up to the sun above, "Here we can't start fires." I say, looking at the twins, who returned my look as Ruffnut says,

"It was still fun though..." as her brother adds, "Yeah, and we saved most of our stuff!" Smiling and shaking my head, I get up and start pushing the sand into a lump, then into a slightly larger lump,

"Heh, it's kinda like a castle!" I say, and start kneading the sand into a column for one turret, then three more. Soon I'm on all fours, digging and fortifying the walls.

"That's a pretty weak castle, ___" said Fishlegs, sitting beside me and starting to form his own lump of sand. I raise an eyebrow at him, smirking,

"Really? Well I'd like to see you build a better one!" I challenge.

"What? Who's challenging who?" Tuff asks, running over, and kicking sand up into Snotlout's sleeping face. My boyfriend opens one eye, annoyed as he gets the sand off him,

"I can sculpt circles around you guys. 'Specially you, Tuff." Snotlout says, sitting on my other side.

"We're making sandcastles. Not circles, Snotlout." Fishlegs tuts with a smirk as he gets a base for his castle up.

"Shut up, Fishface!" yells my blue eyed boy, throwing a ball of sand at his base, making the center cave inwards.

"SNOTLOUT." screams Fishlegs, his fists closing around the sand inside them. I snicker softly, putting a twig over my moat for a drawbridge. In retaliation, Fishlegs takes the route that'll hurt two people at once, and collapses one of my turrets. I gasp,

"Fishlegs! The savagery!" I say with a laugh as Snotlout grits his teeth.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" he says, angrily, before I interject,

"Guys, it's just sand castles, we can make new ones!" I say calmly, looking between the two boys, both itching to set off the other. I look over at the twins and get a much different story. Their castle is at least twice as tall as ours combined, using a dripping technique, by taking wet sand and dropping the drops in a pile, making a different sort of castle. "Woah... how did you come up with that?" I ask, circling it. Tuff looks up at me suspiciously,

"Don't even try, Missy. You're just after our ingenious interior design skills!" Tuffnut accuses, pointing at me. Ruffnut comes over,

"Yea... you could never do what we could with sand!" she says, taking a fistful of wet sand and continuing the dripping castle. Laughing, I go and take my spot back in front of my castle. We keep building and sculpting for an hour or two, with little bickering, which pleasantly surprised me, but everyone soon grows bored of that and heads to the water.

"You swim, Fishf-legs?" I ask, nearly calling him Snotlout's nickname for him. Turning to the crystalline water, I bend my knees and streamline my arms, diving in. The water is salty and cold around me, but I only shiver happily, surfacing a few feet away. Ruff dives next, mimicking my form, but bending her knees too much and overshooting. Smiling, I swim out to her and call back to the shore, "Come on, you guys!" With a smirk, I submerge, grabbing Ruff's hand and swimming a bit closer.

Snotlout throws off his helmet and wades in, hissing through his teeth at the cold. Fishlegs soon follows doing the same, but Tuffnut tosses his helmet in the sand and dives in, with better form than me, surfacing next to Ruff and I. "Hey! Tuff, you've got some legs on you!" I laugh, treading water. We wade back to where we can stand and Tuff says,

"Sister Nut! Get on my shoulders! We're beating them the only way we know how." Ruff bounds over, getting on Tuff's shoulders with a bit of wobbling and stumbling from the currents.

"What kinda muttonhead idea do you guys have now?" Snotlout asks, fanning out his elbows like a chicken in the cold water. When they're sturdy, Ruff commands,

"Now ___, get on Snotlout's shoulders!" I raise an eyebrow at her before shaking my head as my boyfriend bends down a little and lets me on. We wobble for a second, my arms flailing as I try to keep my balance in the slowly stirring waves. I look down at him nervously, his hands holding onto my knees as we center ourselves in the water.

"Ok, now you knock me down before I knock you down!" Ruff says as Tuff charges to us, or at least as fast as he can with his sister on his shoulders. Ruff grabs my hands and pushes me back, and I counter with equal force as Snotlout stumbles, but recovers with a grin, advancing on the Twins.

"You better not let me lose to these muttonheads, ___!" Snotlout shouts and uses my leg to push Tuff. Fishlegs looks up at us worriedly,

"Be careful!" He calls up at us before getting caught under a wave and resurfacing moments later, sputtering. I glance down at him, about to ask if he was ok, before Ruff and Tuff deliver a great push, aided by a huge unexpected wave, we tumble over. I'm tossed off Snotlout's shoulders and into the surf. Above me, wave after wave crash on top of me, knocking me again and again into the rocky sea floor. One final blow and my vision goes black.

The teens paddle and kick to stay afloat as Snotlout cups his hands and yells, "___? ___! It isn't funny! Let's get out of the water!" Searching frantically, the Viking treads water a bit longer before seeing a splotch of color under the water that sticks out compared to the darker colored rocks on the sea floor only a few feet beneath him. He plunges under the surface and grabs at the splotch of color, hoisting it to the surface. "Guys! I got her!" he calls between pants, paddling to the shore and laying the figure out on the sand, away from the water.

Fishlegs and the twins make it out alright, coughing and spitting up a bit of water. "I need all of that stuff she makes on her now!" Snotlout screams, a hint of anger in his voice. Running back to her pack and rummaging through it and pulling out a bottle of the purple paste she had so much of. Racing back over, the blue eyed boy uncaps the bottle and is about to spread it over her face when Fishlegs joins him, taking the bottle and chiding quickly, "Nonono! You want to get the water out of her, so you want to press here like this," his friend says, pointing to the girl's lower rib cage and curving his hands the right way to do the job. Snotlout begins pressing as Fishlegs instructed, watching the girl's face worriedly.

After a few moments, she coughs and spits up water, falling limp in the sand, "__! Are you ok?" Snotlout asks frantically, stopping the ministrations and taking her hand.

I wake up to the water in my lungs being forced out my mouth and someone grabbing my hand, their bigger rougher ones around my smaller one. One eye cracks open, then the other, "yeah...I'm fine..." I assure. My savior sighs, and for a moment it's quiet, before Snotlout, I notice gets angry,

"You muttonheads! What were you thinking?!" he yells, getting in the twins' faces. An argument breaks out and I get to my feet shakily, coming between the three of them.

"It's ok guys, let's just go back up to the Edge" I say weakly. Snotlout nods as the twins look between each other and go get their dragon. My boyfriend wraps an arm around my waist,

"You had me scared for a sec there..." he says, a soft laugh playing on his lips. I smile a bit, getting my things together and going up to the Edge, sticking close to him, and resting my head on his shoulder as we walk.

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