Chapter 3

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The next morning I wake up a little before dawn to get ready for my training with Snotlout. I pack a small breakfast for myself and throw in one for Snotlout, then fish for Skyslicer, first aid, extra clothes. After all the necessary preparations are made, I start to sneak out, opening the door with a loud creak that I kick myself for.

"___, where are you going?" My father asks, emerging from his bedroom.

"Training! I'm going to get Skyslicer and I stronger, so we can go to Dragon's Edge in a few weeks." I tell him, excitedly. He shakes his head,

"You're just like your mother, always getting stronger...promise me you'll be careful." He says, a part of him I rarely ever see coming out. I go and hug him before I leave, "I promise, I'll be careful..." I say, stepping away. "I'll be back later, see ya!" I say, closing the door.

Skyslicer and I land in the Academy and I slide off, looking around, but Snotlout was nowhere to be found. "Maybe he's eating?" I ask myself and Skyslicer as I sit and unwrap my breakfast, tossing my dragon the basket of fish. I'd originally planned on training, then eating with Snotlout, killing two birds with one stone, but my blue-eyed trainer was nowhere to be found.

We stay like this for a while, having flown a few laps around the arena to warm up, but as the sun reached it's apex, Snotlout was still gone. I groan in frustration. "Maybe he really is a playboy, and stood me up for fun..." I say dejectedly to Skyslicer, patting his snout as he growls, trying to be reassuring, maybe even comforting. I'm about to mount when I see a scroll rolled up all the way on the other side of the arena and I jog over to it. Picking it up, I open the scroll to reveal scrawled handwriting, reading,

"Hey, ___! This is your first test. In any mission, you could be sent to find a captive, treasure, or bounty or something. Well, in this any case, I'm the treasure you're finding. Your training starts when you finish reading. Ready, set, GO!"

I pale, "shit." I had been here all morning waiting for Snotlout, when in reality, he was waiting for me! I quickly mount Skyslicer and take to the sky, searching frantically for my "treasure". We check the cliffs, over the village, and even the docks, with no sign of Snotlout or Hookfang, until I pass over the Jorgenson house. A scroll is stuck in the door handle with my name written on it. I snatch it up and read as Skyslicer hovers over the roof. The new scroll reads,

"___, this scroll is only if you absolutely can't find me. If you really need the hint, I'm where my me and Hookfang can cause serious damage. Think, muttonhead!"

I bite my lip, thinking hard as I put the scroll in my pack along with the first as Skyslicer takes me up higher. We circle a few more times as I think, "Where could he possibly be that we haven't checked..." Before it clicks, the forests. "Go Skyslicer!" I yell as we shoot off to the forests and scan from left to right, till we get to the utmost edge of the right side of the cliffs. Seeing a flare of fire shoot up, I tell Skyslicer to touch down, landing just beside it. I run over, seeing Snotlout and Hookfang lounging around, a few empty baskets of fish lying about. "I'm really sorry Snotlout, I should've been more careful, I didn't see your note till noon and it's practically sunset now and-" I ramble nervously. He saunters over, a tired, but prideful grin on his face,

"You still found me, beautiful, pretty solid first day of training." he commends and I'm dumbfounded. I begin to add before he holds up a finger, "However, in a situation like that, any bandit or dragon hunter or something could've stolen your prize away, me, of course" he flashes me a grin and I smile sheepishly, "But we'll work on that." He finishes, letting me talk. I was almost sure he'd be angry with me, after waiting all this time for me to find him.

" you still want to train me?" I ask, and he nods, as if it were the most stupid question I could've asked.

"Actually this is perfect! We can practice terrain combat up here!" he says, sticking his arms out and gesturing at the deep forest around us. I grin and go to grab my axe, eager to try and use it, before Snotlout chides,

"No weapons yet, as much as I wanna see what you can do with that pretty axe of yours, I wanna see what you can do with your fists." Nodding, I step up on a fairly flat rock and he stands in front of me,

"Hit me." he says simply, putting his arms up to guard his face.

"Snotlout, I'm not going to hit you..." I say, looking at his face through his muscular arms. Before I can say anything else, he pulls a right hook on me, knocking me in the arm and sending me stumbling, "What the-" I begin,

"Hit me!" he says, more forcefully this time, "You have to know how to attack whatever's coming in close combat without your dragon!"

I think it over for a split second before I copy his arm position and throw my fist at him, barely fazing my trainer, and feeling the recoil, I bring my hand back, shaking it and hissing through my teeth.

"You want your thumb on the outside. If it's on the inside it'll hurt when you punch." Snotlout says frankly, taking the hand I hit him with and moving my thumb to the outside. Feeling his calloused fingers move mine, I blush softly as the moment passes. I look up at him as I get back to my spot with my new stance and wait for him to get ready, then throw my punch. My hand casually bounces off his arm, the muscle on his upper arm toned, definitely after constant training. "My turn." He says, smirking and clocks me in the other arm, this time with more force, making me stumble and trip onto the ground. "You're gonna fall if you stand like Fishlegs, with his skinny little legs! You have to have a wider stance." he says,grabbing my hand and pulling me up, then coming up behind me and kicking my foot out wider with his own. "Now, hit me like you hate me!" he yells, and I gulp, watching my trainer circle me. In it's own way it was a little hot, seeing him riled up like this. "You wanna come visit me and maybe the rest on Dragon's Edge, right? Then hit me!" he says, "You aren't ever gonna beat anyone with noodle arms like those, now HIT ME!" He shouts, and in a fit of exasperation and exhaustion I drive my fist into his cheek, sending Snotlout reeling and onto the ground.

I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands, "Oh my gods, Snotlout!" i say, terrified as I run back to Skyslicer, fetching the first aid kit I brought, and bounding back over. He's groaning in pain, holding his now swollen cheek. "I am so so sorry, oh Thor..." I babble, digging into my kit and pulling out a towel, which I wet at a nearby stream. I fold the cloth and move his hand, drawing a quick breath as I reveal the red and swollen skin. I apply the towel and hold it there, "Oh gods I definitely took that too far..." I say, but then realize how we've ended up. I'm kneeling in front of an injured Snotlout, practically holding his cheek, our faces only a few inches apart. Something in me doesn't let me pull away, and a heavy pink blush settles on my cheeks, making me look anywhere but his dazzling blue eyes.

"Well, now I know you have it in you..." he says, a small smile spreading on his face. "I know you have what it takes to punch someone as hot as me!" He adds and I laugh, glancing back at him for a moment,

"Sh-shut it, muttonhead..." I sputter and bring his hand up to hold the towel, sitting back on my knees. From a few feet away, I hear Hookfang and Skyslicer laugh-growling as dragons do.

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