Chapter 12

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        The blinding light flashes harshly through the window of Snotlout's hut, directly into your eyes, pulling you from your dreamless sleep. For a second you panic, remembering you never hung weapons about your room before it clicks. Memories from last night are brought to the forefront, but hastily suppressed as your face flushes pink. Snotlout lies next to you, chest rising and falling like the ocean, bringing a smile to your face. With one hand gently rubbing his cheek, you coax, "morning...". You're met with a groan from the opposing party and a tug, pulling you back down to his front. This wasn't how you planned to start your day but it was a damn good start to say the least.

"Sleep well?" asks your boyfriend, both eyes still shut in protest to the harsh sunlight.

"Better than I have in ages" you smile softly, cuddling up to him. You feel a kiss being pressed to your forehead and you relax once more. A hand rests at the top of your back, rubbing in lazy circles.

"Did Hiccup say we were having a meeting about that ship today or tomorrow?" Snotlout asks, sleepy confusion laced in his tone. It takes you a moment, but you did remember Hiccup telling the group to meet back at the main hut at a time that has completely slipped your half awoken conscience.

"Tomorrow..?" You gather, praying to Thor it wouldn't get in the way of the day you and Snotlout had planned to take off. It wasn't much of a plan but you knew it would include flying dragons, pranks, kisses, and general lazying about the Edge, which made it absolutely imperative that nothing interfered. For this day to happen, it was crucial that Hiccup not have a team meeting about the approaching, perhaps enemy ship in the bay. No matter what nefarious plans your supposed foe may have, they could be pushed back one day just so you too could spend some well deserved time together. You hear a satisfied grunt from the boy next to you, and can practically feel the tired smile on his face.

All you remember is falling asleep again, completely surrounded by warmth, but somehow ending up in the coldest of dreams. In front of you And some woman, her hair braided into a tight up-do. She's dressed in silver armor, but something about it doesn't seem natural, as if it was made from some foreign metal, unknown to the Archipelago, or even the world! She holds a mace, a long and dark chain, of the same material as her armor, connecting the grip to a hunk of rock that's oval shaped, with dragon's teeth sticking out of it. Around her shoulders is a deep red cape, contrasting to her face and hands which looked stark white. Her face is drawn up in a pretentious gaze, as if in wonder as to why she wasn't being worshipped. You're about to speak when you hear an inhuman roar, coming from your left. You wonder how you hadn't noticed initially, because your friends are all trapped in cages, but nothing seemed to hurt them, but they kept screaming, as if being in those cages alone was hurting them, tormenting them. Your eyes find Snotlout's and you suppress a cry of rage. He's crumpled on the floor of the cell, but it looks as if it hurts to even touch it, as his face is wound up in look of pure agony. Tears glide down his cheeks and patter onto the ordinary looking cell floor as he utters only a word, "Don't." You can only assume this witch of a woman did this to your friends, but before you can even raise your fist, the chain is whipped around you, squeezing you lethally. The sharp dragon teeth sink into your arm as it pulls you to it's owner. Now you know why your friends are in such pain, the metal feels as if it's been heated, or drenched in poison. You writhe in pain, but the teeth steadfastly stay imbedded in your arm. Now you're inches away from this woman's face, but as she opens her mouth to speak, a loud horn jars you from your sleep.

You sit up screaming, frigid sweat running down your face, mixing with your tears. Snotlout jerks his head in your direction, worriedly getting to your side. He starts to calm you down, whispering soothing thoughts into your ear

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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