Chapter 10

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I push the door to Snotlout's hut open quietly the next morning. The night prior had told me many things. First, that I would not be going to any more family functions any time soon, second, that Snotlout is...honored to be with me. I mean, yeah sure I knew he was happy, but if anything I thought I'd be just another fling he'd brag about later on. I sit on the edge of the platform, my feet dangling over the side as the front of the hut is bathed in shadow, facing west. Third, something happened when Lina touched him. He panicked, but there was something else. Nothing positive I'm sure, but I never want to see that again. I think it was...- I don't finish my thought as I hear the door creak open, then heavy footsteps follow before Snotlout sits beside me, staring at the ocean. He rests his hand on top of mine and we don't say anything for a little while.

We both start, "So, about last night" then laugh as Snotlout starts, "So, about last night...why's your sister like...that?" he asks, looking over at me, the morning light bouncing into his eyes and creating a lake pristine I could swim in. I catch myself staring, my face heating up as that goes directly to Snotlout's head and flashes me an encouraging grin.

"Lina is..." I say, shaking my head, continuing, "She's everything I ever wanted and was supposed to be. She graduated dragon training early, moved out years before I did, was smarter and lighter on her feet than me, and basically set the bar for where I was supposed to be." I explain, not being able to meet my boyfriend's eyes. "She did however like to yknow, poke fun at me sometimes and would hit on people I was with..." I trail off, holding my wrist. "But never like this...what happened last night had never happened before." I say, bringing my ___ eyes to meet his blue ones. Snotlout nods, and something revolutionary happens. he thinks over his response and says,

"My dad always said I was going to be great, and that meant winning everything, being the best, which I've already done," he pauses, looking back to the horizon, gaze darkening, "he never really talked about y'know...marrying someone, but had always assumed I would carry on the Jorgenson name. So it was kind of weird when the 'best warrior' of your family hit on me like that because I didn't want it...but that part of me that my dad made, the part that wants, needs to make him proud, did." he explains, "And that scared me" his grip on the platform beneath us tightening. I realize that I would probably never see this side of Snotlout in front of the others, this fragile, vulnerable side that I could tell wasn't used to being shown.

I nod, "You don't have to be like your father. He's Spitelout, and you're not. You're definitely going to be great, but you don't need to be that for your dad." I say, "Whoever you choose, they'll be pretty lucky, to uh, y'know be great...with you" my face flushes and I avert my gaze. Snotlout laughs,

"Heh, you bet!" pulling me against him by my waist. Smiling sheepishly, I let my head rest on his shoulder and I can feel that same campfire-like pride kindling inside him, radiating onto me.

"Hey, lovebirds!" says Tuffnut, sitting on my other side. We jump apart, still not sure how to handle the public affection, or the idea that everyone would know our business. "Hiccup's having a meeting down at the dome." he adds, a sly smirk playing on his face. I nod, standing up, my face still slightly flushed as we follow Tuff down to the dome.

Everyone's already in front of the dome with their dragons, listening to Hiccup, "and then the other team tries to get the other's flag to win." says Hiccup. We're soon informed by Astrid that we were playing a team-building game called Capture-the-Flag. "Except, if you get tagged by someone of the opposing team, on the opposing team's turf, you go to jail. In order to get out of jail, a person on your team must tag you." he says, earning nods around the room. We would split into teams and each team would have a flag, one blue, the other red. Hiccup picks Fishlegs to be the captain of the other team and has us all stand in a line to pick teams. The boys alternate picking teammates, with Fishlegs having Astrid, Tuff, and I and Hiccup having Ruff and Snotlout, with the advantage of Toothless in place of one teammate. "You guys take the back half of the island where the Night Terror towers are, and we get the Edge." Hiccup says, "Now we'll give you a minute to get to your side of the island. On your mark...get set...GO!"

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