Chapter 4

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I pull away for a breath and for a second we're speechless before I let loose a small laugh, which Snotlout returns, till we're both laughing so much our sides hurt. "Thor, I thought that would never happen!" I say, wiping a tear from all the laughter. Snotlout smiles and flops on his back, bringing me down with him.

"I can't wait to take you to Dragon's Edge with me, there's so much to show you!" he says happily, pulling me against his chest. I grin and hug him back.

"Let's head back, I have packing to do!" I say excitedly as I get up, but then hesitate, "But, what does this make this us?" I ask, gesturing to the two of us.

"Well I was hoping for, Double Trouble, but the Twins have that covered, maybe Daring Duo? Power Couple is pretty fitting but for now you wanna stick to boyfriend and girlfriend?" Snotlout jokes, meaning the last part seriously. When I really look at his face, I notice a small blush settling in, and I feel the butterflies come back.

"That works just fine..." I hum, stepping closer and pressing my forehead to his, "But we should try Power Couple sometime, has a nice ring to it" I giggle, pulling away. My boyfriend gives me a loving look with those lovely eyes of his and winks,

"Definitely. Meet me at the Academy tomorrow, I want all the daylight I can get to show you around." Snotlout says, walking back over to Hookfang and mounting. I mount Skyslicer and we take to the sky, an ecstatic grin on my face. I hear Hookfang and Snotlout shouting next to us,

"Snotlout, Snotlout, Oi Oi Oi!" I hear a few feet away as we fly back over to Berk and I laugh, holding onto Skyslicer before we touch down in front of our house. Snotlout flies overhead on Hookfang, looking back at me with a wave. I can't stop smiling as my dragon and I open the door. Inside, my father isn't home thankfully, still out celebrating after the race, so Skyslicer and I head in, and I grab a bag, stuffing it with clothes, some mementos from home, and my notes.

It's midnight and I'm still not asleep, giddily tossing and turning in my bed about the night's activities, sure the day hadn't started out ideally, but look how it turned out! Soon, I manage to get some rest, waking myself and Skyslicer up as we head to the Academy. When we arrive, Snotlout and the gang are already there.

"Hope Snotlout didn't work you too hard..?" Hiccup asks.

"Or at all?" Asks Astrid, glaring at Snotlout.

"No no, it's ok! Through Snotlout's training, Skyslicer and I definitely got stronger," I smile at my boyfriend and continue, "but I realized I wasn't meant to be a fighter, but a healer, so I hope I can help you guys out that way somehow." I explain, recounting my notes. I couldn't wait to share with Fishlegs the ideas I had, and the herbs had to be different on the Edge, the possibilities were endless!

"That's great actually! We need a healer in the field with us so we can get back up fast, and not have to wait to get back to the Edge, you'll definitely be helpful!" Hiccup says, smiling as everyone mounts up.

"Hey, ___, do you think you can make paint with that? Or things other than potions?" Tuff asks, as Ruff adds,

"Because we totally don't want to try anything with them"

I laugh, "I bet I could come up with something..." I ponder as we make the trip to Dragon's Edge. Throughout the ride, everyone's talking to me at once, and the topic comes to where I would live.

"She doesn't need a hut!" Snotlout interjects and I giggle. "It would take a lot of time, and where would she stay then?"

Tuff volunteers, "She can stay with me! As long as she's ok with Chicken, then we'll get along just fine..."

"Uhm, no! I don't trust Tuffnut around ___," Snotlout says protectively, gripping Hookfang's horns a little too hard, making him snarl in protest.

"Wow, Snotlout! Since when do you care about anyone but yourself?" Astrid asks, looking between the two of us with suspicion. I wink at her that I'd tell her later, but before anyone can say anything, we arrive at Dragon's Edge. I look out over the beautiful island, seeing many different plants and dragons, not to mention the huge base the Riders had built, each section different and inspired by a different rider. We touch down in the center near a dome shaped structure and see someone come out. She's an olive skinned girl with green eyes and a dark braid flowing down one shoulder. I dismount and the girl introduces herself,

"I'm Heather, and this is Windshear!" she says kindly, gesturing to her Razorwhip. I smile, taking my bag off of my dragon's back.

"I'm ___, and my dragon's name is Skyslicer." I say, and she comes closer as the rest of the group dismounts, and she calls Astrid over, along with Ruff.

"Ok, we all need to catch up, I need to know all the gossip!" Heather says excitedly, clapping her hands as she leads us down to the water, leaving the boys to do Thor knows what. We reach the beach and Heather signals for us all to sit,

"So, what's this secret-girls-meeting for? I mean, what's there to say?" Ruff asks, sitting down in the sand. "Other than the fact that ___ and Snotlout have totally been makin' out!" she adds, looking over at me.

"Ok, that is not entirely true..." I interject, waving my hands around as my face heats up.

"___, I've seen you two interact, you're perfect for him and he definitely has the hots for you!" Astrid says, rolling her eyes. We bounce around like this for a while, asking about each other's lives and not dwelling too much on the dark stuff.

"Well there was this one time, we were practicing close combat-" I explain.

"Oooohh close-combat huh?" Ruff jokes, getting a round of laughs out of us.

"No nooo, I mean fighting! So he told me to hit him and before I knew it, I punched him smack in the jaw!" I say with a laugh, hitting my hand with my fist. The group giggles, nodding,

"That's Snotlout for ya! All bark and little bite" Astrid explains.

"Well, we wish you luck! Snotlout's tough, but you're tougher." Heather says and adds, "You're just the voice of reason he needs!" I smile and rub my neck as we make our back up to the main hut, where all the boys are sitting around the table, eating. Snotlout looks up first,

"The ladies are back, no doubt from talking about my impeccable chick wrangling skills..." He says, letting his eyes linger on me for a second too long, making me blush and look over at the rest of the group.

"Well it wasn't like we were doing much different, Snotlout, we were talking about you and-" Tuff begins

"Shshshsh!" Snotlout hushes Tuff, slapping a hand over his face, a blush brewing on his face.

"Well, I guess we should start with sleeping arrangements, Heather, is it ok if ___ stays with you?" Hiccup asks. Heather looks at me and nods,

"Yeah, of course!" as I barely hear Snotlout grumbling under his breath.

Heather and I get my things down to her hut and get ready for bed. "Ok, I have no problem with having Snotlout in here, just as long as you don't disturb Windshear and nothing happens on my bed." Heather says with a sly smile, flopping into her bed as I do mine.

"Noted" I laugh, closing my eyes. My boyfriend had wanted to show me around today, but I guess it could wait, right?

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