Chapter 5

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 I'm woken up bright and early by the sound of huge dragon wings beating outside the door. I shake my head with a smile and get up quickly, opening the door to see Snotlout and Hookfang hovering just outside Heather's door before they come down and let me on.

"Morning, Sunshine" Snotlout says, looking back at me and I laugh, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my cheek against his shoulder, feeling him relax against me.

"So what'd you wanna show me?" I ask as Hookfang lifts into the sky and I cling a bit tighter, looking down as the Earth got farther and farther away. I practically feel Snotlout grin at that,

"I'm giving you the Grand Tour, obviously!" He says with a laugh, "On the finest dragon around!"

I smile as we circle around the island over the coast, "We need to go to the beach sometime..."

"Oh yeah, good luck with convincing Hiccup of any kinda break, but I guess that's the price you'll pay for being with the best dragon rider around." Snotlout boasts, and I feel the self-confidence swell up inside him, giving me a warm feeling, like sitting by a warm campfire.

"For you, that's a price I'm willing to pay..." I say, looking over his shoulder and burying my face in his hair as my face heats up, making him laugh, a blush coming in on his cheeks. I grin as we hover over the middle of the Edge, and Snotlout points around, indicating the different huts.

I can tell he isn't used to not being shot-down, or being listened to, sometimes even encouraged, other than with the twins. A part of me wants to change that, but I have to see what he's like with the rest of the group. I see Hiccup and Toothless emerge from there hut and we wave. "You guys really have quite the place!" I say as Hookfang drops us off at Snotlout's hut.

"Yup! And it's all thanks to me." Snotlout says, a prideful grin on his face.

"Obviously." I joke.

"So, you like it here?" my boyfriend asks, wrapping an arm around my waist and looking down at me. I nod happily,

"It's great! I can't believe Hiccup is letting me stay here!" I smile, resting my head on his shoulder, before we hear someone barge in. It's Astrid,

"Hey, lovebirds, Hiccup's calling us down for a meeting." She says, glaring at Snotlout. I didn't really know what made her hate him so much, other than the frequent flirtations, but they didn't happen anymore as far as I knew. Maybe it was a family thing?

We make our way down to the central hut and sit at a table as Hiccup addresses everyone, "As you all may know, Astrid and I are going to Berk to help with the archipelago's annual Chief's Feast, when Berk and all of the surrounding villages meet for a festival to celebrate peace, and the chiefs discuss current issues and ways to resolve them. It'll be about a week's long thing." he explains, "We've been asked to represent Berk in the dragon race they're starting! Also so my dad has a mouthpiece among the crowds he can't reach..."

"I wanna race other dragon riders! Why do you two get to go?" Snotlout asks, crossing his arms before Tuff shuts him up, whispering,

"Wait wait wait, maybe this is a good thing! Maybe they'll let us be in charge!" Tuff whispers, although everyone can hear. To which Hiccup counters,

"Which is why we're putting Fishlegs in charge! He's proved time and time again that he is a-"

"True leader, yeah we get it Hiccup, go have fun being famous." Ruff says, as Tuff and Snotlout nod. Heather cheers a bit too soon, giving her crush on Fishlegs away to Astrid and I.

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