Chapter 9

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Hey kiddos! I've got big things coming, and I think yall will like em... I've been trying to find some kind of structure to put this story through, and with the help of a friend of mine, I came up with a few ideas! I also might start touching into writing as the narrator instead of the reader...

Astrid and Hiccup arrive a few days later. The festival went without a hitch for once and the pair regale us with tales about how when Astrid had to lead Hiccup during the first dance because Hiccup kept stepping on her toes or when Hiccup nearly face-planted into some mutton thigh in front of the whole Council! We all got a kick out of the stories they shared, until Hiccup says, "And, ___, your father wanted you to have this..." and hands me a scroll. I give him a skeptical look, my father normally trusted me when I would strike out on my own, only checking in with a Terror Mail or something small, not a whole scroll! I read the stylized cuneiform aloud,

"___ and Desired Guest, you are cordially invited to the ___ Family Reunion. All will be present, far and wide at ___'s house on Berk at sundown of the next moon. The event will last till Noon of the next day, we hope to see everyone, meet new family, and rejoice in each other's company. Signed, Gretel the Graceful of the ___ Family"

Grounding my feet and pushing out, closing the scroll, I excuse myself from the table with a busy look in my eyes. "I..I've got to pack..." I say absentmindedly. The reunion was a huge deal for my family, and the next moon was tomorrow! I rush to Snotlout's hut and start getting a bag together as Skyslicer nudges at my shoulder with his snout. I'd later learn that everyone else had told Snotlout to come after me after I'd left and I hear him stumble into the doorframe.

"So, what's happening with your family, ___?" He asks, sitting himself down next to my bag as I stuff a change of clothes and other necessities into it.

"It's a family event designed to humiliate me, and I'm being allowed one anchor to reality and that's you." I tell him, "Can you do that?" putting my hands on Snotlout's broad shoulders and looking into his deep lapis colored eyes, searching for something to keep my head from spiralling out of control and I do. He takes his hands and puts them on my shoulders, looking back into my eyes intensely,

"This reunion is gonna be a piece of cake with me there, because you're gonna have the best date around, and if i need to kick some old Viking ass, I'll totally do it! All your cousins will be floored by us, because we're a...what was it called.." my boyfriend searches for the right word, "A power couple! Exactly, and with me there, they don't stand a chance, but with the both of us...they won't even know what hit em." he says, a glimmer in his eye telling me he truly believed every word he just said. I nod, a smile spreading on my face,

"You're right, I don't have to worry..." I say as I exhale. Snotlout pulls me into a tight hug, one of reassurance, confidence, and empathy. I groan a bit at the sudden compression, but smile gratefully, hugging back. "Now how many axes am I bringing..." He says, pulling away. Part of me wonders if he's serious, but don't question it, I may need to bring out my own axe to this shitshow.

We say goodbye to the rest of the team and lift into the air, leaving Dragon's Edge behind. We fly for a while, passing over ships, sea stacks, and more islands until we reach Berk. Even from the sky I can see a small portion of the mountainous edge of Berk illuminated by lanterns, torches, and dragon fire, and I aim to land there, knowing by the many years of attending the event that this was this year's location.

When we land, my father trots over, leading an aunt by her elbow, "You know, ___, Gretel!" he says as Snotlout and I dismount. "She's taken up healing! And not even with Gothi's help. She's made this potion you see...tell her, ___!" I smile sheepishly, taking out a vial from one of the pouches at my hip. Aunt Gretel turns it over in her hands with a skeptical look as Snotlout walks over. By then, the rest of my family had sauntered over, a few of my younger cousins running and chasing each other between our legs.

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