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•I'm redoing the entire book, sorry for the inconvenience!•

"Kill him, Conner," Amanda's voice rang throughout my head. My LED flickered yellow, deciding on how to approach this new path.

"Conner, what the hell are you staring at?" Hank gruffly said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Lieutenant..." my LED flickered red before I entered my plan. "You're worthless," I growl.

He stops and looks at me, extremely surprised by my outburst.

"You deserve death," I take a few steps forward.

Orders were made and I was made to follow them, my voice thinks, although it's not what I really wanted. I absolutely did not want to kill my partner; the man I love.

Cyberlife must be doing this...

Suddenly, I have no control of my body. It moves on its own as if it's being... controlled.

"Conner, stop. What the fuck are you doing?" Hank backs away, frightened.

"I apologize, Lieutenant, but our partnership has been cut short." My body raises its fist and brings it down hard, luckily Hank was in enough training to know how to simply dodge a small attack.

I panic inside my head. What do I do? I look around, able to move my eyes.

Everything turns into slow motion and a red wall appears. It's glitchy but none the less a wall.

Go against my programming? Again? Wasn't I already a deviant? After the whole thing with Markus... I don't understand.

I hit the walls anyway, seeing Hank start to struggle. My body grabs Hank by his shirt and that's when I start to hit harder, not wanting to hurt my partner.

The wall starts to shatter and before I know it, I'm collapsing on the ground, feeling like I couldn't breathe. I'm an Android, I'm not supposed to breathe...

I look up to see a frightened Hank, whom was thrown on the ground.

"H-Hank, there's something wrong," I cough into my fist, seeing thirium on it.

He sits there for a minute, processing what happened.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I cry, unsure what to do next.

He quickly stands up and crouches next to my shaking body.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's get you home, babe, you're gonna be alright," he helps me stand but the tears keep flowing.

"I-i don't understand, the walls, they were there again. I already had broken them. Cyberlife took control," my thoughts were racing and I couldn't keep up with them.

"Hey hey, you're okay, calm down," he says as he opens my door for me.

I was a shaking mess, only able to mutter out a few words at a time.

•How was this? I absolutely love how this turned out. It shocked me at how the words easily flowed out through my fingers. I hope you guys enjoyed it!•

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