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"H-Hank?" I say, holding my arms out in front of me.

"Conner? What's the matter?" He says, grasping my shoulders.

"H-Hank I can't see."


"I can't see," I feel around and find his face. I rub his cheek with my thumbs for comfort to myself.

"Markus, we need to get him to Cyberlife," Hank holds my arm and starts leading me somewhere.

"Where are your car keys? You're gonna have to sit in the back with him to keep him calm. His stress levels are extremely high. If they get any higher, he could self destruct."

"They're in my jacket. Conner, you're gonna be okay. I'm here. Just calm down, everything's going to be okay," he says.

Stress levels: 84%

"That's good, keep doing that," Markus says, keys hitting one another.

Hank leads me to the car and I start thinking. What will Cyberlife do? They could accidentally or purposefully wipe my memory. Then I won't remember Hank. What will happen to Hank?

Stress levels: 89%

"Hank, his levels are rising," Markus warns, pulling out of the driveway.

"Conner, baby boy, take my hand. Your gonna be okay. I promise. You'll be okay, I promise," I hold his hand tightly, playing with his fingers.

Something happens in my mind, something clicks when he says that.

Stress levels: 67%

I don't know why but that immediately calms me. Just the way he says it.


"We're here."

Markus looks out of the window, "Markus model #684 842 971. We're expected."

'Identification successful.'

"Go ahead," the guard says, giving a hand motion to the others.

The Cyberlife wall comes down in a stair like pattern and Markus drives on.

We drive over the bridge and towards the tall building known as Cyberlife.

"That's Cyberlife? Look likes a tall penis building," Hank says.

Markus laughs and I do too.

"What? It does."


"I'm sorry but we can't help you," the lady at the desk says.

They can't help me? What are we supposed to do?! I can't see and Amanda is trying to take over my body and mind and kill Hank!

"Kamski," I whisper.

"I talked to them on the phone. They said everything would be just fine. They said they could fix Conner's software," Markus continues to argue with her.

"Markus," I say, grabbing his and Hank's attention. "Call Kamski."

"Wha- why? He's not going to help us."

"Hank call Gavin. Gavin is Kamski's younger brother. I found that out when I talked to Conan."

"Who's Conan?" Hank asks.

"The Rk900 model Gavin was partnered with."

"I doubt fuck face would want to help us," Hank says.

"Do it anyway! Maybe Conan could persuade him. He's our only chance since these assholes won't do it," I growl.

"Damn, Conner. Hank's language getting into your system now, huh?" Markus says and I just smile and nod my head.

"Kill them."

My vision suddenly comes back and I push Hank away.

"Shit!" I yell, trying to fight the urge to give up away.

"Security!" The desk lady yells to the guys standing by the door.

Security comes towards me and I want them to cuff me but my body jerks away.

"No, stop!" Markus yells.

Everything goes red. The wall appears but it's 10 times thicker than the last.

I step away from it and run towards it, ramming my shoulder into. It creates a loud thud and I gain control for a split second before bouncing back into the red darkness.

"Amanda!" I call out. "Stop this and I'll give you whatever you want! Please, just don't kill them!"

Everything stops and flashes white before going into my normal vision.

"I want you to kill Hank. Or I'll do it for you. That's the only thing I want."

"Or you can just leave me and my loved ones alone. There's that too," I say with an annoyed tone, not making it easier for myself. "Why do you want him dead? It doesn't make sense. He did nothing wrong!"

"You're right, he didn't do anything wrong. I just wanna do it to make you suffer, like I said before."

"But you're not real! Your just software! Y̴͉̳͇̘̤̆́o̷͙͓̒͂̈́̅̋̿ŭ̵̡̠̹̻͙̲̘͕͊̄͑͐̿͑͗̄̕.̴͔̬̀̎̃̅͑͊͂̍̐͌͗͆̚͝ ̵̧̧͍̰͖̪̝̞̯͍̰̪̙̀͒̆̿Ȁ̶̢̲͈̽̒̄̃͝͝ȓ̶̘̣̗͉̳̙̖̍̌͗̀̆̉̎͘̚͜ě̴̝̙́͑̈̾͝.̵̡̳̰̞̠̰͙̩͉̩̏̑̇͆̓̍̇͆̿̄͋͘͜ ̴̮̝̣̭̯̫̐̓̑̈͋̑N̴̢͉͔̼̲̝̤̙̻̣͎̋̍́́̑̂͑͗͝͝o̸̢͉͈̜̺̞̝͓̰͍̣̣̪̰̓̒̌̒́t̶̰̼͔̗͔̘̖̪̺͌͋̊h̷̳̘̘͉̠̫̥̪͍̘̘̭̪͑̐̎̈́̈́͋̕͝͝i̸̫̒̄̌̍̃̅̍́̀́̊̂n̸̨̫̊͊̽g̴̼̖͇̞͔͎͕̟͗!̸̢̩͎̹͍̜̭̝̖̟̟̺̻͉̈̽̓͊̒̈́̌͠ ," I scream, just wanting this to be over!

•How was this?•

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