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3 days later...

We pulled up to Kamski's, getting out and knocking on the door. Of course, a Chloe answered.

"We're here to see Elijah Kamski," Hank says and she nods, opening the door more to let us in.

We sat right where we were before except Conan and Markus were with us just in case something happened and Gavin came because well, I guess he wanted to.

We all sat down until Elijah himself came into the room.

"Hello, Conner, Hank, Conan, and my baby brother," he giggles.

Gavin rolls his eyes but gives a tiny wave.

"And who's this?" Kamski motions towards Markus and he stands, shaking his hand.

"I'm Markus," he says politely.

"Nice to meet you Markus, that name seems familiar," the man shrugs it off and leads us all to a different room, one where we could all sit.

"So you're having issues with your software?" He asks me and I nod, my hands tucked underneath my thighs.

"Hm, I'd have to take a look at it then. Why are they all here? Moral support?" He laughs.

"Actually no, they're here because we don't want something... uh, bad to happen," I say.

"What do you mean by bad?"

"Well I've attacked Hank multiple times... attacked meaning trying to kill him with no control over my body..."

His eyebrows raise in surprise, "Well that's a new one. How long has this been going on?"

"A little over a week. But just yesterday I attacked Markus and then Conan."

"Do you have any idea why this might be happening?"


He laughs, "that's not possible. It's only a piece of software, it wouldn't be able to cause all that."

"That's what you said about the android revolution," Markus whispers under his breath.

"Yes but androids are androids. That is just a piece of software. Unless it's a virus, then it's understandable. But I don't know how you would get a virus. Unless you were connected to something dangerous," he explains.

I think back to before the incident. I've never been connected to anything before, much less a dangerous thing.

"I don't remember being connected to anything. Do you know anything, Hank?" I turn my head and look at him.

He shakes his head, "no. I didn't even know you could physically connect to something."

"Well I'll take a look at it and tell you everything I can find in a few hours."


"Just sit there," he points to a chair and I sit as he says. He comes over with another chair and sits behind me.

He presses his finger to my neck and my neck tenses once he opens a small compartment. I feel him take out a small computer chip and he looks at it closely.

Connecting it to his own computer, he looks at everything on it. I turn my head to look as well.

"Hm, I don't see anything- wait." He clicks on something I can't read and then his computer makes a high pitched noise. He covers his ears with his hands as I rush over to take the chip out. Before I do, the screen flashes with bright colors and random numbers and letters.

"What the hell?" He states, confused as to why it did that.

"What did the file say?" I ask.

"It wasn't a file. And that isn't your chip. I think someone must've switched out your chip with another one that was identical but had a virus on it."

"How did I not notice? How could someone have done that and who?"

"I don't know. They could've shut you down temporarily. But I don't know who could've done it. I can give you a new chip but it might take some time."

"Yeah, that'd be great. Just don't put a virus on it."

He laughs, "I like your humor. But of course I wouldn't, why would I do that to my own creation?"

"No idea. Humans these days are... unpredictable."

"You're right about that one."

•How was this?•

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