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"Conner, what you're experiencing are things that not even deviants feel. Only humans have those certain things. We need to see what's the matter. You could shut down if we don't get help."

"B-but... w-what if Cyberlife shuts me down. You have no control over what they do. Hank, there's a high chance that they will shut me down. Please don't let them do that to me... I don't want to leave you," I whimper, wanting to be held by him forever.

"I won't let them do that, Conner-"

"I'm meeting up with Markus at 4. Maybe he can see what's going on. Please, just give me time to try and figure this out. I don't want to go to Cyberlife, who knows what they'll do," I try to say calmly.

"Fine, I just want you to be okay," he holds me close.

"Let's go to lunch, how does that sound?" He asks.

"Mm, okay," I say.

He walks out of the room, leaving me to get dressed. I pull on some light blue shorts and a pastel purple t-shirt along with shoes. Brushing my hair out of my face, I walk out of the room towards Hank.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod.

He opens the door for me like a gentleman and I thank him, getting blinded by the bright sunlight.

"It's going to get up to 92 degrees today, 4% chance of rain. Cloudless," I say with a robotic tone.

There I go again...

"Nice day to go to the beach, huh?" He asks.

"I don't have swim wear," I furrow my eye brows.

"We can buy you some, it'll be fun. It'll relax you, doesn't that sound nice?"

"Yeah, okay," I smile and he kisses my cheek, walking around to the drivers side of the car. I climb into the passenger seat and he starts the car.


"Ooh, look at these, Hank!" I squeal, holding up swim shorts with colorful fish on it and a blue background. He chuckles and we walk up to the front counter.


We pull into the parking lot and I stare at the water in front of us. The sun was glistening off of the small waves. It was gorgeous.

"Come on, babe," Hank says, opening my door for me.

"You're such a gentleman today," I giggle and thank him by pecking his lips.


After I put the new shorts on, I walked out towards Hank sitting in the sand.

Feeling the warm sand against my feet was amazing. It was weird at first, but then I got used to it.

"Wow Conner, those shorts really look nice on you," he says.

"Thank you. Your shorts look nice as well, but why do you wear a shirt?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Um... I just don't really like showing off my stomach. I not as... fit as I used to be," he sighs.

I kneel next to him and kiss him deeply. Slowly, I reach for the bottom of his shirt. I pull it up quickly as I pull away from the kiss.

"Conner!" He tries grabbing his shirt from me but I hold it tightly.

"You're handsome Hank, I love you just the way you are. You're beautiful," I say, kissing him again.

His eyes soften and he rolls his eyes playfully, "fine, I'll keep my shirt off then."

"Yay!" I say, jumping up. "Now let's go into the water! I've never been swimming before," I say, pulling Hank up to his feet.

•How was this?•

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