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We walked out to the living room where everyone was sitting in silence.


"Well we figured out the problem, fixed it, but haven't solved who did it."

"Elaborate, please," Markus said politely.

"Someone switched his chip and put in a virus filled chip. We think they put it in after they shut him down temporarily. We have no idea who could've done it but he's okay now," Kamski explained.

"It have to have been before we went to the 'Chicken Feed' Tuesday. That's when everything started," Hank said, angry that someone put their hands on his lover.

"Most likely. We could look through the cameras that they have at the DPD in case it happened there," I suggest.

"Gavin and I can do that. I think you and Hank have some things to talk about," Conan says, giving me a serious look.

I bite my lip and nod, "Yeah. We should go now, first we can drop Markus off."

"It's okay, Simon's already two minutes away."

I nodded, watching Hank stand up.

"Thank you, Elijah, for helping us," I say, shaking his hand.

"Just be careful, Connor, you don't know what else could happen. Look out for yourself," he replies.

"I will. Take care," we walk ourselves out and say goodbye to everyone.

As Hank and I climb into the car, the air for once isn't tense. It's just... uneasy.

"What did you have to talk to me about?"

"W-well..." I didn't want to cry. It was just I felt like Hank hated me and was scared of me after I had tried to kill him multiple times. "I just wanted to know if you... if you were scared of me..."

"Scared? Of you? You're a precious puppy, why would I be scared of you?"

"I did try to kill you, Hank, multiple times and I almost succeeded. I just feel like you hate me and you never want to see me again."

"I could never hate you, Connor. I love you so much. I understand why you would feel like that but I promise you that I will always love you."

"Are you sure?" This emotion wasn't new for me. Anxiety had been one of my main emotions for the past two weeks. I hated this emotion. It always made me uneasy and frightened.

"I'm positive."


When we made it home, Hank left again but without me. He said he had to go get something and that I should stay home with Sumo.

I was currently laying on the floor by the slider door in the back of the house. The sun was still shining through the blinds and it was hitting me in the face.

Suddenly, I hear nails clicking on the floor and next thing I knew, Sumo lays right on top of me.

"You're adorable, Sumo. Agh, I love you," I pet his head and slide my fingers up and down his muzzle.

I close my eyes and begin to rest, feeling like I was really... alive. Not like an android. Not like a machine. But like an actual being.

The End.

•How was this? Was the ending okay? I really like how it ended with Sumo and Connor. I hope you guys liked this book! I really enjoyed writing it! Goodbye!•

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