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-Time Skip-

I slide out of Hank's arms, scooting forward and off the bed.

I walk into the bathroom, shutting the door so the light wouldn't wake Hank.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. My LED. I wanted to look human. More human, I should say. That stupid light.

I dug throughout Hank's cabinet, knocking a few bottles down, until I found Hank's little box of razor blades. The blades were just for shaving, not anything bad.

I took one and looked in the mirror, lifting the knife up to my head.

"Conner! What are you doing?!" Hank rushed in and pulled the knife out of my hand.

"You're bleeding!" He exclaimed and I looked down at my arm, seeing the thirium rushing down my arm.

"I-i didn't even notice," I truthfully said. When did I accidentally cut myself?

"What were you doing?" He said, cleaning up the blood with a towel.

I looked down shamefully. Why do I feel shame in wanting to be human? The LED makes me feel like a machine... but that's all I am... a fucking machine...

"I don't know..." I said, not realizing I was speaking out loud.

"You don't know what you were doing with my razor?" Hank asked with a sassy tone.

"I wanted it out, Hank. The LED."

"Your little blue circle thing? Why don't you want it anymore?"

"I want to look human. The LED makes me look like a machine because truthfully, that's all I am. A fucking machine," I said with frustration, walking out of the bathroom and sitting on the bed.

"Babe, what's going on with you lately?" He asks, sitting next to me.

"I don't know and I don't understand. I'm frustrated and I feel panicked all the time. My heart beats so fast and I just want to cry but I'm too angry. I feel like if I get anymore emotions, I'm just going to burn out," I spill.

"Oh Conner..." he says, rubbing my back.

"I don't know what to do," I whimper, my voice cracking at the end of the sentence.

He lifts his hand and holds my chin, turning my head towards him. He leans in and kisses me deeply.

He pulls away, "do you feel that?"


"The spark. The joy. Your heart beating."


"You're not just a machine, Conner. You're alive and I know it. You have emotions. You know what love is."

I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder.

"How do you do that?" I ask.

"Do what?"

"Make me feel better after something stressful happens. Make me not think less of myself."

"I don't know, I just see the person I love hurting and I want to help them. It's simple but complicated at the same time."

"Oh... well I appreciate it. Thank you," I shut my eyes and I feel his arms wrap around me.

He picks me up and lays me down on our bed. He lays down next to me and I set my head on his chest, wrapping a single arm around him.

"Goodnight baby boy."

"Goodnight my love."

•How was this?•

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