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I keep my eyes closed, even though I'm awake. I'm awake for hours, only opening my eyes once Hank goes out of the room.

I just want to be alone, to think. I stare off into space.

I still want to LED out. But there's something else wrong. There's something in my mind that's physically wrong. Nothing could've controlled me like that except Cyberlife. But why would they want to kill Hank? To actually kill him or for me to be shut down? Or did someone else hack my system? Someone who Hank got on the wrong side of or someone who despises me and wants me shut down?

Also... something I've realized that I've been doing was... breathing. I'm a machine, machines don't need air, therefore, they don't breathe. I hyperventilated when I was in the car. Is it me just trying to connect the panic feeling to? Maybe...

I quickly send a message out to Markus. Hopefully he can help...

[[I need help, Markus. Meet me at the park at 4. Please.]]

"Conner? Are you awake?" Hanks soft voice enters my head and I turn, burying my face into my pillow.

//Of course ConMan. Are you okay?//

[[I don't know...]]

"Baby, what's the matter?" the bed dips and I assume he sat down.

"I'm just tired," I lie.

"You're lying, Conner."

What if it happens again and I'm not able to stop it? What if I do kill him? What if I get shut down from trying to kill him? Am I afraid to die?


"Do you want me to help you get your LED out?" Hank asks sweetly.

My ears perk up, "that would be nice..." my voice is muffled by the pillow and I hear Hank chuckle.

I sit up and look down at my lap while Hank goes off to find a flat screw driver.

"C'mere baby boy," he says, sitting back down.

I crawl over and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Hank holds my head with one hand and lifts the other to the LED. I feel the screw driver enter the small space and before I know it, I feel it pop out. I reach up and slide my finger over the spot, my skin sealing the small hole.

"Thank you," I give a small smile and he wraps an arm around me.

"Now tell me what's wrong. I know it wasn't just that," he says.

"Hank, I don't feel good," I say, closing my eyes. "I feel like I'm going to vomit."

"Can you even do that? You don't eat, what do you have to throw up?" I shake my head and shrug weakly.

"We need to see what's the matter. I should call Cyberlife, maybe they will know," Hank stands up.

I go into full panic mode. I stand up quickly and grab his arm, pulling him back.

"No! Please don't, Hank, please don't call Cyberlife. That's the worst possible thing you could do. Please don't call them," I breathe quickly and I look at him with pleading eyes.

•How was this?•

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