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"Ah- it's cold!" I squeal as I jump onto Hank after the water splashes on me.

He chuckles and continues to walk into the ocean.

I hug his body and look at the water below us. The sun shines and sparkles off of water making it satisfying to look at.

I could see the sand in the water once we stopped moving.

"Do you want me to put you down? The water's only going to be up to your chest," Hank states, gripping me by my thighs to keep me on his waist.

I bite my lip and nod, slipping down into the water.

It was cold but I adjusted quickly. I ran my hands through it and smiled, splashing Hank a little bit.

"Ah- Conner!" He laughs.

This was perfect. Everything was going just right. I'm so lucky to have him.

"Kill him, Conner."

I stopped moving instantly.

"What's wrong?" Hank asked.

"It's happening again."

"Conner do it now. You hate him. You don't love him. He lied to you. He hates you. Kill him before he kills you first."

"I hate you. I don't love you. You lied to me. You hate me. I will kill you before you kill me first."

"Han-" my voice goes into a distortion before I lose control of my body.

My body walked towards him and he tried swimming away but he got caught.

My body grabs him by the neck and shoves him under the water.

I see the wall again as well. Except it was blood red instead of the lighter red.

I punched it and there wasn't even a scratch. I use all my strength and beat it down for a third time.

I can barely keep my eyes open once I gain control.

"Hank!" I scream, lifting him out of the water.

He coughs, losing his balance a little bit before catching himself.

"It- it happened again. Hank I'm- I'm- I'm so sorry. I-I told you it would happen a-again," I start to hyperventilate and before I know it, I'm struggling to run against the water back to shore.

"C-Conner!" Hank coughs and goes after me.

Once I make it back to shore, I run to the car and grab my shirt out, slipping it on and running away, not anywhere specific. I didn't want to hurt Hank. I didn't want to. I didn't want to. Why is this happening?

My body racked with sobs as I ran accidentally into the highway. Cars beeped and I got turned around. A truck beeped loudly and I turned to see it coming towards me.

That's when everything slowed.

If I'm gone, I can't hurt Hank.

I faced the truck and I seen it slam on its brakes.

"Con-!" I was then tackled, falling into the ditch on the side of the highway.

"M-Markus?" I say with shock once I regain my balance.

"Conner, what the hell were you thinking?! You could've been killed! You are so lucky that Hank called me!" Markus shouted.

How did Hank call Markus that fast?

"I could've killed him Markus! I was going to!"

"What?" He said with confusion. "Let's just get back to him so he knows your safe-"

"No! I am not going back. I love him but I can't face him. I tried to drown him and- a-and," I started to hyperventilate.

"Conner, calm down, calm down."

Deja vu hits me when he says that.

"I am calm!" I scream with tears rushing down my face.

•How was this?•

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