What Have I Done

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—mentions of rape in this chapter—
Peter cried through gritted teeth, trying to stay calm and pack his beaten up bag, only grabbing the important.
"Charger, phone itself... extra clothes... of course my suit..." luckily all his school stuff was already at school, so that would help lighten the load, but his scruffy bag wouldn't be able to hold all of his essentials anyways.
By this point he was beyond crying, where now he used up all his tears and his eyes were dried, yet still wanting to push out whatever was left. Peter looked around, briefly glancing at the room, making sure nothing valuable was left. And jumped out the window, using his webs to shimmy his way down.
He looked both sides of the alleyway he fell into, not sure where to go, his only option was to Ned, but he didn't want his best friend to see him like this, so he decided against it, venturing into the city, with the new label of homeless.
"Let's see, uh that way is the school, while this way is the... uh... I don't know, this is way too hard." Peter pointed all different directions trying to find which way is which.
Once he found out which way is a coffee shop with free WiFi, he decided to go towards it, knowing that it'll start to rain soon. It didn't take long to get there, but it did start sprinkling and the sun started setting.
"What? Closed?? Who closes a coffee shop at... 9:32?" Peter let out a sigh, decided it was best to find a hidden alleyway and sleep for the night and just hangout in there in the morning.
Finding a pretty dark entry way two buildings down from the shop, he decided it was the best he could do and went and hid behind a bunch of boxes. Eventually closing his eyes and falling asleep, with the now pouring down rain in the background.
Peter is usually a pretty heavy sleeper, but it wasn't until he felt something yank of his wrists, not gently either, that sprang him into fight mode.
—trigger warning—
"Wha-" He started until he realised it was a sketchy man yanking him into the darker part of the alley, that was more hidden by buildings.
"What's going on?" Peter tried yanking but the man just scowled and yanked back harder.
"You're a pretty scrawny fella?" His alcohol and cigarette breath was super noticeable, making Peter wince as the stench entered his nose.
"I don't understand what's happening?" Peter started to panic, knowing he couldn't take on this man without using his spideyness, but he knew he couldn't control it so he just continued trying to find a different way out.
"Stupid and pathetic, perfect to me" the man pushed Peter against the wall, covering his mouth with his filthy hand, that had plenty of cuts and burn marks.
"W-" was all Peter could say before his words were muffled.
The man started feeling his way around the poor boy, going from his face to his neck, giving a dominant squeeze and then travelling down to his pants, starting to yank them off,
Peter then realised what was about to happen and tears that he didn't know existed started to spring back up. He tried screaming, but was muffled and whoever was out this late would probably just join the older man in his fun.
"Now who would throw a pretty boy like you out onto the streets?" The older man whispered into the youngers ear, already getting the boys jeans off and now just having to get through the boxers.
Finally Peter couldn't let this happen and pushed off, his boxers halfway off his hips.
The man backed away, taken aback from the surprising strength the teen had just retrieved.
"Strong boy now are ya?"
Peter didn't want another word to escape the mans lips, and the anger inside the boy was taking over, any rational thought was dissolved into more violence.
It didn't take long for Peter to swing, faster than any human should be able to move, so it wasn't a surprise to the boy when he hit dead center of this mans face. Blood instantly poured out of his obvious broken nose, and most likely broken jaw.
Peter saw this opportunity to run, but stayed put, making sure this disgusting man wouldn't get back up.
He saw the mans chest moving slightly and knew that he didn't fulfil his job all the way, and stepped on the mans throat, cutting off any air left.
Soon enough breathes stopped, and anger started decaying, leaving the teen realising what he had just done.
He looked around for any witnesses, and then ran when he was clear, running as far away as he could from this scene, not wanting to remember any of it.

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