Unnecessary Surgery

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"Any words from the others?" Tony asked Bruce, who had just walked into the room.

"Like the last five times you've asked, no, no one has contacted me" The man sighed, annoyed from the frequent topic.

"When am I getting out of this place? It's boring" Tony rolled his eyes, restless from the verbal restraints on him.

"Dude, like in a week if you're lucky. While you were asleep we got a few minor surgeries, but you still need one in your leg, I'm just surprised you aren't aching right now" Banner laughed, disbelief coating his words.

"It's because of Peter, man is he a pain, but he's my pain and I'm worried. I don't need to worry about myself, I'll be fine, it's the damn kid who might be in trouble" Tears sprung back up at the mention of the teens name, but quickly went back down.

"I'm sure he's fine, he has a whole team of assassins and superhumans going for him, not to mention a wizard too. If they can't find him, then he must've left Earth or plain disappeared into thin air"

"I suppose you're right, but let's be honest, half of the squad are imbeciles, the only one I really trust is Nat, but how much can she do? She's just one person in all of New York?" Tony looked over to his friend, hopelessness taking over. Then a moment of distress "Don't tell her that I said that, she would kill me and then drag my dead body all over the city in spite" The brunette pleaded, wide eyed.

A chuckled made it's way out of Bruce, the common fear feeling way too similar. "I got you buddy"


Blood and ligaments made it's way up the arms of the traumatized surgeon, him forgetting how gory someone's insides could be. Nat sat besides him, coaching him through any doubts and to pass tools when asked. No one else was in the medical wing, them all too grossed out or worried to be by the ripped apart boy. It had been silent for a few minutes, concentration filling the air, when the red head broke it.

"You doing okay?" She asked.

"I suppose, he isn't totally dead yet" Sarcasm and humor made it's way through his sentence, his way to ease his mind from what's actually going on.

"That's not what he looks like right now" The reflective, witty comment made both playfully glare at each other, only to return to the tension of silence. "How was he?" She started up again. "Tony I mean, how was he doing?"

"Well he was dead asleep when all of a sudden he sprang awake, whispering about Peter, who I didn't know was his son yet, also how did that happen? Anyways, he then urged to use my phone, which was pretty weird seeming as he should've been in pain and confused about where he was on all that, like most of my previous patients, and Banners. But I couldn't say no, so then he called one of you, then when he found out Peter was gone, he made me start the search party, and you know what happened from there" Grief made the end of the sentence feel like bricks pouring out of his mouth, his usual confident voice becoming small and distant.

"He really made you?"

"No, he wanted to do it himself, but we wouldn't let him, so I was the next best option" Chuckles could be heard, which felt weird to hear in a operating room.

"Sounds like Ton, and I feel like to hear the kid's and his origin story, you should get it from Tony himself" Her reassuring tone made the tension fade, and turned the new silence comfortable, her watching happily, and him working with less fear.


The next few hours faded by, sweat and more blood having it's moments. Finally the kid was the best he could be and no more work could be done to help. Strange and Nat washed up and left for the common room to update the others, leaving Peter hooked up to a few machines and enhance his chances.

"We're back" She announced once the elevator opened, which revealed a small team of worry warts. "Wow you all look depressed" She smiled, sitting down next to Clint at the kitchen.

"Because the the kid literally was dead, he was beyond dead, we were rehearsing for his funeral" Steve called out from the couch of the living room, with Bucky next to him who silently agreed.

"Well he's looking pretty good, especially since Strange healed him with his hands this time" She beamed at the other who just had a confused face, until it dawned at him.

"I could've just healed him with my whole wizard, magic thing" He said, his head in his hands in embarrassment.

"Yeah, but we're proud of you, you worked all those hours with your shaky hands, and he turned out pretty good" She smiled, happy from convincing the man before her to face his fears.

"I'll be right back, someone call Tony, I'm sure he's jumping off the walls trying to hear from Peter again" He called back, him now racing back down to the shallow room where a teen laid.

Everyone looked around to each other, not sure who should make the call, until the red head spoke up again. "I'll do it" She got up, walking to her room for privacy. She quickly pulled out her phone and listened to the rings. "Hello? Bruce?" She asked out once she heard a voice from the small device.

"Got news about the boy?" He asked in return, getting to the point.

"Oh, uh, yeah"

"Amazing, hold on" A few mumbles and some roughness against the speaker could be heard, and now a new voice erupted, making Nat wince from the new volume.

"He's fine, I'll let Strange tell you what happened, since he was the one who found Peter in the first place, but he's using his magic or whatever to heal the kid"

"Heal!?" Tony yelled back, upset he was hurt in the first place.

"He's fine, that's all that matters, and now that you know he's okay, focus on yourself, you're not indestructible Stark"

"Wanna bet?"

"Wow your sass is through the roof right now and it's not appreciated, I might as well hang up" Nat laughed, smiling even though she knew he couldn't see it.

"Wait, no, please. I'm... I'm sorry. Thank you, not just for Peter, but for everything. But mostly Peter. If something were to happen to him, I- I don't know what I would do, he's literally all I have left, I burnt all my bridges with Pepper, and my family-"

"Tony stop, we're your family, and don't ever forget that, we may not be on the best of terms at times, but we'll always be there for each other, and I promise you, Peter is going to be fine, and so will you, it won't be long until we have you guys bouncing around the compound again, brightening up this place"

"Thank you" Tears could be heard, and a small "Shut up Bruce" a few seconds later.

"Don't you get all soft on me, it won't be good for your healing process, now go and listen to Bruce, he's in charge" Her eyes became watery too, more from happiness than anything.

"Wow, I've really hit rock bottom" He laughed, then said his goodbyes, soon after hanging up.

I rushed the ending so sorry about that, also Cavetown is an amazing band and ya'll should go listen to them because I love them with all my heart

side question, if you listen to them, what is your favorite song?

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