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The sky was still dark when the car came to a stop. Tony breathed in, trying to calm himself for the mini reunion that was about to take place. He looked over to Peter, not sure how to present him to everyone. Were they on father/son levels yet? Should he introduce him as just an intern? And if he did, should he explain what really was going on when the kid left, to spare the him the unwanted attention? Million of things went through his mind, but he shook the kid gently, to carefully wake him up.

"Are we here?" Peter yawned sleepily, rubbing his eyes before looking around the area, trying to see anything he could recognize.

"Yep" The man shortly answered, handing the boy his bag before opening up his own door, leaving, and being consumed by darkness.

Suddenly wide eyed from vast movements, Peter called out, rushing to the older's side. No more words were said, instead Tony was focused on getting to the front door, and the teen focused on staying by the other's side, to not get lost. Soon the found stone steps, leading up to a doorway.

   "Please state your claim" A machine called out, obviously feeling their presence.

   "Tony Stark" Tony called in return, earning a positive little jingle and the doorway to open, revealing lights and some laughter inside. "You ready kid?" Tony looked down to Peter, who now just looked amazed and confused, slightly nodding, wanting to solve his confusion.

   The two walked in, turning to the source of voices, which led to be the kitchen. Once they rounded the corned, it revealed the team of superhumans and assassins, who were all laughing while they drank and ate some leftover foods. A few of them were gone though, like Clint and Bruce, but a few new guys are there too, like Bucky and Thor. Soon enough everyone stopped talking, seeing the people at the doorway. They looked to Tony kindly, but then went to the teen, confusion wiping their faces.

   "Hey, Tony, haven't seen you in awhile" Steve spoke out, trying to see if they were on good terms.

   "Since Christmas I believe" Tony returned, not sure how he felt about Steve yet.

   "Well Christmas isn't for another few months, so what're you doing here?" This time Sam spoke out.

   "Just thought I should pop in, maybe stay for a few days"

   All the Avengers looked at each other, silently knowing what was actually happening back at the tower, but still having no clue about the kid.

   "Very well, grab a drink while you're here, we were just in the middle of telling stories and I know you have some good ones on Banner" Natasha spoke up, giving a reassuring smile, getting rid of the tension that built up. Tony motioned the kid to come and sit down with him at the bar, giving him some water, and grabbing himself a beer.

   A few moments pass, and Thor looks like he's about to burst. "Okay is no one else confused about the kid?" He exclaimed, looking around to be assured he wasn't the only one. Everyone rolled their eyes, and laughed, then looking to Tony for some answers.

   "Umm, well" Tony looked over to Peter, who just looked back, not quite sure with how to respond. "This is Spider-Man, Spider-Man, this is the Avengers" he moved his arms in a line, pointing to all of the heroes that stood before him.

   "Hi" The boy quietly murmured, feeling embarrassed for looking like such a mess in front of his idols.

   "Hello" They all kind of said in unison, not really paying attention to him. Natasha looked around, seeing as no one really cares for the boy, and spoke up again, making sure to be nice and friendly. "Hello, Spider-Man" She felt weird for calling him that after hours, she never really had to call someone by their made up name before.

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