He Won't Be Here For Long

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   After the change of route, it took a bit longer to get to their finale destination; the Stark Tower. The older man unbuckled himself, getting out of the car, and walking halfway through the door before realizing the absence of footsteps behind him. Turning around, he could see the teen in the car, leaning against the window, sleeping. He decided to leave him in the car, unlocked of course, but it seems like the kid hasn't gotten enough sleep in days anyways. Besides, this was the best way to talk to Pepper, and break her the news that they might have some company for a little while.

   "We're back" Tony announced into the quiet room.

   "We?" She questioned back.

   "Yeah, so, uh, the kid really just did not want to go back to his place, so I thought maybe he could stay here for a few days, until we sort things out?"

   "What do you mean sort things out?"

   "You're going to have to look at the kid, he smells, looks like he hasn't slept, or ate in days, and won't talk, except for him saying no to going back to his aunt" He explained.

   "So how long is he going to be invading our home?"

   "Oh come on, don't put it like that, you'll love the kid, once he gets back to his normal, smiley self"

   "You better hope so" She warned.

   A few minutes later they heard the door opened, followed by a rugged, skittish Peter, looking wide eyed as he skimmed the room.

   "Hey fella" Tony cautiously walked towards him, trying to make him feel more welcomed. "I saw you sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you"

   "Thank you" Was all Peter could mumbled.

   "Well at least you didn't lose your manners out there" Stark laughed to himself.

   He could feel the kid tense with the mention of the past two days, so he took it that he wasn't ready to open up yet.

   "Hey, why don't you go take a shower? I'm sure you have some spare clothes in that... bag of yours" Tony newly suggested, quickly changing the topic.

   The kid nodded, stumbling to the main bathroom.

   "Wow, he is a mess" Pepper made clear as she was spying on the two from a doorway.

   "Be nice to him, I'm guessing he was homeless for a few days. You wouldn't be acting like this if you were out there too" Tony tried to reason.

   "Just try and make him seem better? When he goes back to school, he's going to be humiliated"

   "lighten up a bit, he's a great kid"
   Pepper turned away, going back to work in her office.


   After a few hours, the two guys were just chilling on the couch. Peter was definitely cleaner, but still had this minor grim smell to him, and his knuckles were bruised
"Hey kid, so, uh, what happened?"
Peter's breathes started to speed up, causing havoc in his mind.
   "Come on, truly it wasn't that bad, now was it?" Tony tried to sweet talk, but ended up making the teen rage and storm out the room.

   "Note to self, he's become a bit of a Debby downer" He said under his breath.

   While Tony was left in the main room, Peter laid in his temporary bed, tears beaming down his face. Trauma laced his mind, not letting his thoughts escape from the past few days, gradually making him feel more destructive. No matter how much he wanted to tell Mr. Stark what happened, he couldn't bring himself to it. It wasn't like a trust issue, it was more of a "too much for Peter to recall" because after thinking about anything from his past, even the fun parts before things went abrupt, he just feels so exhausted.

   After an hour Tony finally couldn't take it anymore and charged towards the boys room, needing answers. He was about to turn the door handle until he heard the weeps of a young boy from the other side. So instead of taking the role of leader and showing dominance, he decided to take the kinder route.

   "Hey, buddy, sorry to intrude, but I just was really in need for some answers, but I can wait until you're, er, finished?" Tony awkwardly got up to leave, suddenly stopping once he felt tight, pale, slender fingers wrap around his wrist.

   "You're ready to talk?"

   Peter just nodded, looking miserable and tired.

   "Well you're going to have to actually talk"

   "I w-was kicked out-t" The young boy snuffled, while letting out a heavy breath.

   "What? Why?" Tony could tell he sounded a bit too aggressive from the scared look on Peters face.

   "Well, Aunt M-May found out that I-I'm Spid-der m-man" By the end of this sentence he was weeping again, tears falling instantly.

  "I'm guessing she didn't like that?" Tony almost cooed at him. 

   With a response of Peter nodding, he gave the fragile boy a tight squeeze, trying to only show sympathy. After giving a reassuring smile to the kid, he stood up, not wanting to hear his chocked up words anymore. Shutting the door, he went back out towards Pepper, who was giving a smirk back to the man.

   "What are you smirking for?" 

   "Oh, nothing" She replied cheerfully.

   "Uh huh" Tony rolled his eyes, making his way to the fridge.

   "It's just funny that, now you can see my side of this, he's broken, and most likely can't be fixed" She started again, seeing as Tony wasn't wanting to carry on the conversation.

   "What is up with you and hating this kid? Aren't you wanting one? Not every child is a perfect angel" Tony said, still facing the leftovers he pulled out.

   "Exactly my point, are you sure that you want him around the child that WE want?" She corrected him on the last bit.

   "Please, he'll be gone by then, probably back with his aunt, they won't stay mad forever. I can even talk to her if it'll help"


   "yes, yes, I'll go tomorrow, happy?"

   "Do you want me to dial Happy?" FRIDAY interrupted.

   "What? No, no" Tony was taken aback by the sudden loud voice taking over the room. 

   "Very well" With that, the voice was gone, leaving the couple alone in the silence.

   "Have fun with your food, I'm going to bed" She then left, leaving one, very confused man left in the living quarters.

   "Love you" He yelled with bits of food flying out of his mouth, trying to get his fiancee to hear before she went into the room, but was too late.

   "Love you too sir"

   "Not you FRIDAY" The man yelled back.

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