Songs And More Notes

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   The group dispersed from the kitchen, each grabbing their own slices of pizza, the food of choice from Sam. Some stayed and chatted, while others walked out of sight, continuing their own things. Tony had been glancing at his phone all throughout dinner, making Peter confused, but the teen, not wanting to bring it up, stayed silent. They both sat on the couch, with Nat, Steve and Bucky scattered in the seating area with them. They had turned on some random channel to drown out the silence that laid above them, but it couldn't cut out the awkwardness that resided.

   "Hey, hows school goin?" Steve asked, clearing his throat before asking. His concerned eye contact made Peter feel guilty, but he didn't feel like getting another talking to so he lied.

   "Good, same as usual" The boy shrugged, taking another bite. He looked at the man next to him, seeing if there was any sort of reaction to his fib, but the brunette just seemed dazed and still not paying attention.

   "Your eye is doing better" The blonde continued, giving a proud nod.

   "Yeah, kinda glad too, it was a real eye sore" He joked, giving himself props for his pun. A muffled laughed bursted out, drawing everyone's attention to the origin. The scary looking man suddenly realized the reconition, making his face into a glare, especially eyeing Steve, who just gave a smug smirk back.

   "Glad Buck still has some humor in him" The blonde gave a small punch to the mans real arm, making the soldier roll his eyes. The group, except Tony, shared a laugh, as the man was far too invested into his text messages. Peter looked around seeing as some plates were empty, and got up, asking if some wanted more and for him to wash the dish, which they politely answered, thanking him.

   Once they teen exited the room the brunette finally spoke. "Hey guys, I think I need to go" His wide eyes showed nervousness and worry. "Like now" He added, in a more urgent tone.

   "What? Are you taking Peter? Where are you going? What's wrong?" They all chimed in a quieter tone so the kid wouldn't hear.

   "No, I'll be back tonight or tomorrow, just stuff with Pepper" Tony stood up, pointing to his phone as evidence, which they didn't really need. They all were in their own state of minds, trying to process what the man just said. Suddenly being knocked out by a fragile looking teen returning and the older man gone, most likely to get ready, or to have already been gone.

   "Where's Mr. St- I mean Tony" He cringed at the way he said his fathers name, it not sounding right in his mouth.

   "No clue, but he said he had to go, and that he'll be back sometime tonight" Natasha smiled, noticing panic starting to surge through the boys features she continued. "Hey, why don't we watch a movie? I'm sure Steve would love to join" She stared at the man next to her, giving a glare, but a fake smile, more telling than suggesting the last part. He gave a scared little nod, afraid of what her reaction would be with any other answer. "And we all know if Steve's there, so will Buck over there" She tilted her head back, nodding in the direction of the scowling man, who just stayed silent.

   "I mean, if you guys want, but you don't have t-" He shyly started, realizing this is his first time alone with the team that he looked up to so often.

   "Oh non sense, we'll even let you pick the movie" Steve quickly stood up, patting Peter's arm while leaving to get something.

   "You better be grabbing pillows and blankets!" The red head yelled after him, then showing the teen all the movies they had. "Hey Bucko, go make some popcorn, I'm sure it'll cook well if you put it on your arm in heat" She gave a sarcastic smile, shooing him off which just resulted in him giving a plastered smile back, then when out of eyesight mumbling about her. "What's that?" She asked, with him instantly stopping and not answering. "See, he comes around" She focused back on Peter, watching him dig through the comedies that piled in a drawer.

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