The Night

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The hours that came from the night didn't do Peter well. Taunts and chants echoed through the walls of his mind, each becoming louder than the last. Tears crept through his eyes, some eventually making ways down his cheeks, others were pushed back down. He went to rub his face to get the moisture off, but wincing once pain shot through because of his bruise. All the kids intruding into his day was the only memory that he could remember. Everything seem to be crumbling, he didn't even want to think about Spiderman, it already ached his body. If he didn't have the courage to help people around the city, then what's even the point for Peter to be at the Avengers compound? They all help in some way, and Peter has done nothing. But he also didn't have anywhere else to go. So what was even the point of him? If he left he could have the chance to relive what happened the last time he was on his own. If he stayed he would just feel guilty and cause havoc to the team. Nothing was going well, and they didn't seem to be going back up anytime soon.

Peter stood up from the ground where he laid for the past three hours. He turned to his wall that had the biggest window, which could probably fit him if he squeezed. Once open, he looked back to his door, seeing if there was any movement outside. Now looking back out, he sat on the ledge, legs dangling off the easily seventy foot drop. He kept his arms on both walls besides him, stabilising, so he didn't lose his balance. Fresh air wafted through his nose, and into his room. He closed his eyes for a few minutes before sirens blared and people started yelling. Peter tried looking at what the commotion was, but his eyesight was too short. Giving a sigh and one last whiff of the breeze, he turned back around into his room, where his nightmares stayed, almost as if they were waiting for his return. His eyes instantly turned bloodshot. Scared of the dark secrets that hid, he turned on his lamp, giving a creepy warm orange glow. He sat on his bed, knees hiding most off his body as an act of armor. The next few hours were restless, but eventually his body forced him into an unwanted sleep.


Tony woke up, looking around seeing only darkness. He slowly moved around his bed, finding his phone and shinning a flashlight everywhere. On the ground was a sleeping Steve, who looked peaceful. Quickly turning away the light to not disturb the blonde, Tony got up, still uneasy about something. Walking around the doof who had an american flag blanket, he opened the door, and closing it without a sound. Tony already knew all the weak spots in the floor that created sound, so he quickly graced over them, making his way to the kitchen. He turned on a small light to give him enough eyesight to see his utilities. Grabbing a mug, he quickly made a cup of tea and sat down, hopefully making his nerves calm. It didn't take long to make them spike up again from the sudden movement in the door. The sly clicked of the knob unhinging and swinging forward brought Stark to his feet and move quickly to investigate. The door was quick to close and had small footsteps erupt once the figure found out that another person was there. Rounding the corner, Tony's heartbeat sped up seeing the figure, then slowing down once analyzing who it was.

"Hey stranger" The voice was crisp and had mystery tucked inside of it.

"Loki, what're you doing out so late?" Tony sighed, now feeling tired from the adrenaline rush.

"Just coming back in" Loki eyed the man carefully, not sure how to bring the next topic.

"What are you staring at?" Sass and aggravation was spat, making the question more of an insult.

"Um, so I'm guessing you saw Peter's eye?" The taller man took a few steps towards Tony, to make this conversation less awkward, but to only be greeted by Stark backing away in sync with every step the other man took forward.

"Yeah, why are you asking?" More anger was casted around his words.

"And did he tell you? Like what happened?"

"How is this any of your business?"

"Because I was there when it happened" Loki very carefully told the man, not wanting a lash out or to be kicked out on the spot.

"You what?" More confusion than anger was directed in his wording, his parenting mode turning on.

"You might want to sit down" Loki motioned to the seating the was on the other side of the room, which Tony bluntly agreed. "So I was intrigued by the kid, he just has this aura that I can't shake. And so I went out to spy on him in school, as it was the only way I could get to know him, since I'm never out here. And so I just kinda crept around the hallways or stayed outside and looked through windows" Tony squinted his eyes, wondering how creepy and idiotic the man before him was. "And so after school he went outside to be greeted by a weird annoying looking kid, and he made fun of him about how you went into a car with him and how you had the burden to babysit him, which got him emotional, which you should sort out with the boy, but then he told the kid to 'shut it' and then the scrawny, but surprisingly strong kid punched him square in the face" Caution coated his explaining.

    "Why wouldn't he want to tell me this?" Tony asked under his breath, not so much for Loki, but more for himself.
   "Listen, I just worry for the boy, so I'm not going to intrude any further" With those words said, the man stood up, leaving Tony wondering alone on the couch.

   I just wanna tell you that I love you guys, have a good day.

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