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   3 hours. That's how long peter was in the agency, before being released to the only person he trusts.

   "I don't understand, they said I couldn't go back, unless it's a signed guardian" Peter furrowed his eyes, trying to understand what has happened in the last few hours. Tears still stained his cheeks.

   "Yeah" Tony agreed.

   "So how did you get them to allow me to stay with you?"

   "Do you still have the paperwork?" Tony started smirking.

   "Yeah?" Peter noticed the sly smile from the man, becoming ultimately confused.

   "Look at it" Peter silently took the order, taking a few seconds to open the folder and scanning over it.

   "Peter Parker-Stark?" Peter questioned. Another moment or two he flipped through more thin sheets, soon stopping on adoption papers that had a name that stood out in his mind. "Y-you adopted me?" Peter himself couldn't believe what he just said, it almost sounded wrong to say out loud.

   "Yeah, I mean, it was the most logical thing to do, for Spider-Man's sake, and like you said, almost no one wants a 15 year old, and if they do, they won't be in New York"

   "Almost no one?"

   "Well I wanted you, didn't I? Or do I count as a nobody" Tony started chuckling, trying to ease the teen.

   "I don't know, you haven't been on the news in about 4 days, so that makes you a nobody to me" Peter gleamed, happiness overtaking him.

   "Oh wow, right to the heart" The older man clenched his heart, pretending it had ached.

   "Wait, what about Pepper? I know she would have never agreed to this" Peter started to frown, seeing a flicker of sadness overtake Tony too.

   "You're right, she didn't agree, but I saw a side of her I haven't seen before. So I should really thank you, for opening my eyes" He gave the younger kid a small smile, trying to reassure both of them that it'll be alright.

   "I'm sorry"

   "Don't worry about it kid, it'll be better this way, anyways"

   Both had nothing further to say, so they sat in comfortable silence. It was dark out, but the street lights highlighted concrete, revealing night walkers and garbage that littered the ground. Peter didn't recognise the area, so no memories popped up, thus making the car ride feel a lot longer.

   "Hey, where are we going?" Peter looked up to the older man, can't standing anymore silence, a confused look sweeping his face.

   "You'll see" A smirk was bloomed across Tony's face yet again.

   "Can you at least tell me how long till we get there?" Peter whined, yet the smirk didn't alter.

   "If I were you, I would just start sleeping now"

   "But it's only" Peter checked the clock, surprising himself with the answer. "1:34am" he defeatedly denounced.

   "Goodnight Peter" Tony said in a singsong voice.

   The teen sighed, rolling his eyes and positioning himself more comfortably, or as comfortable as you can in a car. Closing his eyes, he tried to sleep, but it didn't take long before the nights events recurred. Having the thoughts swirling around his mind, he eventually drifted to sleep, but his brain not forgiving him for what he had done, punishing him with night terrors.

It's been two hours since the kid fell asleep, causing Tony to have his mind to himself as he drove through the dark.

   Did I make a mistake? He thought, but instantly shaking his head, almost as if trying to throw the thought out.
   It's too late to turn back now, right? More thoughts entered his brain, but not being able to dissolve them.
   Would Pepper take me back?
   Where would Peter go?
   I could always drop him off and then turn back, he would understand.
   But I still don't want to have kids, would she be able to see that?
   Of course she would, she's amazing.
   What have I done?
   What can I do?
   I'm such an idiot
   I need to call her, or text, or see her.

   Suddenly all his thoughts vanished when a small whimper escaped the boys mouth, quickly followed by an eyebrow raise from Tony. Peter had made himself into a disformed ball on the seat, using his jacket as a blanket, grasping onto it like it was the only thing keeping him from falling off a cliff.
   Peter furrowed his eyebrows, obviously scared or confused about what was happening in his dream. Of course, having no experience with needing to help a sleeping teen like this before, Tony has utterly no clue what to do, making him beyond frustrated. But a different kind. He's usually frustrated from his inventions going wrong, or a lack of a break through, but this was weird, almost alarming, because he didn't know how to handle it like the others. People were never his strong suit, but this was just beyond his capability.

   The teen started to stir again, causing an instant reaction from Tony to rub the boy soothingly, trying to get him calm. Soon Peter took a deep breath, starting to relax again, making Tony relax too. Maybe he did have this Dad thing.
   I made the right choice. The older man thought afterwards, now happy with his choice of Peter, and being content the rest of the drive.

   I wrote all of this during a rap concert and that's called skill my friend. Also keep the commenting going, it makes me super happy

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