Cutting Some Strings

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"We need to get him back!" Tony yelled across the room to Pepper, who obviously didn't feel like the child is that important.

"He's in a better place, they'll find him a good home and family"

"No they won't, and I- I just feel weird without him!" Tears have been going down the older mans eyes for the past fifteen minutes.

"Oh come on, you lived with the boy for a day, you can't get attached that quickly" Pepper rolled her eyes.

"What's so wrong with him? He has done nothing wrong yet you have only been aggressive towards him"

"Because he's interfering with our family! Before we were happy, trying to have a baby, but then he came and now look where we are!"

"And where are we?" Tony suddenly sounded deathly calm.

"Not in a good place" Now they both were calm, making the tension creep back out.

"And you think a kid would fix it?"

"Yes Tony, that's what I've been saying"

"Yet Peter apparently tore us apart"

"He's different, he isn't mine, I couldn't see him as a baby, I couldn't shape him and his personality"

"You don't need to shape him to love him, if you just gave him a chance you would've saw everything I adored about him"

"Anthony Edward Stark, we're not bringing that boy back into our home" There was a massive pause before the next reply, death glares being thrown around during the break.

"Well good thing this isn't our home anymore" Tony had daggers in his eyes, knowing what he has done, yet not feeling bad or regretting it.

"Excuse me? Anthony, are you kicking me out" she started raising her voice, not believing what her fiancé had said.

"Oh no, of course not, that's rude. I'm moving out, I just need to grab mine and Peters stuff, before you burn it all" Tony sarcastically smiled, not caring about how she'll react.

"Tony you can't do this" Pepper pleaded, realising the man was serious.

"Oh sure I can, now if you excuse me I need to pack" Tony turned, going to his room first.

"Well then t-the weddings off" Pepper yelled, trying to threaten the man, but doing no harm.

"Good, it was going to be about as fake as your personality" Tony yelled back, disappearing when he turned a corner.

Pepper just sat there, in a rage, not knowing what to do. She most likely couldn't get Tony back unless she wanted to bring the kid back too, which was off the table, and nothing she could say would hurt Tony, which left her dumbfounded.

Tony soon returned with two packed bags, one for him and one for Peter. The kid didn't bring a lot in the first place when he spent the night, so his stuff was easy to grab, and Tony already had more than enough clothes in where he was going to go, so he only packed some needed lab work and papers.

"I can't believe you're actually leaving" Pepper crossed her arms, looking like a child throwing a tantrum.

"And I can't believe you tore us apart because of a child" Tony said, giving a sarcastic wave and heading to the door.

"Goodbye FRIDAY, love you"

"Goodbye sir"

"Oh and Pep?"

   "Don't talk to me or my son ever again" Tony snapped, slamming the door before hearing her response.

  Shorty but needed, also sassy Stark is my favourite. And please keep commenting, it makes me happy;)

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