Black Eyes And Sleepovers

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   Tony's face was cleaned up, the small wound still raw, but not bleeding. Him and Steve were out on the couch, with some other Avengers, watching a random show that was being displayed on the t.v.. They have all been quiet, mostly focusing on the show, but the two men gave quick glances to each other, almost as if they want to start talking, but didn't know how. Luckily no one noticed, or if they did, they did mention it.. Almost as if on cue, the door gave three pathetic knocks, and then a live camera showed off a kid who was banging on the door.

   Tony quickly got up, opening the door and letting his son in, chuckling softly as the kid brushed passed, complaining that he didn't have a key, or voice recognition so he had to knock.

   "Relax, we'll put your voice in soon" Tony smiled, following the kid into the large kitchen.

   Peter kept his head down, frantically pacing everywhere, not knowing how to shake off his dad. "Well I have homework, so if you don't mind" The kid brushed his shoulder against the old band shirt Tony was wearing, stopping once the older man's hands landed on Peter's side arm. Pulling the kid in front of him, he put his free hand under Peter's chin, raising it up slowly to reveal a black eye.

   "What happened to you?" Tony questioned, suddenly panicked.

   "What happened to you?" Peter returned, taken aback by the mark on the older man's cheek.

   "Lab accident, now answer mister" Tony commanded, sounding stricter then intended.

   "Tripped" Peter suddenly jerked his arm out, rushing to his room, not wanting to talk to anyone anymore. Tony quickly followed after him, wanting more information. As the two passed the living quarters, he saw the rest of the squad turning their heads, confused by the rash movements. Tony quickly gave a shrug with wide eyes, expressing his knowledge on the sudden outburst. When he saw Natasha stand up he silently mouthed the words 'stay here' and continued towards Peters room. Once he was in front of the closed door, he knocked, and asked to come in, only to be presented with no words. Now sitting on the floor, he continued.

   "Listen kid, I know it's hard to open up, believe me, but it feels so good once you do, it's like that satisfying sound when you open a soda" Tony questioned where he was going with this. Nat rounded the corner, wanting to know what was going on and looked at him confused as to why he was talking about beverages while he was outside his son's door. Quickly giving another shrug, he continued. "All the carbonation get's build up, but once you open the seal, or in this case your heart, everything that was once build up inside, the pressure, the drama, the problems, is now released. giving you the fresh feeling" He put his head in his hands, embarrassed for the lousy pep talk he just gave. "Pete?" Tony questioned again, trying to get any form of response.

   "Please just leave" A small whisper came, trembles could be heard afterwards, and the kid trying to steady his breathing. Tony now biting his lip and harshly closing his eyes from the heartache he just retrieved, he nodded silently, knowing that Peter could'nt see it though. Nat walked closer, holding Tony's arm and helping him up and into the living quarters once again, rubbing his arm the whole way there. 

   The teams confused whispers turned into sympathetic looks as the saw the heartbroken man in front of the them. Nat gave them all a warning glare, then helped the man sit down, giving a reassuring smile, even though his eyes were still closed. Feeling the pressure of everyone's stares on him, Tony slowly started to open his eyes, only looking at the ground and taking deep breaths.

   "What happened?" Natasha whispered in his ear, trying not to push him. 

   "I-I don't know, he came in, and wouldn't slow down and was just rushing everywhere. And then I finally stopped him, and he had a black eye!" The last part was more of a whisper scream, to not let the teen know that he was talking about him. "And when I asked what was wrong, he just said he tripped and went to his room and asked me to go away. I'm being too dramatic aren't I? I need to trust him when he said he fell, because he wouldn't lie" He looked around to everyone, soaking in all the expressions they gave, which so far is dumbfound or looking at the man like he just said he would drive the Hawaii. "What?" Tony asked, utterly clueless.

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