Opening Up

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   Who knew writing an excuse note would take a whole team of superhumans and assassins. It was sloppy, and kind of confusing, and had the handwriting of about 5 different people, but it would get the job done.

   "So you're going to take that right, and go straight for two- no three blocks, and then another right, left, left, straight, and..." Tony looked at the map that he had pulled up on his phone, searching through the streets that led to the teens school. "I'm totally lost" He announced, utterly dumbfounded.

   "It's okay Mr. Stark, I can just ask Karen to help" The teen smiled, grabbing his backpack and started walking towards the door.

   "Have a good day at school kiddo, ask Karen for anything you need, and learn stuff!" Tony called out to his new son.

   "Bye bud" Nat told the teen as she appeared through the doorway, with a fresh cup of coffee.

   "Bye guys" With that said, Peter shut the door, looking for buildings that would lead him to his school.

   "How are you feeling?" The assassin asked, looking concerned again.

   "Pretty good, I know Pete will find his way" Tony nodded his head, showing his agreeance with his thoughts, turning back to the magazine he had appeared in.

  "Tony, no, I- I mean about Pepper" Natasha sat down next to the billionaire, showing him that she was serious.

   "Uh, good, good, stings a little, but Peter needed me more, and quite frankly, I needed him"

   "Well if you need anyone to talk to, I'm obviously here" She smiled, suddenly standing and heading towards her room. Leaving the room silent, Tony didn't know what to do. All the other avengers were either now sleeping, or off somewhere outside the compound. Peter wouldn't come back for six hours, seven if you count the time he's going to take for getting lost, so it's not like he could start bonding with him. Soon enough though, he heard spaced footsteps, almost as if they were eerie to come out here. Intriguing Tony, he tried looking around the corner which held the hallway the footsteps originates from. It revealed a tall pale man, in a slick black suit, with his black hair gelled down, giving him an intimidating appearance.

   "Hello there, like what you see?" The God smirked, stopping in his tracks.

   "Oh, uh, yeah, I-I mean no, anyway, what're you doing out here?" Sass crept into the last of his words, earning a glare from the taller man.

   "Just out" Loki quickly turned to the door, ending the conversation and leaving Tony once again alone in the giant room, making him feel uneasy. Thoughts of Pepper swarmed his mind again, bringing back tears to his eyes. He still knew Peter was the right choice, but that didn't stop the memories and his feelings for the girl to come back up. He didn't want to be in this mood when people started coming back out, so he decided to go to his lab, knowing no one, except Banner would go down there. The quick elevator ride came to a stop, releasing the emotional man to his old work, that he had to jog his memory to remember what they all were. He walked up to one of his many benches, grazing his hand over a old part to an ironman suit that he was trying to upgrade.

   Might as well start here. He thought, looking around for the right tools.

   Many hours passed, and many different emotions went through the face of the lab worker, right now sadness lay. He finished two small inventions, and was working on a medium one, quickly getting bored of the lack of human contact. Pepper was all that filled his mind, making his hand fidget as he was placing pieces together. The bottom of his shirt was damp, from the lack of tissues, and using the cloth to wipe his eyes. Through out the day he's heard footsteps, but no one has tried to communicate with the genius. He went to wipe his eyes again, when the two piece of metal he tried putting together repelled each other, shooting off into different directions, one scratching his face, instantly drawing blood.

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