Codes And Reunions

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      "Hey Steve?" Bucky knocked on the sturdy wood, his metal arm making a bizarre noise from the force.

   "Not now Buck" The blonde quietly responded, making the brunette wince from the ache in his heart. Bucky opened the door anyway, showing a sad Steve on the ground, looking exhausted. "I said not now" The blonde became a little more aggressive, but quickly turning back to his soft self.

   "What's wrong?" The simple question made the other sigh, positioning himself upward more so it was easier to talk. He motioned the brunette over, who obeyed and closed the door, setting the food that had been in his hands, on the ground.

   "It's just frustrating" Steve instantly opened up, looking up to the ceiling to search through his thoughts. "I now understand how Tony feels, I thought he was being dramatic, but no, children are a piece of work, sometimes it just makes me feel like an idiot or incompetent" He looked to his friend to see how he felt on the subject, only seeing intrigue and sympathy coating the usual stern face. "Since when did you get so emotional?" The new subject sprung up, making the other's soft features turn to 'are you kidding me?' glare.

   "Since the damn kid entered the doors, but honestly I feel like it's better this way, and you are none of those things, an idiot wouldn't have thought of taking pictures with fans and having me delete any photos of Peter that they got while pretending to take the picture, it was pure genius. Not the arrogant douches level, but still pretty good for a super enhanced hundred year old human." He chuckled a little, making the once depressing room to a light hearted conversation.

   "Thanks Buck, and emotion suits you well"

   "Yeah, it feels nice too, it's like I'm my own person again, or at least starting to be" Steve gave a confused glance, not picking up what Bucky was trying to explain. "I've been your shadow ever since I've woken up. I don't know anyone, but they all know me, and they don't really like living with someone who had tried killing them, so if I stayed by you, then they can't really do anything" Embarrassment made Bucky's cheeks flush, him looking down trying to hide.

   "So I was your shield?" Steve asked for clarification, which the brunette just nodded. He smiled, now trying to comfort his friend. "You do know we all tried killing each other at one point right? You may have been the starting of it all, but you are also what brought some of us closer, and I would do it all again just to have the feeling of getting you back again. And you're not my shadow, no ones a shadow here. You may stay close to me, but it's what makes you feel safe, and you deserve to feel safe, especially since everything you've gone through" Steve hugged the now tearing up man beside him.

   "It's just so hard when all you've known has been tampered with. I barley remember anything before Hydra, and oh god, everything during Hydra that they implanted" His voice was cut off by whimpers from crying, him instantly starting to shake from the memories.

   "Hey, stop, remember what we agreed? No talking about old times, they only bring night terrors and tears, and when they get bad I can't help which makes both of us feel terrible" The stern voice concealed Bucky's brain, him temporarily forgetting his worries.

   "Sorry" He tried wiping his eyes, only to be greeted with a smack in the face with his metal arm, forgetting how gentle he needs to be to use it. He instantly became wide eyed,  mentally telling himself that 'he was a monster and the arm symbolized it, that he couldn't do anything but harm'. Steve instantly recognized his thought process from the turning features in his face and enclosed him, trying to push demons that resided in his mind away.

   "Looks like it's a code: blue kind of night" He smiled, remembering the last time they had to use this color system to make each other feel better. They had a few different codes, but blue was the most used, meaning that one, or both, of them were going on the trip down memory lane, and needed assistance on helping them make it peacefully through the night. Most of the codes meant to just have a low night with movies and comfort food, trying to distract someone's mind to the joy in the future, and not the pain of the past. Bucky gave a small nod, too scared to say words. Steve got up, walking to his bed and setting up the pillows and blankets for the men to spend most of the night in. He then helped the brunette up and also grabbed the fattening food, setting the bountiful amount in the center. They both sat under the covers on their own sides, soon after picking a random comedy, becoming more relaxed and laughing at the stupid jokes. They gave each other a few glances, only to cheekily look away, smiling from the others company. The night didn't last long, since they both fell asleep in each others arms, Steve snoring happily the whole night.


     The night reoccurred through Peter's mind, him wanting to slam his head against the wall from the lack of control. Steve and Bucky had left almost an hour ago to most likely their rooms, so he had been alone when all he wanted was someone to be there for him, most importantly for Tony to be here for him. The teen kept checking his phone, for any sudden messages, which never came, so he settled in looking at his photo gallery. He had taken a few surprise selfies with his parent that just captured their relationship perfectly at the time, it made a small, sad smile bloom on his face. He heard a few floor shifts from outside his door, which quickly vanished from the disappearing avengers departing to their rooms. The silence gave him an eerie vibe, sending chills through his spine and make the hair on his arms stand on end. It took him a second to realize that it wasn't just the creepy surroundings, but his senses spiking, making his heart rate speed up. He hadn't even thought about going out as spiderman in what feels like forever, so he didn't know if he should go.

   'What if I make it worse?' He thought to himself, a million things racing through his head. 'I haven't done it in so long, what if I don't remember anything?' He paced around his room, messing up his hair as if it will help him think. He then thought about his first encounter with Tony, how he made this big deal of his powers and if he didn't help, he was the cause of it all. He stood in the middle of his room, realizing he had no choice in whether or not he should stay, it was his duty, as Tony Stark's son, and New York's hero.

   He quickly grabbed the suit, hopping around trying to get it over his tingling skin. He looked back one last time to the door, to see if anyone could hear him leave, which only brought silence to his ears. Knowing the coast was clear he opened the window, the cool, harsh air greeting the holes through the fabric. 'It's my duty' He told himself one last time before jumping out into the dark.

   Would it be alright if I made Stucky happen? Like fully, or would it ruin the story? Steve and Tony would still have the bro bonding moments at times though.

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