Letting Loose

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   School was going by, and was pretty much the same as it has always been. Peter had earned some weird glares from his late arrival, but most people seem to be minding their own business. He soon found Ned, explaining everything----well almost everything. But Ned found it actually pretty cool, and became super excited when he found out Peter had stayed the night at Stark Towers. With that, the now happy teen just shushed his best friend, not wanting the attention of easedroppers.

   If you compared Peter from yesterday, and Peter from right now, you would think they were two totally different people, especially from the tone, and the usage of voice. Before he was a fragile teen who had just seen some shit, but now he seemed to be going back to normal, or at least as much as he could, but it was enough to convince Ned, so it was enough to convince himself too.

   They both walked out of the school, meeting up with MJ at a bench that was in front of the school that they went to everyday. Ned makes his mom come fifteen minutes late on purpose so he could socialize, MJ never went home before the boys, and Peter was just going to have to walk to the tower. Or at least he thought until he heard a bunch of gasps from the side of the school.

   "Oh my god! Hello Mr. Stark"

   "How are you! Ohmygerf"

      "I love you!"

   "Hey, I love you too, now wipe that drool, and has anyone seen Peter?" This statement was obviously Stark, since it had so much swag and charisma built into it.

   Peter internally cringed, knowing what the aftermath of this little show will cause. He quickly said goodbye to his friends, trying to get this over with as soon as possible. He walked through the crowd, purposely swinging his shoulder through aggressive, to hit some rib cages. Now that the two were staring at each other, the crowd looked astonished. Some left, now seeing that all he needed was Peter, but others stayed, not putting their phone down as they recorded the famous billionaire.

   "Hello Peter" The older man smiled.

   "Hey Mr. Stark" The kid tried to hide his attitude, not wanting a lecture in front of his classmates.

   "I thought I would give you a ride, if that's alright?"

   "Yes, thank you" The kid mumbled. They both dispersed from each other, making some more of the kids to leave, but all the ones who were still there were now whispering about Peter, and the teen in the car could hear it. 

   Peter got into the backseat, not wanting to be by Mr. Stark, which the adult could now tell from the uncomfortable silence the had risen in the car.

   "Did something happen?" Tony wearily started the conversation. Peter weighed his options, either talking through it so the silence would fade, and then getting a better relationship with Mr. Stark. Or saying nothing while something still obviously seemed wrong. It was no wonder why the kid started to respond.

   "All the kids tomorrow will be talking about how I know Mr. Stark, and I just didn't really want the attention" Peter tried to explain, feeling very weird talking like this to Tony.

   "Oh nonsense, they barley even realized I was here for you" The older man tried to cope.

   "Yeah, because you asking where I was, or us talking, or us getting in the car together sure doesn't seem like we know each other" Peter replied sarcastically.

   "Okay, I'm sorry, happy?"

   "I guess" Peter sighed, looking out the car window, trying to make the car ride quicker. His eyes instantly went searching the streets for his way back to his home- or Aunt May's home now. Finding the correct street, he saw that there was people roaming around who he remembered; like crazy lemon girl, or the twins down the hall, or guy who yelled at the wall thinking it was a train. The last had a lot of drugs before hand though. Wincing at the thought of the guy doing drugs in the alley that his room faces, Peter decided to look around the car to change thoughts. It was pretty standard, nice leather, heated seats, cup holders. 'Yep, this is indeed a car' He insured to himself. But he then looked over, to a bag, that seemed familiar.

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