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The cold air was harsh against the 3 boys skin, their outerwear only protecting parts of their skin. It was past sunset, but moonlight and streets lamps lit the way around.

"So where to first?" Steve looked around to the others, mystery covering their features. "Well you said you were hungry Pete"

"Yeah, but I don't know, it feels like ages since I went out to eat" The teen complained.

"But you're also the only one who knows their way around" Bucky chimed in.

"Weren't you two born here also?" Peter asked, stopping in his tracks right in front of them.

"Yeah, only like 70 years ago" Steve rolled his eyes, pushing the kid along to keep moving.

"Okay, okay" Peter chuckled, taking a moment to think. "You like sandwiches?" He smiled mischievously.

In response he just got a few weary glares, but non the less, they followed the eager boy. "You're going to love this place" Was all that Peter could say as he searched through the streets, almost bouncing off the walls when he rounded a familiar corner.

His face instantly fell when he saw blank windows and a bright sign that hung in the glass pane. 'OUT OF BUSINESS' was in bold writing, the teen going over it as if the words were bound to change.

"No..." The kid silently whispered, barley audible to the other two men.

"It's fine kid, we'll just eat somewhere else" Steve placed a firm grip on the kids shoulder, only for it to be aggressively shrugged off.

"No, you don't get it, this was the sandwich shop, my sandwich shop, it was my routine. I loved this place" Tears started filling his eyes, reminiscing every time he barged into the shop before his spider duties.

"Perhaps we should just go home? We can stop by a quick fast food place for now" The protectiveness in Steve kicked in. The blonde looked over to Bucky, who just seemed fascinated with his surrounding, not paying attention to the situation. "I'm sure Buck wouldn't mind grabbing it, now would he?" The hostility made it more of an imply than an ask, which brought the man back to the small group. He switched back from the two of them, looking aggravated and confused, until he realized the emotion that was set in the younger boy, instantly softening up a bit for the kid to notice.

"Just tell me what and where" He halfheartedly sighed, getting ready for the wild goose chase that was about to be bestowed upon him.

"It's okay, I'm not really hungry" Peter tried lying, only to get a glare in return.

"Find something with a neon sign that smells of grease and get an assortment of the grub" Steve told the other, which he got a nod in return, and turned back to the kid. "Come on, we don't need to stay here" He rushed the kid forward, trying to get him back to the compound before anymore bad news finds it's way.

"Aren't we going to wait for Mr. Bucky?" Peter hesitated, applying force to slow down the man besides him.

"He'll find his way back, I think"

"Did he have money for the food?"

"He'll figure it out"

A confused and exaggerated scared look frosted the teens features, only to be wiped off by the sudden shove. "I'm going, I'm going" He chanted, throwing his hands up in defeat and walking.

The two walked for a few minutes, suddenly to have Peter stop dead in his tracks. Steve quickly stopped, barley before he would've ran into the kid. He gave the kid a stern glare, only to be greeted by the kids pale, stunned expression. "Uh, kid?" No answer came, so the blonde shook the other, trying to get him out of his trance. Tears started to build up in Peters eyes, alarming the soldier greatly. "Kid, kid!" His voice started becoming louder, drawing some unwanted attention to them. Some obvious whispers instantly bursted out, mostly consisting of 'omg is that Captain America?' and 'Who's the boy with him?'.

Peter finally came back, wincing at all the gossip, then back to his original problem. He suddenly ran off, taking aback Steve, who followed afterwards. Of course the teen didn't get very far before the other caught up, who grabbed him and made them both tumble into the nasty ground. Dirt and cement rubbed into their skin, taking some off, and making some areas sensitive and pink.

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked, taking in a few deep breaths of the cold, bitter air.

"Nothing" Peter mumbled, looking at the ground.

"Come on, obviously someone who is fine wouldn't have the fallen face and then run a fucking marathon!" Steve rubbed his face from stress.

"Language" A new voice chimed in, with a new smell of fake meat and paper lettuce.

"Of course Bucky is here" The blonde rolled his eyes, annoyed from the timing of everything.

"I was just scared" Peter continued, his face was bright from the sudden exercise that had just taken place, and all the attention that was still being attracted.

Steve looked around to everyone, who had formed a pretty good sized group. Some phones were out, which alarmed all three of them. He knew Tony would end his life if the man saw any of the pictures so Steve quickly thought of a barley sensible plan. "Hey Buck, c'mere" He motioned the brunette close, whispering in his ear so none of the civilians could hear. Once they broke apart, he had a smile blooming on his face. "Anyone want to have a picture with the Captain America?" Cockiness made it's way through his exclaim, but everyone seemed to be digging that up. The two older men walked to one end of group, the fan giving their phone to Bucky to take the photo. Peter looked at both of them, confused yet intrigued.

It had been almost half an hour and everyone was satisfied. The big group of twenty was now just three avengers. They quickly rushed off the streets and back to the compound, only to find everyone already asleep or out and about. They made their way back to the starting of the journey: the kitchen table. Bucky plopped down the food he had retrieved, flipping the ripped bags upside down, only to have burgers and chicken tenders tumble out.

   "Geez Buck" Steve chuckled, disbelief filling his eyes.

   "What?" Genuine confusion filled his face.

   "Nothing" He smiled, looking over to Peter to see if he was having the same reaction, only to be greeted by the kids frown. "Okay, now, what happened back there?"

   "I don't know"

   Frustration made the blonde sour. He passed the kid some food, which Peter only picked at in return. Every second that went on, the anger built up, Bucky noticing and instantly walking over to the other to calm him down.

   "I'm going to bed, goodnight" Steve faked smiled, pushing his friend aside and walking out, his steps booming over the silent tension.

   "I should go... too" Bucky gave a sincere look, grabbing some food to take with him. Soon enough he was gone and Peter was alone. Tears were already on their way out, him not noticing them coat his cheeks.

   I have the chance to move to a different state and I'm so hyped

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