I Won't Abandon You

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   The lift finally stopped, opening it's doors, dramatically revealing the living area, which was empty. Or it was until Pepper came out of the hallway, retrieving a surprised look once she saw Peter.

   "Hey, why don't you go clean yourself up, dinner will be out soon" Tony whispered to the kid, who silently nodded, leaving, feeling the tension between the two adults.

   "I thought you talked to his guardian" She smiled, but not a friendly one, the kind where you know everything was a trap.

   "I did, she just really didn't budge on the idea of letting Peter back in"

   "So what now? Are we just letting Peter stay?" Her smiled started turning more into anger.

   "I assume so, until his aunt comes to her senses, or until we can find another home for him"

   "And what if we can't?"

   "I- I don't know, is it really that bad having him around?" Tony started massaging his temples, trying to keep down his stress.

   "Yes Tony, how can we bring a new child into our home if he is taking up all of your attention?"

   "I admit, right now yeah, he is, and for good reason too. But eventually if  he can't leave, he could be a good aspect. You never know"

   "Oh my god, you're attached Tony" She exclaimed, only pure anger filled the room now.

   "I am not, I just feel bad because I know what it's like growing up without anyone reliable. I had to depend on myself for most of my life, and you saw how I turned out"

   "You turned out a playboy, genius, billionaire! What is so bad about that"

   "You forgot philanthropist" Pepper scuffed, not believing that was all he had to say. "And okay, yes, I may be getting a little attached, but that's only because he reminds me so much of younger me, so much potential, and ambitions" Tony sounded almost to be pleading.

   "You can't see anyone but yourself you selfish piece of metal" She spat the insult right at him.

   "I'm sorry you feel that way" Tony decided to ignore her words, knowing she didn't mean it. "But it's almost like Peter replaces the kid aspect in our home, so why not take advantage of it?"

   "Because he isn't our kid Tony! And yes you may like him because he's easy to take care of, no diapers, no screaming, no mess, but I want my own child, my genetics, I want the mess, I want the pain, I want the motherhood!"

   "Exactly, you want the motherhood, the mess, all the good and bad things when it comes to parenting, but did you ever think that I actually want that? I'm too old to be a  new dad, and I don't want a kid to grow up in my house when I'm doing dangerous Iron Man stuff, like what if a toddler gets into my lab? I don't want that responsibility" Tony felt pressure release from his chest, wanting to say these words for a while now. "I don't want to have a child"

   Pepper didn't reply, she just stared at the man, tears overfilling in her eyes, soon making down her cheek. Tony looked sorry, like a dog who knew they did something wrong, but was just trying to avoid getting yelled at. The connection they usually held felt totally lost- actually it felt like it was cut, burned, twisted and shaped into only violence and hatred. The couple didn't know what to do, they couldn't bare to talk to each other, but they didn't want to be mad, they couldn't afford the press finding out, especially right after they announced the proposal.

   "I think it would be best if you slept in one of the guest rooms tonight" Pepper quickly turned, most likely going to their room.

   The man just sighed, wanting to forget about everything. Yeah he was selfish, but Pepper doesn't know that that was how he was built, he could only rely on himself and the robots he built, no one else was there for him. He wanted to prove that he wasn't always only thinking about himself, but he didn't know how. But for now he was going to check on the boy who was down the hall.

   Quickly grabbing Peters bag from May that he left in the car, he went to the kids room, knocking before getting a quiet "come in"

   "Hey, you left this" Tony motioned at the bag, setting it onto the bed.

   "Oh thank you" Peter replied, looking back at his phone.

   "And, I-I just wanted to let you know that I won't abandon you" Peter perked up, surprised from the most sincerity he's ever gotten from Mr. Stark. "I know you probably heard the fight, but don't worry, you're not going anywhere" Tony beamed at the kid, but his face instantly fell when he saw the kid's reaction. "Or unless you find somewhere else to go, you know, I'm just trying to be nice and yeah"The older man tried hiding his face, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

   "Oh what? Oh no, no, I was just, shocked, that's all. Those were the nicest words you've ever said to me" Peter fixed his face to show gratitude,

   "Oh well then, you're welcome, and please try to warm up to Pepper. She's just stuck in her own little world right now" Tony got up, making his way to the door so he can give the boy some peace.

   "Oh, and Mr. Stark?"


   "You're not as selfish as she says"

   "Thanks kid"

   Right when he was about to leave, they heard a knock on the main door, which was weird since no one used it. Both guys looked at each other confused, hearing quick footsteps of Pepper, answering before yelling.

   "Hey Tony, I think they're here for you"

   Tony walked out, seeing child workers entering the big room. They looked pretty average, not scary, but not necessarily friendly either.

   "How may I help you?" He nervously cracked.

   "We're here for" The lady looked down at her paper, trying to recall a name. "Peter? His guardian put him up for adoption a few hours ago and told us that he would be here" Tony looked back at the hallway, seeing a teen who obviously looked scared. It wasn't even a second before Peter ran to Mr. Stark, trying to use the adult as a way of not leaving.

   "No, Mr. Stark, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go Mr. Stark, please" Peter pleaded, holding onto the worried looking man. All he could do back was hold onto the younger, shushing him and trying to get him to stop crying. Tony knew what he had to do, but didn't quite know how, or if he should actually do it. But for now, all he could do was keep holding the teen.

Do ya'll want to see Tony with Stephen (Doctor Strange) or Tony with Steve (Cap America)? It won't be a huge thing to the plot. Maybe some tension and whatnot

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