The Aftermath of Infinity War | Iron Man

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"One thing you can't hide-  is when you're crippled inside

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"One thing you can't hide-  is when you're crippled inside." - John Lennon

After all the events that Thanos and The Black Order started, Tony Stark had never been the same. The events haunted you in every waking moment and soon, it was hard to continue to live with Tony and yourself.

Throughout the day and throughout the night, Tony would drink to forget. Swallowing all the traumatic memories with each throat burning liquid. It never stopped. At one point, he drank so much, he almost killed himself. You weren't sure if it was on purpose or on accident but you know what they say, drunk thoughts are sober thoughts.

You had to live with the pain and each tossing and turning night, you recalled all the bad memories and yet, you didn't poison yourself with dangerous foreign things. Why couldn't he do the same?

You came home from school after a long day in class. It was hard being a teenager nowadays and it seemed like the world was against you. Nothing was in your favour.

Getting into the house, you went up to your room to get some work done. It was a quiet few hours until you heard a noise erupting from somewhere downstairs.

All of a sudden, you heard something being thrown at a wall downstairs. It was a shatter and you knew it had to be glass. It was no doubt your father but that didn't stop you from hoping it was an intruder. Grabbing your baseball bat from beside your bed stand, you proceeded to go down the stairs and into the kitchen.

When you got down you saw your father who was doused in whiskey and vodka. Lying on the floor, you saw a smashed bottle of whatever he was drinking now. You could smell it from the top of the staircase.

There he was on the floor, mumbling to himself about Thanos and everyone who had gone. Of course you'd never forget what happened felt, and of course you felt terribly awful about it, but you had to stay strong and live the life you had. Deciding that Tony should get decent rest, you grabbed all of empty glass bottles and placed it onto the white marble countertop. You immediately regretted your decision after he started yelling for his beverages.

He was addicted to the substance that took others before him. After indulging in his dirty pleasures, Tony was no longer a person. He was soulless and empty, and the alcohol was living his life for him.

The sense of guilt was still loitering around you but you shook it off as this was the right thing to do. If he wouldn't help himself, then you would.

"Hey! Give me back my bottles!" He slurred. The stench of alcohol from his breath made you wince.

The tone of his voice threw you off guard. "Sorry dad. You need to get some rest." You said. "No more drinking for tonight."

He replied not knowing the consequences of his words. "Peter wouldn't have done that! Peter didn't deserve to go. I wish it was you." He coldly spat.

A wave guilt and pain had washed over you.
People always said that life was a rollercoaster and that it was a ride full of emotions. If the rides were full of guilt trips and periods of isolation, then you desperately wanted to get off.


You always wished you were more like Peter. It wasn't your fault you couldn't climb on walls or be a child genius. You were born average. There was nothing about you that made you stand out of the crowd.

You felt as if you were never good enough. Even when you didn't try to exceed anyone's expectations, you were still an utter disappointment.


Tears clogged your vision. The words that uttered from your father's mouth made me you pause in your steps. You never once heard anything like this.

Not being able to deal with this treatment anymore, you rushed to your room and started packing. You stuffed your bag till it was full, grabbing anything that was the tiniest of useful. Not knowing where you would go, you dialled everyone in your contacts. Only one answered yes to giving hospitality.

Everyone was busy as Natasha was in a mission, Bruce was figuring out his struggling identity, and Thor was still grieving, as well as Steve. Steve was still mourning over the loss of his great friend, Bucky. You knew he needed time, and time you gave him. On the other hand, Clint was welcoming you with open arms.

You call a taxi and went to Barton's acreage. Over the phone, you had told him everything that went down at home.

When you reached the door steps, the door opened and revealed Clint opening his arms for a hug. You gave into his offer, and praying you didn't cry. You finally felt that you could make a fresh new start here.


Masculine yelling awoke you from your long needed sleep. The voice sounded so familiar and yet you still had no clue who it was.

You quickly got yourself sorted and hurried down the stairs. The argument sounded important and you wanted to hear it.

Coming down the squeaky wooden stairs, you saw the person who you left behind not so long ago.

"Dad?" You said confusingly.

Why the hell was he here? And why wasn't he busy drinking?

Tony quickly ran for a hug but you declined not wanting to deal with him at the moment. He cleared his throat awkwardly not expecting the reaction.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything that I said and because of you, I want to change... truly. I want to be better."

You looked into his eyes and for once, he was genuine but you weren't ready.

"I need time. You said and done some awful things and until you change for the better, I'm not leaving." You sternly said. The look in your eye could not have gone unnoticed.

"I do forgive you, but it's not an excuse to repeat everything you've done."

Opening your arms for a hug, he accepted and you thought that maybe if both parties were willing to help and support each other, you could rebuild your family again.

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