Imagine : Get Yourself Together!| Iron Man ✔️

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You harshly turned off the alarm clock next to you. Ears ringing and eyes blurred you grab the clock checking it's time. 7:00 o'clock.

Attempting to get up, you felt as if your body was inflamed. The soreness and tense muscle made you ache in pain. Last night was rough with training and homework that when it was finally night time, you couldn't sleep because of the adrenaline and overthinking.


The second attempt was successful. After making he bed and picking some clothes off the floor, you quickly stretched and hopped in a warm steamy.

Freshly ground coffee beans were the first thing you noticed this morning. Its smell lingered in the air mixing in with vanilla and warm milk.

With coffee on your mind, you walked down the stairs only to find your kitchen and living room a mess. The kitchen was filled with coffee pots and the counters were absolutely disgusting! They were covered in coffee beans and wrappers.

Being a very good child, you decided that it was best to clean up the mess before the rest of the Avengers came home from their missions. They would be wiped out after doing the world some good, so why not give some good back?

After 2 hours of washing dishes, wiping the kitchen, and vacuuming the carpet, and even more, your house looked fabulous. Everything was organized and well cleaned. You didn't even need a maid, though it was best to get a maid since the Avengers base was huge and you were tired.

Since you had enough of dirty living rooms and kitchens, you marched up to your father room only to find it trashed with garbage and smelly clothes. You mentally gagged. How could he and Pepper share a room? Absolutely disgusting. Shame on him.

Plugging your nose, you cleaned Tony's clothes and removed the garbage. And with that note, you checked the other Avenger's rooms so that it wouldn't be infested with killer rats!!

After hours of making beds and folding clothes, you were done.

You looked like garbage. Your hair was messy and you had dark purple bags under your eyes. Your shirt was stained with sweat and dirt. The shorts you had on were ruffled too. The only positive thing was that you didn't smell at all.

Suddenly, you heard the door opened and out came the crew.

Steve and Natasha were laughing, Sam and Bucky were bickering, Bruce and Clint were doing their own things.

Steve came up to you and gave you the biggest hug ever! ( He was the best uncle ) He realized that you looked like garbage.

"What's wrong champ?" He asked soothingly.

"Everything!" Steve was shocked at your sudden outburst. You only yelled like that when you were angry as the hulk.

"You guys are dirty! All of you! I had to clean all the rooms.. BY MYSELF!" You cried, not literally. You were too strong for that. They would never catch you crying. The only time they cried was when you came out of the womb.

"We're sorry Y/N. We know we're messy. It's a habit" explained Sam.

You rolled your eyes.

Everyone apologized and tried to make it up to you. When it was Clint's turn to give you a hug, you staggered a bit probably due to heat exhaustion, tiredness, and or dehydration.

"Hey! Steve help me get Y/N to the infirmary!" Steve immediately carried you bridal style.

You opened your eyes drowsily only to ask where your dad is.

"Uncle Steve? Where's dad?" You asked innocently.

"I don't know munchkin. He's probably busy working on his suits." Steve said.

And indeed Tony was in lab. He didn't even hear or see anything.

Time Skip:

You woke up due to loud beeping. When you turned you head, you saw Steve on your left and Tony at your right.

"Dad, Steve?"

"Oh thank God!!" Tony praised.

"I'm so sorry I made you clean. I'm sorry I forgot about you yesterday. I'm sorry I forgot to make food too."exclaimed your father.

"Don't worry about it. It's just that you guys are pigs."you chuckled.

By now all of the Avengers were in your room checking on you.

"But seriously, get yourselves together. You guys are like 100 years old, no offence Cap, and I'm still cleaner than you all." You laughed. Everyone sooner joined together.

"We promise to get ourselves together Y/N" they all said.

"I'm hungry" you said.


Weird way to end off this imagine but I actually am hungry.
( I'm eating curly fries.)

Thanks for reading y'all.

- BingeReaderClub

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