Pranks Gone Wrong | Black Widow

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"Surviving dangerous times require a sense of humour"  - Robert Ferrigno: Heart of The Assassin

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"Surviving dangerous times require a sense of humour" - Robert Ferrigno: Heart of The Assassin

Light peaked through your black ruffled curtains, shades of yellow and orange casting upon your tired eyes. From the way the light was, you already knew it was early in the morning. Natasha, not being a late sleeper since childhood, decided to wake up you up. "Good mornings", weren't regularly said but whenever she had a chance, she'd use it without a doubt. Any second she could get from you was a gift from the gods above. Life wasn't slowing down and she needed to cherish every moment she got with you.

Natasha was never a bore, even if she was strict, so deciding to scare you awake, she crept down the long, creaky, wooden halls and stopped before your door.

Goosebumps, a rare occasion that Natasha had when she wasn't sure what she was doing would end up how she wanted it to. You were quite an unpredictable soul. A wild child.

Shrugging the uneasiness off she continued on with her plan. Being the stealthy person Nat was, the redhead quickly and quietly open your bedroom door. Walking toward your bed on the tip of her toes, the room was deadly silent. Natasha avoided every creak and object in her path.

Deciding how to scare you was the hard part. You've been trained well so things don't easily scare you away, unless if they world ending events. Who wouldn't?

In Nat's hand dominant hand rested a dummy riffle and a black ski mask. She quickly put thing in motion.


"Get up right now or I'll shoot", she said while bumping you awake. Hearing those words, you immediately awoken. You slowly reached under your pillow. Where was the switchblade? Cursing to yourself you the nearest thing around you, a hardcover novel, and launched it at the attacker. It wasn't efficient but it did give you a second to at least find something to defend yourself with. You reached for the laptop at the end of the bed and smashed it on the side of their head hoping to do some trauma to the head. Hunched over the attacker you pulled their mask over.

"Mom what the hell?" Anger and confusion was clearly radiating throughout the room. What in the hell was she doing?

She chuckled in awkwardness. Like she thought before, you were unpredictable and your reaction threw her off guard.

"The laptop was a good quick weapon" she thought to herself. "It kind of hurt."

A breath of relief washed over you. You thought that if the intruder kept on attacking, you thought you would've had to kill them. You were definitely not prepared to hide the body.

You offered your hand to help which your mom graciously accepted. Pulling her up, you crossed your arms. "Don't do that again. I mean it! I was close to killing you."

"Well next time identify who I was!" She blurted. The look she got from you made her shiver and she quickly redacted her statement.

She forcibly chuckled to relieve the situation but instead made it worse.

"I mean sorry it was my fault and you have my word I won't do it again. I just wanted to have some fun. Oh and by the way, work on your hit. It's wasn't strong enough." In reality, it was harder than expected it to be but she would never tell you that. She didn't want you to gloat in her face and she wasn't ready for that to happen. Yet.


You thought it was only fair to get back at your mom. Breaking your laptop and throwing your favourite book was in no doubt revenge so currently, you were outside the training room door waiting for a good time to sneak in.

Natasha was currently in the training room practicing her hand to hand combat. It was utterly terrifying but you wouldn't tell her that though.

"IM HERE TO KILL NATASHA ROMANOFF" You shouted in the best Russian accent you could.

Before you could speak again, Natasha bolted in your direction and you felt a fist coming in contact with your face.

It was probably going black eye or a busted lip.

Trying to defend yourself from your mother's quick attacks, you jumped over her foot not wanting to fall, but you inevitably got punched in the stomach anyways.

Natasha quickly secured your arms with a nearby rope. Ripping off the mask of your face, she saw you.

She sighed a sigh of disappointment. "Y/N?"

"Yeah it's me", you said breathing harshly. "I think you winded me". You coughed for a solid few seconds finding it hard to breathe. "Yep. You definitely winded me."

Nat rolled her eyes and dragged you to Banner's lab. There, both of you decided that pranks were dangerous and that it shouldn't be played on dangerous people.

Loophole. She never said that you couldn't ask other people to do it for you.

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