AU : Revival | Thor's Child

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*Ring ring ring*

You picked up the dirty white phone laying in the counter. Answering it, someone with a feminine voice spoke.

"Hello?" She spoke.

"Hi! Thanks for calling Crusty Crust Pizza Place! What would you like to order?" You replied.

The woman took a brief second. You could hear other people talking as well. "Can I have 2 medium pepperoni pizzas and a large supreme please?"

You smiled at her polite manners."Of course! Would you like any of our deals? We have a buy 3 pizzas and get drinks and curly fries for free!?"

"That's sounds good! Can I have it by 10:45?" She asked.

Waiting for more details, you tapped your pencil in your notepad."10:45? Sounds great! Who is this order for?"

"Umm. Under Natasha. Address is ..............."

After getting the location of where she was residing, you went to work on the pizza.


The sweet cheese aroma filled the restaurant. Customers who were sitting at the booth were tempted to buy another pizza pie just from the smell itself.

Walking to the kitchen, you grabbed the drinks, fries, and boxes to your bright yellow moped. Securing the straps, you hopped in and started it up.


The sky was dark and city lights were bright. Driving through the calm streets got you into deep thinking.

Before you worked at the Crusty Crust Pizza Place, you were just a lone student residing at Midtown High. You were an outcast. The only friends you had were MJ, Peter, and Ned. You were more close to MJ than the others boys.

Memories before high school just disappeared. You don't even remember anything before Midtown High. It was like something was erased. Even the thought of your parents were erased.

The job you had right now payed you $20 an hour which was good since you only worked for 6 hours everyday. It paid the crappy apartment you lived in so it was fine. It was hard at first paying for bills but the owners of Crusty Crust always pays $300 in rent. They are really nice couple. 3/4 rent paid so you work for them?! Why not!! Sounds like a deal! 6hrs might seem like a struggle but really, it didn't bother. School was easy... since you were a child prodigy. Homework was finished early as well as projects.


The sound of gravel under your tires filled your ears. Stopping your cherished moped, you parked it and grabbed the food.

Ways a head of you lied the Avengers Base. The owner of CCPP said that one of the members of the Avengers always has ONE trusty pizza person from ONE specific place. Which of course, was CCPP. You just can't believe you were chosen! The other trusted delivery kid quit his job for the pizza place across the street. What a shame though, their crust was always so dry and hard.

Putting on your big kid pants metaphorically, you walked toward the gravel path leading to the base.

The entrance was terrifying you. It was so big and gave you goosebumps. What if they didn't like you? What if your order was wrong or they hated the food? Ugh! These questions tormented you to the point of ripping your hair out.

Raising your fist to knock the door, it was opened by Natasha before you even touched it.

"Hi! 2 medium pepperoni pizzas and a large supreme. Side order of fries and drinks for free for Natasha?" You asked.

For some reason, the beautiful red head was at lost for words. "Y/N?"

How'd she know your name? "Uhhh... yeperooni ( yep-er-ooni) that's indeed correct..." You stated hesitantly.

A brief paused was shared between the two of you. "Oh yeah right! Come in! You money is inside." She lied. You didn't know the money was hidden between her fingers.

Taking your shoes off, your crazy duck socks were showing. Feeling embarrassed you bounced on your heels of your feet.

"Nice socks. Come this way please!" She shouted while walking away from you.

Almost slipping, you slid your way over to her.

Right when you stepped into the kitchen, the team was had all eyes were on you.

"Y/N..." Thor said.

"Oh wow! This is so cool. Your Hawkeye, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow... and...." You said pointing. "And Thor!"

Thor's face was written with confusion."You don't remember me?"

"Nope.." You said while popping the p.

You placed the pizza down and began to walk away. Almost reaching the door, you felt something sharp enter your neck.
Turning around instantly, you saw Tony Stark holding a syringe with a small bottle.

"Hey that's not cool dude... I'm telling Peter this..." *THUD* You fell backwards onto the cold hard floor.


Waking up, pain shot up to your head. "Oh wow! I'm now strapped in chair with a helmet on... great." You stated sarcastically.

"You need your memories back kid. You need to remember your dad." Tony said while crossing his arms.

He walked toward some buttons and pushed a big blue one.


Waking up once again, many memories came flooding back to you.

Sif and the Warriors Three. Your uncle Loki. Running around Asgard. Your dad... and your late mom. Last but not least, your death.

Thor came into the room unbuckling you. Once free, you jumped into his arms.

"I remember! I remember you... I remember you dad!" You laughed.


Sorry for posting late! This was a little hard to write.
I really love the name of the pizza place.

Any suggestions for the next revival chapter? Comment and let me know!


- BingeReaderMarvel

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