Imagine : Godfather Sam | Captain America ? ✔️

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( IW Spoilers )

Your dad was struggling, struggling with the loss of friends and his semi new life so after the events of the Winter Solider, your dad found a really loyal friend named Sam. Steve finally let down his walls and  trusted Sam and eventually, the friendship blossomed. Wilson was such a good person that your dad made him your godfather.

He never told anyone this, but Wilson always wanted a child but he never found the time or person. For a while, he was really dejected but he finally accepted the fact which ultimately improved his mood. When Steve asked him to be your godfather, without hesitation he accepted.

In his eyes, he felt like a second father, and Steve could see that. Steve was more than fine about it and if he wanted the dad title, they both could share.

Sam spoiled you like he would do with his own child to the point where you were saying:

"No Sam! Sam! I'm fine! I'm completely good!"


"Sam Wilson! If you get me one more thing I swear!"

You remember one time when you were running laps with Sam and your dad near the body of water. It was a hilarious time as you always teased him. Since both you and your father had the super soldier serum, you would always pass Wilson and push him into the grass.

Flash Back

"Hurry up old man! We're beating you!" You laughed as you ran past him.

"Hey! First of all, I'm not old and I don't have your powers or whatever which isn't fair!mHe yelled to you.

Steve, who passed you many times as well, came running up to Sam, saying the same line every time.

"On your left." He chuckled.

"Come on man!" Sam yelled again.

End of Flash Back

For your birthday, Sam would bring you to ride the coasters with the team or whoever was available. He would go all out an buy you so much food. You would end up with bags of food which in result, you would take some home, give some to the team, and give some to the homeless.

When your dad was away for missions, Sam would babysit you. He would cook, binge watch movies, and more.

But you can't have that anymore. You can't spend anymore time with Sam. You can't hug him anymore. You can't do anything anymore.

The snap. The snap ended all the good things on life.

When Thanos snapped his fingers, the people you loved including Sam disappeared.

You never got to say anything when he turned to ash. You thought he was going to come back.

He didn't.

Now you're all alone.

You're all alone without Sam. Without a godfather.


Woah! Plot twist.

Didn't know what to write.

I want corn dogs now.

- BingeReaderClub

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