Short Story : Civil War ✔️

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So I made my own version of Civil War. I realized I didn't follow the order of events so I just flowed with it. If it isn't in order, don't worry! It is suppose to be like that. Many events will and will not happen. Enjoy!


After the events that occurred in Lagos, the Sokovian Accords took place. Each one of the Avengers, including you, had to sign.

The accords tore the team apart, especially Steve and Tony. When you heard about Steve finding Bucky, you obviously wanted to help.

And you did. Even though you were permitted not you by Mr Stark.

See, not many people knew that Tony and Steve were father figures to you. Only the inner circle / allies who knew.


You were now at the airport on Captain's side waiting for Tony's team to arrive.

After waiting for a little bit, you saw:

- Vision
- Black Panther
- War Machine
- Spider-Man
- Black Widow

Going up against them was pretty scary. You were young. Like very young. You were about 15-16 going up against all these trained professionals.

Time Skip :

You were doing pretty well to be honest.

Your powers were like Wanda's, but stronger. One advantage you had was that you also controlled the elements.

Black Panther was coming Steve's way so you interfered and fought him. T'Challa went to jump kick you but using your telekinesis, you launched him farther away from you, Steve, and Bucky.

Tony was close but not close enough to fight him.

Spider-Man was very close. He shot a web at you but you burnt it to a crisp. Using you elemental powers you dowsed him in water and threw a huge rock at him.

"Oof!" Spider-Man let out a sound.

"I'm really sorry!" You said while running.

"Y/N!" You heard your name being called from behind you.

It was Natasha. She was like a mom to you. You were really close to her since you had similarities. It really disappointed her that you didn't sign or go on Tony's side.

"Don't make me Y/N. Please. Just come with us." She pleaded.

"I'm terribly sorry Natasha. But I can't. What you are doing is wrong. I don't believe in the Accords. I'm sorry. I want to help Steve. I wish you would understand."

After done talking, you launched her like you did with T'Challa. You saw her soaring through the air like a bird. Natasha landed with a thud but she was tough. You knew she could recover fast.

Tony and Rhodey came from behind you.

"Hey kiddo." Rhodes said.

You heard Sam on the coms saying that you and the rest were going to have to sacrifice themselves for Steve and Bucky. Thinking over it, you agreed. They both were more important than the rest of you. Steve was the only one who could help Bucky.

And like that, you disappeared while Tony and Rhodes were distracted. While running for your life, you saw Steve and Bucky running to the transportation device. ( sorry I forgot what it was called)

Looking to your right, you saw Vision shooting a beam at one of the towers preventing Captain from entering.

Just in time, you lifted it up with your powers.

Both Captain and the Winter Soldier looked at you.

"Go!" You shouted.

With one last glance, they nodded and ran off.

Rhodes saw what was happening at sent noise waves at you.

Covering your ears in pain, you let go of the tower.

Steve and Bucky made it in.

Sam was down. Wanda was down. Scott was down. Hawkeye was down. You were down.

Spider-Man webbed your hands and feet together. Due to the noise waves, it affected you really bad. Worse than Wanda. Your eyes and ears were dripping with blood. You had really bad cut on your arm and leg due to the Black Panther.

Tony saw your injuries and flew down to you.

"She looks so young Mr Stark." Peter said.

"She really is. Y/N's your age. I cant believe we did this to her." He said sadly.

Time Skip :

You were now in "prison" that was located in the middle of the ocean.

You were handcuff and had a device around your neck prevented you from using your abilities. You and Wanda had extra protection due to having such strong powers.

The guards would beat you constantly. Always teasing you about everything.

You were currently being punched and kicked by an older guard. He beat you because you told him to shut up.

"Hey! Stop hurting her! They're a child for god-sake!" Sam said.

They listened and stopped.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Looking up, you saw everyone calling for you.

"You okay?" Sam said.

"Just fine!" And with that, you passed out due to being sleep deprived, beat, and more.

You heard Tony come in and talk about you but you were to sleepy to pay attention.

Time Skip :

Steve came in a broke everyone out of their cells. You were last.

After breaking off your hand and neck guards, Steve picked you up to the Quinjet.

"Steve?" You said and fell back asleep.

"I'm here kiddo. Don't worry. I got you." Steve whispered.


This was way too long.

I don't really like this.

- BingeReaderClub

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