Imagine : Sorry Kiddo | Hawkeye's Child

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Today was a train and learn kind of day.

Being a child of an Avenger does have its downsides. One of them is training everyday after school.

Training with them was sweet and sour.

Natasha was very challenging and always swept you off your feet. Literally. Learning from her was difficult but you acquired many skills. You had to thank her later.

Captain wasn't as bad but was very keen on following the "book". Other times, he was as sweet as cotton candy. You loved him very much and he did as well. He was one of your favourite uncles.

Tony was so much fun. He would always joke and treat you out to ice cream. He was chill and calm like a cool sunny breeze.

You and Sam would tease and laugh with each other. Roasting each other was based on your relationship. You really enjoyed his humour and company.

Training with your dad was... ok.

Clint would always push and push to the point of :

- injuries
- arguments / fighting
- crying
- not coming out of your room
- etc

Today you had to train archery with him.

Time Skip :

While you had to dodge the arrows coming at you, you needed a short break.

"DAD! Yo pops!" You yelled while moving your body to avoid flying arrows.

"Yeah darling!" He replied back.

"I need a break! I got homework and I'm hungry!"

"Alright!" He agreed.

"One more arrow then!" He shouted.

You didn't hear him though. You were listening to Steve talk about dinner being ready.

"Y/N! Heads up!" Steve yelled.

Steve was coming at you but he was to late. As you turned around, you saw a sharp tipped arrow heading toward your shoulder.

"OWOWAHAHA!" You said as it pierced through your shoulder.

Clint ran to you apologizing 4000 times.

"Oh my gosh! Sorry kiddo! I thought you heard it!" He said while holding your hand.

Steve picked you up bridal style and brought you to Bruce's lab.

After fixing your damaged shoulder, you were as good as new. It hurt like a blaring fire truck but you didn't tell him that. You wanted to look strong.

Your father felt so bad that he spoiled you in ice cream, movies, and cuddling.

You had the best dad.


I want to eat ice cream!!!
Didn't really edit. Please tell me if I have mistakes.

- BingeReaderMarvel

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