Imagine : Get With Natasha | Captain America ✔️

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Your father's love life was extremely bad. If you were to picture it, his love life would be represented as a dry, hot, sunny, desert, that would need gallons and gallons of water. It wasn't good at all. I mean he had a thing with Peggy which was a really unfortunate event. Without Peggy, your dad was still properly functioning, but always had little glitches without her. It's been years since she passed but he really did love her. He never loved anyone like that before.

Steve also had a thing with Sharon, Peggy's relative. I mean she wasn't all that bad but you didn't like her. Agent 13 seemed fake and not a good match for your father. It was weird enough for him to kiss her and you were glad that they never went further. Oh man. You could not handle another Sharon.


It was a normal day in the base. Everyone was doing their own things as they were busy. You and your dad on other hand, were completely free. You were just talking about love when a super secretive secret slipped from his mouth.

"Do you ever feel like time freezes when you're beside a person you love... more than a friend? I'm not sure how to go about it." You asked.

Steve smile as he got caught in his own thoughts.
"Yeah I mean every time I'm with Natasha, I feel like I'm was floating on clouds."  You snickered at his response.
"Wait no I mean—!" He put his head in his hands.
"I guess I can't lie. I really like her Y/N. I want to be near here all the time. I just can't get enough of her..."

You patted his back and came up with a genius plan. Oh how you prayed this would work.


"Dad, Bucky, nice to see all of you here this fine afternoon.  I called you into my bedroom for a very important meeting. Starting from today, operation : GET WITH NATASHA is in order!" You said enthusiastically as you slammed your fist on your clipboard.

Bucky smiled with great mischief . "Great I have a few words I would like to say." Turning around to Steve, he continued. "Don't chicken out ok! Do this for your family!!!"

"I'll try my best! I just need to be confident, cool, and attractive. Y/N you butter her up for me. Bucky, find me a nice outfit for Tony's upcoming party. I'll ask her out then. BUT... if I get rejected, for whatever reasons, Y/N, I'm taking your candy stash."

"Yeah whatever dude... Wait what—!? Rewind that!"


The party was today. Or more specifically, this very second. People were scattered everywhere. Drinks were being served, games were being played, it was heavily packed and an absolute mess. Everyone was in their own little world, starting their own conversation. Turning around to see your dad, you could obviously tell he was extremely nervous. His hand gestures and plain terrified look on his face, was a total giveaway.

"Dad!" You called. He finished his conversation with Wanda and came over to where you were. Grabbing his hand you led him to the nearest empty room. "Breathe and don't look so nervous." You stated.
"You got this! Just like we practiced ok? And if anything happens, holler for Bucks and I alright?!" You vigorously pointed at him. "You got this!" You repeated.

Pushing him out of the room, he walked away and turned to look at you. Giving him two thumbs up, he had just enough courage to get the woman of his dreams.


You saw your dad walking out from the balcony. Natasha was still there breathing the fresh air. You grabbed his as well as Bucky's. Leading them to the same you were once in, you locked the door and took a seat.

"Explain what happened. What did she say? Don't leave out any details!" Bucky said girlishly. Steve chuckled.
"Ok ok! I said some pick up lines, and just honestly confessed how I felt. My hands were shaking on the railing but the amazing thing happened, she grabbed them! She was still looking away from me but she said she liked me as well... for quite a while!" He jumped and did a ugly dance move. "We talked more and I asked her if you would like to go on a date with me."

"Uhhh, continue dad. Don't make me wait any longer with these dramatic pauses!" You whined. "Well, she said no, but she was just joking. That really scared the light out of me. Anyways, we're going on a date on Friday night. And I'm not saying where so you can't spy on me!"

You and Bucky met eyes. "Dang it!!!!"


Hope you enjoy!

- BingeReaderClub

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