Nothing but a number pt.1

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"A senior in high school, g!p Camila meets her new neighbour. An older woman named Lauren Jauregui. They may be nine years apart in age, but that doesn't stop them from finding in each other love and understanding."

"Sweetheart, wake up." Camila heard her daddy from the doorway. She cracked an eye open and saw Leroy, his head poking inside her bedroom. It was only eight in the morning on a Saturday, which was unusually late for Camila to still be in bed, but she had a long night last night. "Our new neighbour is here, and your papa wants to meet her."
Camila had been hearing about this elusive neighbour of theirs for weeks now, ever since the Stewarts moved away to move to Colorado. From the real estate gossip Alejandro heard at work, their new neighbour was a woman who would be loving alone, which was apparently a bizarre thing for their suburban Miami mindset. Still, that didn't mean that they would shun this woman just because she had no two point five kids or a husband. The Cabellos don't either, so that would probably help them get along just fine.
Rolling out of bed, Camila tugged on a pair of jeans over her boxers. Her morning wood was being its normal, attention-seeking self, but she had no time to take care of it. She just hoped that her jeans would hide the bulge, and that she could find a sweater big enough to hide it, if her pants failed. Camila brushed her teeth, pulled on her socks, and ran downstairs where her dads were waiting with a thermos full of coffee and a box of donuts. Upon seeing Camila, they beamed and headed out the door to cross over to the next door.
The moving vans were long gone, and Camila had no idea if their new neighbour would mind the Cabello's eager welcome, but as Leroy rang the doorbell, Camila found herself being excited. They haven't had a new neighbour in years, since usually those who were born in Miami stayed in Miami. Except for her, of course. She planned to be in New York someday. The soft pattering of footsteps could be heard, and the door swung open. A tall brunette, her hair curtaining her elegant features. Dressed in a floral print dress, a simple white hair clip keeping her locks in place. A look of pleasant surprise in her eyes. "Oh, hello! You must be my neighbours?"
Alejandro smiled. "We're the Cabellos, from 128." He said. "This is my husband, Leroy. And our daughter, Camila."
If this new neighbour was surprised regarding a gay couple living in conservative Florida, she didn't show it. "I'm Lauren Jauregui. Would you like to come in?"
The three Cabellos nodded and they stepped inside the house. It had the same layout and floor plan as their home, but Lauren's furniture was sparse and minimalistic. A black leather couch, with a matching coffee table made up the living room. And as they entered the kitchen slash dining area, the hallway leading up to it had framed photographs not of people, but of scenery and of French bulldogs. Not a single photograph of Lauren and her family could be seen.
She led the Cabellos to the kitchen and they sat on the breakfast island while she took out mugs and small plates for the donuts. "It's so nice of you to come by today." Lauren said. "I was just wondering what to do for breakfast."
Camila smiled at that as she fixed up her coffee just the way she liked it: two sugars and a teensy bit of cream. She took a honey crueller from the box and gave it a nibble while her dads told her about the neighbourhood, before working on getting to know this Lauren Jauregui. "So, Lauren. What do you do?"
"I'm a writer and a photographer." Lauren said as she swallowed down a bite from her maple glaze donut. "I used to live in California, but that place is too busy, too hectic for me." She shrugged. "I move around a lot, whenever I want. And for the moment, I think a few years in calm Florida would do me some good. Might even help me with my writing."
Camila watched Lauren for a few moments. She couldn't be more than thirty years old, and already, she seemed so successful with her artistic freedom and casual energy. She could hold a conversation with her dad regarding the economy, and with her papa about their shared views on recycling policies. Camila found herself being attracted to Lauren's intelligence, the manner in which she spoke, and her maturity.
"What about you, Camila?" Lauren asked after the two Cabello men had dispersed into the living room to look at Lauren's photo albums. She was standing by the sink, washing the used coffee cups. "You're a senior in MiamiHigh, your dad said."
Camila walked over to her, holding the plates and the spoons for Lauren to rinse. "Yes, that's correct. I'm also the choir club's co-captain. We're having Regionals in just a few weeks and we are all stressed about it."Lauren leaned back against the counter and wiped her hands dry. "Must be hectic. I remember high school. I was the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school." She snorted, as if the fact disgusted her. And Camila saw the traces, the hints of prom queen in Lauren's eyelashes and in her posture, as if she had been trained for it her entire life. "All I really wanted was to join the photography club and write my stories but my dad was really into the whole all-American family deal." Lauren faced Camila and smiled. "So I pretended to be daddy's little girl until he let me go to college and do whatever I want. Which is take a creative writing degree and a minor in photography."
As they spoke, Camila swore she could talk to Lauren about anything from dawn until dusk. And it showed. She was in a heated conversation with Lauren about old movies when her dads appeared to tell them about errands they have to do. But Camila could stay of she wanted, since their house was just next door. Camila took them up on their offer, wanting to be with this woman for just a little while longer. A few days since Lauren moved in, Camila formed a new habit. After school, instead of heading straight to her room, she would park her car on the Cabello driveway and walk over to Lauren's place for snacks and a glass of juice. When she knocked, Lauren would answer almost immediately and would ask her about her day with all of her attention. It made Camila feel wanted, made her feel important enough for Lauren.
On a particularly warm spring day, just before summer actually began, Camila was sweating when she entered Lauren's house. "How about we take a dip in the pool today? Your classmate, Drew Chadwick just came by and cleaned it for me."
"Oh no, Chadwick?" Camila furrowed her brow. "Did he make inappropriate sexual comments about you and his awful hairdo?"
"He did, yes." Lauren laughed. "But I ignored him like you said."
"Good." Camila smiled and looked out towards the backyard where the pool was, bright blue and glimmering with the sun's rays. She wanted to, so badly, to leap in and cool down. But her condition prevented her from doing anything of that sort. She looked at Lauren who was dressed in a white shirt and a long, flowing skirt. "I'd like to, but I can't.""Can't?" Lauren asked with a raised brow. "Why not?"
Camila had no idea how honest she wanted to be with Lauren. Looking into her green eyes, Camila steeled herself and smiled. "It's nothing. Let me just go and get my swim clothes from my place and I'll be right back."
She then went to her room and found her black board shorts with a white stripe along its leg. She didn't bother with the tape to hide her cock since she was a grower, not a shower. Plus, the pool was cold water, which would make her shrivel up even further, which was fine by her.
Returning to Lauren's backyard dressed in said board shorts and a bikini top, Lauren was already on the lounge chair, clad in a pink bikini, soaking up the sun. Camila's jaw dropped for a second. Lauren was all ivory skin with freckles along her breastbone. Her thighs were defined, muscled, and perfect for tightening around Camila's head as she devoured her pussy. The thought made Camila sputter, and she shook her head. She cannot possibly be thinking such dirty thoughts about Lauren. Camila swallowed hard, praying to the deities that her half-stiff cock wasn't apparent, as she sat by the edge of the pool, toes stirring the water.
Lauren sat beside her and nudged her with her shoulder. "Let's jump in." She said with a wide grin that Camila couldn't help but reflect. Nodding, Camila stood up and grasped Lauren's hand as they leapt into the deeper end, cold water assailing their bodies. Camila rose up to the surface, breathless and giggling.

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