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Lauren g!p
Late afternoon set in and the heavens had opened above them, unleashing heavy flurries of snow to blanket the city. Sharp winds blew continuous seas of white nearly impossible to see through, the air outside cold and biting as a certain couple took refuge indoors in a cocoon of thick blankets and shared body heat.
Camila lay quietly beside her lover, listening to the wind howling outside contrasting with the quiet cadence of Lauren's breathing. Her hand was resting between the Lauren's breasts, just above her heart, feeling its gentle, steady beating and the rhythmic rise and fall of Lauren's chest. Camila couldn't help the euphoric, peaceful feeling that filled her, unable even if she was willing to dismiss the contentment and serenity that came with the aftermath of their lovemaking. It was always amazing to be with Lauren like this, and something as simple as lying in bed with her lover, skin to skin, was a sweet and rare indulgence.
A wandering foot rubbed against her ankle, hooking around her calf as Lauren shifted beside her. Lauren slipped an arm around her waist to pull her closer and Camila obliged, fitting perfectly to the curves of Lauren's body. Camila rested her head on the Lauren's shoulder as Lauren began to gently stroke her hair, running her fingers through the long, chocolate tresses. "It's still snowing. Harder than before, too," she murmured softly, the matter-of-fact statement holding an inquiring lilt.
Camila caught the inflection to her voice, unable to hold back a small smile as she tilted her head to kiss Lauren's neck, flicking her tongue against the pulse. "The weather report said it's supposed to storm all afternoon, going into the night. If it stays this bad, you might not make your train."
Lauren gazed up at her fondly through hooded eyes, mouth curving into a smirk. "That's just such a pity, isn't it?"
Camila laid a hand against Lauren's cheek, turning her head to draw Lauren's mouth to hers. Lauren returned the kiss lingeringly with a thoroughness that stirred the heat inside Camila in a slow, steady flame. They parted, breathless, and Camila smiled as she leaned her head against Lauren's. A tiny smile blossomed in reply as Lauren skimmed her hands up the smooth expanse of Camila's back, lingering on her hips and then gently cupping her backside, earning a gasp of surprise as she lifted Camila up to straddle her.
Camila gazed down at her curiously, wondering at the new position, thought diverted when Lauren reached up to cup her breasts, teasingly flicking her thumbs over the dusky nubs hardening under her touch. Camila moaned softly, grasping at Lauren's shoulders for balance when Lauren suddenly reared up into a sitting position, pulling Camila tightly to her.
Her face level with Camila's chest, Lauren's breath was hot against the sensitized skin, and Camila shivered. Lauren's mouth closed around one soft swell, suckling the nipple tight and taut between her teeth. Camila gasped her name, hands sliding up Lauren's neck to tangle in her hair, holding the Lauren to her. Camila whimpered in loss when Lauren disobeyed her wishes and drew back, then cried in pleasure as Lauren descended again, lavishing equal attention to the other breast.

Lauren was determined to make this last. She wanted to taste Camila, touch her, and worship the glorious body the singer gave her the honor of loving.
Her hand slipped between Camila's legs, a light caress along her inner thighs as Lauren brushed against wet warmth. Camila's sharp intake of breath was followed by Lauren's mouth on hers, tongue slipping in and Camila eagerly meeting her in a deep, fervent kiss. Lauren dipped her fingers inside her lover, wet, hot and ready for her. One finger, two, and Camila moved against her hand, arching into the slide and friction.
Lauren fell back against the bed, taking Camila with her. Camila felt Lauren hard and erect against her and she rocked down, whimpering softly at the intimate contact.
"Yeah?" Lauren grunted as she ground up into the diva, her control straining under the effort not to thrust up and drive herself deep into the wet heat she could feel along her length.
"I love you," Camila whispered, the words coming so easily now, a strange contrast to those years they had spent pushing and pulling at each other, pretending to hate and trying not to care., it was impossible to deny how much her body wanted Lauren, how much her heart needed Lauren, every part of her aching for the Lauren. "I love you. Please," she emphasized her plea by rolling her hips, tearing a strangled groan from Lauren's throat.
"Love you, too," Lauren murmured, blindly reached for the bedside table. Camila giggled as Lauren missed the drawer, nearly sending them both tumbling off the bed before she regained her balance. Camila's amused grin was met with Lauren's sheepish look as the diva retrieved what her lover had been looking for, holding up the tiny packet triumphantly. Lauren teasingly nipped at her fingers, expertly tearing the foil open with her teeth. Camila laughed again, delighted, and deftly rolled on the condom, giving the Lauren a long stroke for good measure. "Don't keep me waiting, Lauren."
"As the lady says," Lauren replied, tenderly kissing Camila as she shifted, her hands at Camila's hips, gently entering the singer in one smooth thrust. Camila closed her eyes in rapture as Lauren filled her, that hot, deep fullness she'd been craving from the moment Lauren put her hands on her. Lauren slowly began to rock her, and Camila hummed her approval, bracing her hands against Lauren's stomach to lift herself up, sliding down again to push her hips back against Lauren's.
Lauren wrapped an arm around her waist, helping to give Camila balance as the Lauren thrust up to meet her, aiding in the rise and fall of their bodies as they picked up speed. A mess of sound filled the room, the soft whimpers, mewls of pleasure, and ragged breathing that escaped them, the slap of naked skin upon skin. Hot, silken walls tightened around Lauren's cock and she groaned in approval, Camila's moans growing into sharp cries as she moved against Lauren with purpose, taking her deeper still.
Lauren watched as Camila stilled above her, head thrown back as she clenched hard around the hardness inside her. The glow enveloping her in her satisfaction filled Lauren with pride as she rocked slowly through Camila's climax, prolonging the pleasure. But as Camila sank back into her arms, soft and pliable, it was hard to deny her own need as she bucked up, the ache in her groin nearly unbearable.
"Camz...I need..."
Camila stared dazedly down at her lover, and saw Lauren's flushed face, her dark and dilated eyes, the unspoken question in their verdant depths. She nodded in ascent, barely able to breathe before she was maneuvered onto her back.
Lauren parted her legs and thrust back inside her, still wet and quivering in the aftermath as the Lauren began to pound into her. Camila locked her legs around Lauren's waist, opening to her lover as she arched into her.
Breasts brushed over breasts every time they came together, only adding to the sensuality of the experience. The small pendant from Lauren's necklace tickled against Camila's skin with each thrust her lover gave and Camila felt her heart swell at the reminder of the connection they shared, the silver C lovely as ever against Lauren's pale skin, matching the L she herself wore.
Camila could feel the pleasure building again, still so sensitive from before, the hot coil in her belly tightening more and more. Lauren hitched one of Camila's legs higher on her hip, deepening her thrusts. "Just let it go, Camz," she whispered, dropping kisses to the brunette's arching neck.
And she did. Camila exploded, a sharp cry escaping her, her nails dragging down Lauren's back with the intensity. Lauren continued moving, taking Camila hard and fast, desperate for her own release. Camila could feel the Lauren's body straining against her, her low grunts becoming more and more exerted. Lauren was always a generous lover, and she had been holding out for Camila's sake, the diva knew, too long given the fact they hadn't seen each other for weeks. She hated to see Lauren deny herself, holding back to the point of frustration with good intentions. There wasn't a more beautiful sight than the equally beautiful woman above her, sweating and panting, lost in pleasure when she finally came.
Lauren rested her forehead against Camila's shoulder and the singer tangled her fingers in golden hair. "That's it, baby," she softly encouraged, moving with Lauren non-protesting to the new, rougher rhythm, as Lauren's hands pushed at the small of her back, seeking better leverage.
Lauren's hips pushed harder against her, the arch of them deepening as Camila suspected she was due to be rather sore in the morning. The discomfort would be well worth it, she decided as she scratched her nails against Lauren's scalp, nipping at her neck. Sometime Lauren liked a little bite with her pleasure, and after two amazing climaxes, Camila wasn't about to skimp her lover.
Lauren's gentleness was always beyond pleasing, but there was something undeniably exciting about Lauren's ferocity when she let go of her well-honed control. Her love was close, Camila could feel it. "That's it, Lauren," she whispered throatily, catching the Lauren's earlobe between her teeth, "Come for me."
Lauren's body obeyed, sweat-soaked hair falling over her eyes as she bowed forward, hips giving one last sharp thrust as she came with a growling groan. But Camila surprised herself by following after, her breath catching with the sharp rush of pleasure that burst through her. She was shaky and fighting for breath as Lauren collapsed onto her. Camila could feel her lover's heart pounding against her own, chests heaving as they came down from their exertion.
"God, Camz," Lauren panted, an incredulous grin on her lips, "There are no words."
Camila smiled, running a hand through Lauren's sweat-damp hair. "The woman who just changed her major to language and communications can't come up with words?"
Lauren rolled her eyes, leaning in to kiss her mouthy little diva of a lover. Lord, just when she thought it wasn't humanly possible for her to love Camila more, it was strange moments like this that proved her wrong, being teased after one of the most incredible orgasms of her life. Unfairly teased, she might add. How was she supposed to form a coherent thought, let alone having any working brain cells, after that?
As she drew back, she gave Camila the lazy, sated grin of a satisfied lover. It was a look a girl couldn't soon forget. There were a lot of things about Lauren Jauregui Camila wouldn't soon forget. Nor cared to.
Lauren reluctantly withdrew from inside her girlfriend and Camila whimpered at the loss of her, rolling onto her hip to reach out and pull Lauren back to her. Lauren groaned, barely able to pull away but knowing she needed to. "Just a second, babe," she reassured, punctuating the promise with a quick kiss. Curling up beneath the tousled blankets, Camila watched as Lauren stood to remove the used condom, tying it off and tossing it in the nearby trash bin.
Lauren turned around with a grin and jumped unashamedly naked back onto the bed. They rolled around together, giggling like the giddy teenagers they still technically were while scattering kisses and touches wherever they could find.
"I'm glad you're here," Camila sighed happily, running her hands up Lauren's back as she pressed a kiss to the hollow of her throat.
"Me too," Lauren replied, nuzzling against Camila and smiling with warm hazel eyes. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Camila rubbed her nose against Lauren's, "Stay the night?"
"Nowhere else I'd rather be."
Camila beamed at her, drawing Lauren's mouth back to hers. "Good answer." They rolled back over, Lauren stretching out on top of her girlfriend and Camila giggled as she felt the Lauren harden against her thigh. The girl had stamina, alright.
Lauren clearly had other plans, however, as her Lauren head disappeared under the covers. A moment later, Camila was gasping and arching up, her hands burying in Lauren's hair as she whispered her lover's name.
Outside, the snow continued to fall, undeterred, perhaps actually encouraged, by their passion.

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