Home in your heart

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Lauren g!p
Lauren is positively glowing—her eyes radiant and her smile vibrant—as she steps beneath the streetlights on 9th Avenue, pulling Camila with her. Snow has started lightly falling from the sky, and a few flakes land on Lauren's cheeks and hair before melting away.
Camila smiles and hooks her arm with Lauren's, nestling into her girlfriend's side and breathing in the scent of citrus that clings to her hair.
"Thank you for dinner, Camz," Lauren says as they begin to make their way down to the West Village. "And the roses, and well, everything."
"I'm glad you've enjoyed everything so far. I know how much you love Rafaella's food," Camila replies before lowering her voice and gazing up at Lauren with dark eyes. "But I still have one more surprise for you back home."
Lauren swallows, and a pretty blush settles over her cheeks as she catches on. "Then let's get back home."
Home is a studio apartment on Christopher Street. It's a tiny, run down hole-in-the-wall, but it's theirs, and that's what makes it perfect as far as Camila's concerned. New York City has been good for them but for Lauren especially. Being away from Lima and starting a new life here has helped her grow even more comfortable with herself, and Camila thinks Lauren has never been freer or happier.
Fourteen blocks and three flights of stairs later, Lauren is finally turning the key in the lock of their door. Camila finds it difficult to keep her hands to herself—the walk doing absolutely nothing to quell her desire for her girlfriend. If anything, it's only grown, but she's determined to wait just a bit longer. So she stuffs her hands into the pockets of her coat, biting her lower lip as she admires the strong line of Lauren's jaw and imagines pressing open-mouth kisses against it.
God, she can't wait to give Lauren the rest of her gift.
Once past the threshold of their apartment door, they quickly rid themselves of their coats and shoes, and Lauren looks at Camila questioningly.
Camila smiles impishly at her and grabs on to Lauren's hand, leading her the short distance over to their futon. "Wait here, okay?"
Lauren nods and takes a seat. Camila doesn't miss eager eyes following her movements around the apartment, and she can't help but feel a rush of excitement as she pulls out a non-descript plastic bag from the back of her dresser drawer. She casts a quick glance over her shoulder, offering Lauren one more playful smile before slipping inside the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
Camila quickly removes her dress, hanging it on the back of the bathroom door, and then takes out the final part of her present for Lauren—a pink mesh and red lace merrywidow with a matching thong from Victoria's Secret. She's never worn anything like this before, but Camila hopes Lauren will think it's sexy. At the very least, she knows Lauren will appreciate the white, sheer thigh-highs she bought to go with it.
Drawing the stockings up her legs, Camila's lips curve up as she recalls the day she first met Lauren. It was the very first day of high school, and she was wearing those white knee-high socks that were a staple of her wardrobe at the time. As she learned later, the sight of them on Camila's legs had Lauren reacting in more ways than one.
She remembers when she first started falling for Lauren all those years ago. It really was love at first sight, and it was beyond anything her imaginings of love could have prepared her for. Lauren was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, and all Camila wanted was to be closer to her. Lauren seemed to seep into Camila's very being and take root in her heart—Camila's feelings for her growing stronger every day.
And she'll never forget the day when Lauren, so nervous and insecure, shared her deepest secret—that she has a disorder of sex development. It wasn't what Camila was expecting to hear, but she didn't falter for a second. She was already so in love with Lauren and wanted so badly to make her happy that it didn't matter if Lauren was a girl or a boy or something else entirely. If anything, the confession made her fall even more in love with Lauren. Knowing that Lauren trusted her enough to expose herself like that only made Camila want to show her just how amazing she was—no matter what was below her waist.
Lauren once confessed to Camila that she'd always wondered why God made her this way. Camila's heart had panged in sympathy, but she immediately knew the answer. "I think he made you this way because we were supposed to end up together. It's like you were made for me."She had paused then, placing her palms on Lauren's cheeks and gazing at her intently."And not just your body, which you know how much I love, but also your mind and your heart. We justfit, Lauren."
Lauren had smiled at her, reaching up with her left hand and interlacing their fingers together, proving Camila's point. "I love you."
"Love you more," Camila had replied, gently squeezing Lauren's hand and kissing the tip of her nose.
They really do fit together perfectly, Camila muses, her smile growing as she reaches back and fastens the hook and eye closure of the merrywidow. She loves the way she can tuck her head just under Lauren's chin and nestle against her side, fingers laced together as their bodies intertwine. She loves the soft moan that escapes Lauren's lips when Camila kisses that spot just beneath her ear, the way Lauren's breath hitches and her mouth falls open when Camila takes a nipple into her mouth and suckles, the way her hips buck when Camila fists around her length.
Camila bites her lower lip and feels a dull throb low in her belly as her thoughts continue down the path of the more intimate ways she and Lauren fit together, and she feels her anticipation of what's to come grow. After clipping the garter straps in place, Camila looks in the mirror and gives herself a onceover, appreciating the way the merrywidow accentuates her curves and lifts her cleavage, and deems herself suitable for Lauren.
She cracks the door open, and Lauren looks up from her seat on the futon as Camila steps out of the bathroom. Hazel eyes go wide the second they land on her, sending a rush of warmth through Camila as her lips turn up into a sensual smile. Lauren has a way of looking at her that makes her feel so desired and so loved, and right now is no exception.
"Like it?" Camila asks as she moves closer to Lauren.
Lauren lets out a long breath as she looks up to meet Camila's eyes. "I love it," she replies, her voice a little huskier than usual, before letting her gaze drop back down to take in the sight of Camila in her lingerie. "You're so beautiful," Lauren murmurs as Camila steps into her space, her hands instantly finding purchase on Camila's hips, fingertips smoothing over the lacy material.
"I could say the same thing about you," Camila counters, drinking in the sight of her girlfriend in a lovely, sleeveless, red dress and loving the way her eyes brighten a little at the compliment.
Camila is content to watch Lauren's face as she continues to stare at Camila—hazel eyes shining with a mixture of awe and desire—and when Lauren's hands start to wander—trailing lightly up Camila's sides before traveling back down, Fcaressing her thighs and then curving around her backside—it causes a pleasant flutter in her belly.
"I can't believe you did all this for me," Lauren says, gazing up at Camila intently, her eyes noticeably darker. Lauren leans in then, her warm breath washing over Camila's belly before biting her softly through the thin material of her lingerie.
Camila's breath hitches at the sensation, and she places her hands on Lauren's shoulders to steady herself. "Why wouldn't I do this for you?" she asks a little breathlessly, sliding her right hand to the back of Lauren's neck. "You know how much I like making you happy." She lightly scratches her nails against Lauren's nape, causing her to shiver. "And you know how much I like to make you feel good."
Lauren swallows thickly in response before letting out another long breath. "Let me do something for you first," she says, pressing a kiss just above Camila's navel before standing up and palming Camila's ass, pulling her hips flush against her own. "Let me make you feel good."
Camila can't stop the moan that escapes her lips when she feels the evidence of Lauren's arousal through her dress. She loves how quickly her girlfriend still responds to her after all these years together, especially since Camila is in an equally aroused state. "Please," Camila whispers, craving Lauren's touch as she presses herself further into her girlfriend, their breaths mingling.
Lauren licks her lips as her eyes search Camila's—the tension between them only growing as each second ticks by. Unable to wait any longer, Camila fists her hands into dark locks and draws Lauren's head down, their mouths crashing together in a heated kiss. Lauren's tongue brushes against Camila's lips, and she slants her mouth, parting her lips and allowing Lauren to deepen their kiss.
Camila sighs into Lauren's mouth, tasting a hint of sweetness from their dessert mixed with what she can only describe as Lauren. Her sigh turns into a moan when the hands on her ass start to gently squeeze, and Camila swears she can feel Lauren smile into their kiss.
Lauren shifts her feet then, slowly turning Camila around until their positions are reversed, and Camila lets herself be guided down to sit at the edge of the futon—Lauren's insistent kisses and roaming hands making Camila weak in the knees. Lauren braces her hands on either side of Camila's hips, and her mouth then begins to wander. Hot, open-mouth kisses are pressed along Camila's jawline, and her breath hitches when her girlfriend latches onto her earlobe, suckling lightly for a moment, before journeying along the smooth column of her throat.
Lauren continues downward, laving Camila's collarbone with her tongue and sending a pleasant shiver through Camila as her mouth falls open. Her hands remain buried in dark hair as her girlfriend presses wet kisses and soft bites along the tops of her breasts. She's vaguely aware of Lauren settling her knees on the floor, and soon her hands slide along Camila's ribcage before palming her breasts.
Camila moans and feels a surge of warmth as Lauren's hands squeeze and massage her breasts through the lacy material of the merrywidow. Continuing to pleasure Camila with her hands, Lauren's mouth journeys south, softly biting her stomach through the lingerie, and slowly driving Camila to greater heights of pleasure.
Those talented hands then trail down the front of Camila's body before settling on the tops of her thighs, fingers slowly caressing the expanse of skin between the thigh-highs and her underwear. Lauren kisses Camila's hip before slowly pulling back and gazing up at her.
The sight of Lauren on her knees, head between Camila's legs, eyes blown wide with desire, is almost enough to make her come right then and there.
Lauren's teeth press into her lower lip as slender fingers dip into the waistband of Camila's thong, slowly dragging it down her thighs. She pauses briefly to unhook the garter straps, and Camila doesn't miss how Lauren lightly licks her lips as she trails her hands down Camila's legs, finally removing her thong completely.
Camila's body is thrumming from the buildup, and she needs Lauren to do something about the ache between her thighs. Nimble fingers once again thread into dark hair, and without conscious thought, a plea escapes her lips, "Lauren, please."
Lauren's lips quirk upward at the sound of her begging, and, keeping her eyes locked on Camila's, she leans in slightly before turning her head and pressing an open-mouth kiss to the inside of Camila's left thigh—so close to where Camila needs her but still leaving her wanting.
"Stop teasing," Camila whines, tugging gently on Lauren's hair to encourage her to move closer.
Lauren's smirk grows, but she does as Camila asks and soon warm breath washes over her center, and Camila's stomach clenches in response. Her girlfriend's tongue peaks out and slips between her folds then, and Camila can't stop the whimper that escapes her lips as Lauren licks up, teasing her clit for a few moments before sliding her tongue inside.
Camila bucks her hips slightly and tightens her fingers in Lauren's hair as that talented tongue begins to drive in and out of her. One of Lauren's hands skims up her body and cups her breast, while the other grips the outside of her thigh, and it only serves to heighten what Lauren is doing with her mouth.
Soon though, the hand on Camila's thigh disappears, only to take the place of Lauren's mouth—two fingers bury themselves knuckle-deep as lips wrap around her clit, and Camila can't stop from crying out in pleasure. Lauren starts to pump her fingers at a steady pace while she licks and suckles Camila's clit, eliciting soft whimpers. Camila discovered long ago that Lauren's mouth is nothing short of magical, and right now her girlfriend is doing a wonderful job of reminding her of that fact.
And then Lauren begins to suck on her clit, and Camila's toes literally curl at the sensation. Her grip on Lauren's hair tightens even more, and her hips buck into her girlfriend's mouth of their own volition. Lauren moans against her, sending a delicious vibration through her, and Camila feels herself grow closer and closer to unraveling.
"Lauren... God, don't stop," she pleads breathlessly.
Lauren sucks harder and pushes her fingers deeper, and Camila cries out. Seconds later, her body tenses, her thighs clamping around Lauren's head, as a bolt of white-hot pleasure courses through her, and for a moment, she swears she sees stars.
She's aware of Lauren's fingers still buried inside her and that sweet mouth gently moving against her as she comes back to herself—her breathing slowly evening out. Her eyes automatically find Lauren's, which are swirling with love, desire, and what Camila knows to be satisfaction.
It makes her fall in love with Lauren that much more, and Camila is so overcome by it that she can't wait another second to show her. She gently tugs on Lauren's hair, drawing her head back and causing her fingers to slip from their warm haven as she shifts off the futon. The second her knees hit the floor, her mouth is on Lauren's, capturing it in a heated kiss. She groans softly as she tastes the heady flavor of herself on Lauren's tongue.
"I love you," she whispers against Lauren's lips the moment they break apart, eyes fluttering open to gaze into those gorgeous hazel eyes.
"I love you too," Lauren murmurs happily in response, her eyes alight with joy.
"You made me see stars," she says, still somewhat awed, and Lauren laughs a little, but she looks proud. Camila's lips quirk up then as her hand caresses the back of Lauren's neck. "Now it's my turn to do the same to you," she vows, loving the way Lauren's breath hitches and her eyes darken in response.
Camila finally releases her hold on Lauren, moving back to sit on her heels. Keeping her gaze locked on her girlfriend, Camila reaches behind her back and unhooks the merrywidow before slowly starting to pull down the zipper.
"Wait." A warm hand unexpectedly wraps around her wrist and stills her hand.
Camila pauses, looking at Lauren questioningly.
"Leave it on?"
Camila smiles, but she's a little confused, and she knows it must show.
Lauren bites her lower lip before explaining, "I just really like the way it looks on you." Uncertainty clouds her eyes then as she lets go of Camila's wrist. "Unless it's uncomfortable. It's not, is it?"
Camila laughs lightly as warmth blossoms in her chest over Lauren's concern. "It's not uncomfortable, don't worry," she assures her with a shake of her head, drawing the zipper back up. "And this is your present, so you should enjoy it however you see fit. I'll leave it on if that's what you want."
"I do," Lauren confirms with a nod of her head, allowing her eyes to roam once more, and Camila won't deny how good that feels. Truthfully, she is incredibly pleased that Lauren likes her lingerie so much.
But tonight isn't supposed to be about her—it's supposed to be about Lauren, and Camila still has every intention of making her girlfriend see stars. She leans forward then, capturing Lauren's lips in another kiss, and she lets her hands wander over the curves of her body. Once again, Lauren's hands palm her backside, drawing Camila into her and making her very much aware of just how turned on Lauren is.
Camila brings her hands to the back of Lauren's dress then, seeking out the zipper, before slowly pulling it down. Never breaking their kiss, she slips the straps off Lauren's shoulders, moving away from Lauren just enough to remove her dress completely and letting it pool around her knees. Camila's hands then swiftly move to unhook the clasp of Lauren's bra, removing it with practiced ease.
She cups both of Lauren's breasts with her hands, tweaking her nipples and causing Lauren to release a strangled whimper as her hips jerk forward. Camila smiles into their kiss as she feels Lauren's clothed erection press against her stomach.
Breaking their kiss, Camila continues to massage Lauren's breasts as she trails her mouth along the strong line of Lauren's jaw. She suckles on Lauren's earlobe and feels strong hands squeeze her backside as her girlfriend's breath hitches. After a moment, Camila's mouth releases Lauren's earlobe and lets her warm breath wash over her.
"Stand up," she commands lowly, and Lauren shivers in response. But her girlfriend does as she says, slowly coming to stand on shaky legs.
Camila stares up at Lauren with dark eyes, admiring the way her lower lip is captured between her teeth as she gazes down at Camila. She lets her eyes wander lower then, appreciating the sharp lines of her jaw and collarbone and the soft curves of her breasts and hips, before finally landing on the swell in Lauren's underwear.
Camila hooks her fingers around the waistband and slowly draws Lauren's underwear down strong thighs, exposing her girlfriend completely. Unconsciously, Camila licks her lips as she takes in the sight of Lauren's erect cock, loving that Lauren is in this state all because of her.
She fists her right hand around Lauren's length then, swiping her thumb across its tip, and Lauren's hips buck into her hand. Camila smiles to herself before leaning in and biting Lauren's right hipbone and suckling at the skin while her free hand rakes up the back of her thigh. Her girlfriend hisses at the sensation, and Camila presses soothing kisses to the spot once she's finished leaving her mark.
Even though Lauren doesn't really need to be worked up any more than she already is, Camila feels like exploring a little more. She drags her mouth down to the top of Lauren's thigh, placing sloppy kisses along her skin before finally moving to her inner thigh—all the while keeping her thumb moving and occasionally lightly stroking Lauren's length, earning soft murmurs of pleasure.
She then lets out a warm breath over Lauren's sac before sticking out her tongue and licking a path along its seam.
"Oh, God," Lauren breathes out, bringing her hands to the back of Camila's head. She doesn't grab on to her hair or move her head in any way. Camila has learned by now that when it comes to oral sex, Lauren's hands will always be gentler than Camila's.
Wrapping her lips around Lauren's sac, Camila begins to gently suck, causing a breathy whimper to escape Lauren's lips. This part of her girlfriend isso sensitive, and Camila is more than happy to take advantage of that fact as her thumb continues to circle the head of Lauren's cock.
She looks up then to see Lauren watching her through hooded eyes, her skin flush, and her mouth hung open in pleasure. Never breaking her gaze, Camila trails her lips to the base of Lauren's cock and presses an open-mouth kiss there before dragging her tongue along her length and wrapping her mouth around her head. She watches as Lauren swallows thickly and takes a shaky breath, and Camila knows Lauren is trying her hardest not to thrust into her mouth.
Taking mercy on her girlfriend, Camila takes more of Lauren's length into her mouth, making sure to use her tongue as she goes. That earns her a soft moan, and it sends a rush of warmth through Camila. She loves doing this for Lauren—loves making her feel good.
She starts to bob her head back and forth as her tongue continues to work, occasionally changing her pace and sucking a little harder, never once breaking eye contact. Camila then moves her right hand to Lauren's hips before sliding it around to join her other hand, grabbing onto Lauren's backside and squeezing as she continues move her mouth along Lauren's length.
"Camila," Lauren whimpers, her fingers tightening ever so slightly in her hair as her body begins to tremble, and Camila knows she's close.
She pulls her head back, just enough to keep the tip of Lauren's length in her mouth, and suckles on her head, and soon Lauren is coming—warm spurts of cum landing on Camila's tongue as her girlfriend's hips spasm. She closes her eyes and swallows before finally releasing Lauren's now semi-hard cock with a soft pop.
She opens her eyes again to see Lauren let out a long breath as she stares down at Camila, a sated smile on her face. "You're amazing, you know," Lauren says a little breathlessly, cupping Camila's jaw.
Camila smiles back up at her. "Did you see stars?"
"Not that time," she answers truthfully, and Camila pouts in response.
"Then I'm not amazing enough."
"I beg to differ," Lauren argues, reaching back to move Camila's hands from her backside. "You've made me completely weak in the knees," she says with another curve of her lips, before moving on shaky legs to sit on their futon, tugging Camila up from her place on the floor.
She rises to her feet, turning to face Lauren fully. "I suppose that will suffice for now, but don't think I'm finished with you yet," she promises with a sensual smile, her eyes raking over Lauren's naked body, noticing that her girlfriend is once again fully erect.

"I was hoping you'd say something like that," Lauren says with a suggestive smile of her own as she grabs on to Camila's hips. "Come here."
"Still want me to leave this on?" Camila asks.
"Yeah," she confirms, drawing Camila closer and gazing up at her with a mixture of desire and affection.
Camila places her hands on Lauren's shoulders as she moves to straddle her, and Lauren's hands stay on her hips, helping to steady her as she hovers slightly over her girlfriend's lap. This is Lauren's favorite position, and it's definitely one of Camila's as well—she never feels closer to Lauren than when they're like this.
Locking her gaze on her girlfriend's eyes, Camila reaches down then, wrapping her hand around Lauren's length and lining up the head of her cock at her entrance. Ever so slowly, she sinks her hips down, and she lets out a soft moan at the feeling of finally having Lauren inside her.
Lauren's mouth falls open in pleasure, and Camila swivels her hips when she's flush against her girlfriend, drawing out a deep moan that makes Camila smile. Lauren isn't always the most vocal person in the bedroom, so any sound of pleasure she can elicit brings Camila an immense feeling of satisfaction. Although, not as satisfied as actually making Lauren come, that is, and there is nothing better than when they come together.
Wrapping her arms around Lauren's shoulders, Camila lifts her hips before dropping them back down, expelling a soft breath against Lauren's lips as she's filled once more. She starts moving in a slow and steady rhythm as she continues to gaze into Lauren's eyes, their breaths mingling as the heat between them builds.
"You feel so good, Lauren," Camila breathes, never slowing her movements as she brushes her mouth against Lauren's. "God, I love you so much."
"I love you too," comes the reverent reply. Her mouth is then captured in another deep kiss, and they both moan at the combined taste of themselves on their tongues.
Soon strong hands travel up and splay against Camila's upper back, tightening their embrace, and Camila lets herself be consumed by Lauren—her scent, her taste, and her touch. The feeling of her girlfriend inside her while wrapped in her arms with their lips locked has her body alight with pleasure and her heart yearning to be even closer to Lauren.
Camila picks up her pace, lifting and dropping her hips in quick succession as Lauren subtly rocks up into her. Lauren's cock is stroking her just right, and their tongues continue to move against each other, pushing Camila closer and closer to the edge.
Their breathing grows heavier and their kisses sloppier as the pleasure builds. Lauren's fingers tighten against her back, and the movement of her hips grows a little more erratic. She can tell Lauren is close, and it spurs Camila on. She tightens her own hold on her girlfriend as she pushes herself down faster, whimpering softly as she begins to unravel.
Lauren's body stiffens suddenly, drawing Camila in impossibly closer, and her hips thrust up one last time—Camila's name falling from her lips as she comes. Camila relishes the feeling of Lauren coming around and inside her, and the burst of warm wetness and the sound of her name has Camila tumbling over the edge with a soft cry of Lauren's name—her body trembling as a bolt of pleasure surges through her.
As Camila slowly comes back down to earth, she relaxes into Lauren's embrace, and her heart swells with love as a sense of contentment fills her. They stay together like that for long moments, just holding one another and breathing each other in. Camila lightly runs the pads of her fingers over Lauren's sweat-soaked skin while Lauren presses soft kisses to her jaw.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Lauren," Camila says with a soft smile.
She feels her girlfriend smile against her skin before drawing her head back. Lauren gazes at her lovingly, and her sated smile makes Camila's sense of contentment grow. "Happy Valentine's Day, Camz," she replies. "I love you," she continues, her eyes shining with emotion. "So much. I'm the luckiest girl in the world." She caps off her declaration with a soft kiss to Camila's lips, and Camila melts into it as her eyes slip shut.
Outside, the snow continues to fall, but in the comfort of Lauren's arms, Camila has never felt warmer.

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